May 2. 2 0 0 7 Page A6 F ood The m ission o f the ‘Food S ection' is to provide our readers w ith great tasting healthy recipes and useful household information. The Portland O bserver respectfully requests all com m ents and/or family recipes you would like to share with us. A ddress em ails to foods@ Real Sopapillas Directions 1. In a large bow l, stir together Hour, baking powder, salt and shortening. Stir in water: mix until dough is smooth. C over and let stand for 20 minutes. 2. Roll out on Hour board until 1/8 to l/4-ineh thick. Cut into 3-ineh squares. Heat oil in deep- fryer to 375 F. Fry until golden brow n on both sides. Drain on paper tow el and serve hot. (Sprinkle with sugar and cinnam on, if desired. Ingredients • • • • • • "Sopapillas fo r any oci as ion. Serve hot with honey." I 4-cups all-purpose Hour 2-tsp. baking pow der 1-tsp. salt 4-Tbs. shortening 1 1/2-eups warm w ater 2 quarts oil for frying SAFEWAY O Ingredients for life.. Menudo Rojo (Red Menudo) "Inexpensive to make, and fully authentic, this Menudo packs a mildly spicy punch! ” Ingredients • 3 gallons water, divided • I 1/2 pounds beef tripe, cut into 1-inch pieces • 6 eloves garlic, finely chopped • I large w hite onion, finely chopped • 1 1/2-Tbs. salt • 1 -Tbs. black pepper • 1 1 / 2 -T b s. dried oregano • 2-Tbs. ground red pepper • 5 de arbol chile peppers • 6 japones chile peppers, seeds rem oved • 6-cups canned w hite or yellow hom iny, drained • 1 /2 -w h ite onion, chopped • 1/4-eup chopped fresh cilantro • T h e ju ic e o f 2 limes Directions 1. In a large pot, bring 1 gallon w aterto ab o il. Place tripe in the pot,reduce heat, and sim m er 2 hours; drain. Periodically skim o ff fat with a spoon. Drain water, reduce heat, and pour in a fresh gallon o f water. Continue to sim m er tripe for 2 hours; drain. 2. Pour rem aining I gallon w ater into the pot with tripe, and bring to a boil. Stir in garlic and 1 white onion. Season with salt, pepper, oregano, and red pepper. Reduce heat, and sim m er 1 hour. 3 . Preheat the broiler. 4 . A rrange the de arbol chile peppers on a baking sheet, and broil about 2 m inutes, ju st until they begin to scorch. Rem ove from heat, slit lengthw ise, and rem ove seeds. In a blender or food processor, blend the de arbol chile peppers and japones chile until very finely chopped. Mix into the pot. and continue cooking 2 hours over low heat. 5 . Mix the hom iny in the pot. C ontinue cooking 1 hour. Serve with rem aining onion, cilantro and lime juice. Classic Spanish Sangria EXCLUSIVELY FOR SAFEWAY CLUB MEMBERS SAFEWAY C IU » Every time you spend *50 at your Safeway store with your Club Card in a single transaction.* I«! PE R G A L L O N O F G A S O L IN E "Fruit, rum, wine, and orange juice - a Spanish classic, you cannot lose! ” O u b M e m b e rs a lw a y s SAVE 3< a g a llo n e v e r y d a y ’ SAFEWAY $ Ingredients GASOLINE •E lK jib fe purchases a t p a rtic ip a tin g lo c atio n s o n ly Sae s to re fo r d e ta ils ______________ -J • • • • I -lemon I -lime 1 -orange I 1/2-cuprum • 1/2-cup w hite sugar • 1-(750 mil) bottle dry red w ine • 1 -cup orange juice Directions Graduation Celebration at Safeway. D a iry G le n M ilk Enjoy these easy ways to celebrate your hard work. Nabisco Chips Ahoy! Cookies or Toasted Chips Quaker or Post Cereal and Quaker Chewy Granola Bat 4Î10 Gallon Whole. 2%. 1%. or Fat Free. t3 to 17-oz Cereal 42 to 8 4-oz Chew, Granola Bars. Selected varieties Club Price $2 50 ea CLUB PRICE 1. Have the fruit, rum, w ine and orange juice well chilled. Slice the lemon, lime and orange into thin rounds and place in a large glass pitcher. Pour in the rum and sugar. Chill in refrigerator for 2 hours to develop the flavors. 2. W hen ready to serve, crush the fruit lightly with a w ooden spoon and stir in the w ine and orange juice. A djust sw eetness to taste. 6 to 16-oz Selected varieties SAVE up to $3 39 on 2 Mexican Rice 3BL O venJoy S a n d w ic h B re a d s S a fe w a y S E LE C T S o ftly B ath T is s u e o r P a p e r T o w e ls 22 5-or White or Wheat. SAVE up to 301 12 Double. 24 Single. 6 Tnpte or 8 Ron Package SAVE up to $2 00 ea ONE WEEK ONLY! SUPER COURONS! SAFEW AY» Offer valid Wednesday May 2 thru Tuesday. May 8 M inim um S10 Purchase SAFEW AY» COUPON ONE W EEK ONLY! May 2 thru May 8 Muet buy 2 'npNni ONE WEEK ONLY! May 2 thru May 8 with card and coupon with rarri and . oupon 99* G a to ra d e lu cern e Shredded or Chunk Cheese M ission S o ft Taco Tortillas 2¿9 with tard and toupon Î2-W WMriv***n imrljNr WdhMnnan « *♦ < 1 Kit Ixntl With MraMn (10 Punhat* ^UPER COUPONS! ÇUPER COUPONS! SUPER COUPONS! n ir»-r pe"h»A ^ 000000089432 > eweoe w '.wwiw i A«« Af' r CO U P O N May 2 thru May 8 *> 9 9 ndOAid»» 4 SAFEW AY» CO UPO N ONE W EEK ONLY! 8 park 20 02 Wpctpd vaoeti« law 1 puwtuv o< 2 «Mh d art anilabfc at your kxal Saffwav # o m . No u k i to deakn. IB U u n n n or nwtmationi Sale» m mad quantum only O ian h rm of w m r Hons may be limned and w b |« t to availability Not retponnble torlvpoitrapk ■ ■ cn o r W , reserve .he r,«h, lo u m . all panted error,On Buy One, G d One Free C B C X iO l offer,, cunome, man pur, ha« The hot Hem Io merve the «rood item tree B (X X ) offer, are no. 1/2 pme sale,. I f only a ungle k ad or pntonal error i j t )/vr item purciuted, the regular pnce applies Manufacturen' c Ripons may be uaed on pun hated »rem» only - nor on free items. 1 2007 Safeway Stores. Inc. i Ingredients • • • • • • • • • • • • Directions G reat gifts m ade simple. ' "This is an excellent au­ thentic Mexi­ can rice recipe (not Spanish rice). ” 12-oz bottles. Selected varieties Plus deposit in Oregon. SAVE up to $4 80 I«, I to low. Cook over 20 minutes.