May 2. 2007 Il,e ¡P o rtia n i» (O b s tru e r pageC3 IMIIIUMUM Jefferson Dancers are ‘Must See’ Spring concerts at Newmark Having j ust returned from a whirl­ wind to u ro f Europe, with 11 perfor­ m ances in 12 days in 5 cities, the Jefferson Dancers are ready to share their incredible energy and talents on the hom e front. A ppearing in concert on May 9, 10,1 L and 12,at7:30pm andalsoon M ay 12 at 2 p.m „ this well known troupe o f dancers take the stage at the N ew m ark Theater, I 111 S.W. Broadway. D raw ing from the incred ib le talents o f are a ch o re o g ra p h ers, m any o f w hom a re fo rm e r Je ffe rso n D an c ers, th is y e a r ’s co n c ert w ill feature w orks from w orld renow ned ch o re o g ra p h er S arah S lipper; A rtistic D irecto r Steve G onzales; fo rm er Jefferson D a n c e ra n d m em b er o f the N o rth ­ w est A frik an A m erican B allet, M ic h e lle W o o d a r d ; a n o t h e r PHOTOS COURTESY OE B l AINE C O VERT fo rm er Je fferso n D ancer, tap and Olivia Ancona and Maddi Evans (above) perform as members of the hip hop ch o re o g ra p h er D am on Jefferson Dancers. Both are seniors, with Ancona set to continue K eller; and from co m p an y m em ­ her studies at the Juilliard School in New York and Evans attending bers. Lex D ones and M ariea M iles. the University of the Arts in Philadelphia. A nother featured choreographer will he body percussionist and rhythm dancer Keith Terry. A self- defined body m usician, Terry uses the hum an body as the basis to “explore, blend and bend traditional and contem porary rhythm ic per­ cussive and m ovem ent possibili­ ties.” The Jefferson D ancers consists o f some o f the area’s m ost talented dancers. M any will go on to presti­ gious perform ing arts colleges and universities. Seeing their upcom ing perfor­ m ance will help explain why they are invited back to Europe year after year, why they continue to win scholarships and aw ards at every national high school dance festival they attend; and why this program is one o f the prem ier high school Maryam Baghdadi dance program s in the country. excels as a Jefferson Tickets are priced at $ 11.50, $ 16 Dancer and as a and $20 and are available at the musician with the Portland C enter for the Perf orm ing Portland Youth A rts b o x o f f ic e o r at an y T ic k e tm a s te r o u tle t, v is itin g Philharmonic. orcalling 503-244- 4400. G U A R D IN O G A LLE R Y NEXT SH O W In the M ain Callery: A n d y Paiko blown glass sculptures S m ith E lio t Photo-based acrylic lifts In the Feature Area: Craig Leaper kiln formed glass D arlene P ucillo oil paintings A p r il 2 6 - M a y 29 10 Year Anniversary! • Changing M o n th ly Exhibitions •Contemporary Art & Craft in Gift Shop • Frameshop OPEN six days a week Convenient Northeast location: 2939 NE Alberta • Portland, OR 97211 503 281-9048 •