Committed to Cultural Diversity M etro A p ril 25. 2 0 0 7 Sportsmanship is No Alternative Basketball program brings opportunities 11,1 Idurtlanb ODbseruer See Sports, page B6 o m m u n ity C a l e n d a r Engineering Extravaganza Spiffin’ Up MLK Saturday, A p ril 28, fro m 9 a .m . to 12 p.m. the com m unity is needed to jo in together in pride toclean up litterand g ra ffiti along M artin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. V o lu n ­ teers w ill meet at 3 117 N.E. M L K B 8a.m. Formore information, PIL Basketball Classic Saturday, M ay 26,at SEI, 3920 N. Kerby, you are invited to encourage and support high school athletes com peting in the Portland Interscholastic League Basket- ballC lassic. Doorsopen at 2:30p.m . w ith tip -o ff at 3 p.m. Proceeds to benefit the Joyce Washington M em orial Scholar­ ship Fund. C all M ark W ashington at 503- 288-0033 for more information. Salem Hoop's League The Salem H oop's M en's Basketball League starts M ay 2. Registration is $450 per team w ith 10 games guaranteed. The Registration deadline is A p ril 30. Call Price Johnson at 50 3 -3 7 1 -4667. Urban Scavenger Hunt Saturday and Sunday, A p ril 28-29, the G ive a Buck fo r Buckman Association w ill host an architectural urban scaven­ ger hunt to help raise awareness to pre­ serve the historical neighborhood. Join the fun, learn something new and make a difference. V is it /dev o r call 503-236-2214. African American Council Y o u 're invited on the third Tuesday o f each month from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. to the A frica n Am erican A d viso ry C ouncil meeting at the K ing F a cility. 4815 N.E. Seventh Ave. Call 503-823-0000 fo r more information. Fostering Diversity Thursday, A p ril 26 through Friday. A p ril 27, M t. Hood C om m unity College and Portland State U niversity w ill host a tw o- j day conference to address critica l d iv e r - ! sity-related issues in the Portland and Gresham com m unities w ith educational, business and cultural leaders. Call 503- 4 9 1 -7254 form ore inform ation. Intel program sneaks fun into science Plenty o f students know that science can be fu n , b u t fo r y o u n g s te rs at Binnsmead M iddle School, science means b u ilding their own dance pad, rigging se­ cret alarms and even revam ping old clas­ sics like sending pong balls sailing through the air. The Binnsmead students took part in creating these inventions on A p ril 12, when Intel invited the southeast Portland school and others from the metro area to the technology campus in H illsb o ro fo r Design Squad day. The group o f nearly 500 kids got to be engineers fo r inventions that show the fun side o f science and met cast members o f the “ Design Squad,” a reality television series that airs Sunday afternoons on Oregon Public Broadcasting. The show aims to excite m iddle-school students about science and engineering by .com­ bining elements o f reality T V w ith fun and educational engineering challenges. For the visitin g students, one member in particular o f the Design Squad, Nate B all, provided an incentive fo r them to pursue a career in science and technol­ ogy. B all, who was born and raised in N ew port, Ore., recently won a $30,000 L e m e lso n -M IT student prize fo r his life - saving invention. Dubbed the "O scar fo r Inventors," the prestigious prize recognizes young in ­ ventors who turn their ideas into innova­ tions that change the w orld. B a ll's w in ­ ning invention, the A tlas Powered Rope Ascender, enables a fu lly loaded firelighter Ladaysha Ford, a student at Gregory Heights Middle School, and Brittany Jones, a student at Fernwood Middle School, build an electronic dance pad at an Intel Oregon. About 500 students from Portland-area schools participated in the event, designed to spur interest in engineering and in a new engineering-oriented reality show for kids on 0PB called "Design Squad." to reach the top o f a 30-story b u ilding in only 30 seconds, compared to the six m in ­ utes o r more it often takes to trudge up stairs w ith heavy equipment. B ill M acKenzie o f Intel says the com ­ pany hopes to encourage m iddle school students and other youth to become young innovators like Ball. “ A t Intel, we put a lot o f our resources into encouraging student interest in math and science," he said. "W e support tech­ nology training fo r teachers, student in ­ ternships, mentors, robotics competitions, computer donations to schools and in ­ school volunteerism ." T o fin d out more about opportunities foryo u th a t Intel, lo g o nto w w w .in te m / comm unity/oregon/calendar. him. Free Comic Book Day Saturday, M ay 5, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.. Bridge C ity Comics, 3725 N. M ississippi A ve., welcomes guest o f all ages to an adventure into the w o rld o f com ic books, w ith hundreds o f free com ic books and autograph signings by Adam Gallardo and Rick Remender. Call 503-282-5484 or visitb rid g e cityco m m . 82nd Avenue of Roses Parade Saturday. A p ril 28. at 9 a.m.. beginning at the Eastport Plaza, 4(XX) S.E. 82nd Ave., the parade w ill travel north on 82nd turn­ ing west at S.E. Y a m h ill, disbanding at S.E. 78th Ave. For more inform ation or to participate contact 503 -7 7 1 -3 8 17. SOLV IT Challenge Saturday, A p ril 28, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Portland General E lectric presents the SO LV-ITC hallenge. the largest Earth Day clean up event in the m etropolitan area, j Volunteers are needed. V is it or call 503-844-9571. Women’s Health Conference Saturday, A p ril 28. from 7:30a.m. to4:30 p.m. at the Oregon C onvention Center, New Y ork colum nist Jane B rody w ill dis­ cuss issues related to w om en’ s health. T o register, call 503-494-0712 o r visit Healing Revival Wednesday, M ay 9 through Friday. May I I . at 7 p.m., the A lle n Temple C M E Church. 4236 N.E. 8th Ave., welcomes the com m unity to a ‘ Spring R evival' fo r re­ newal, recovery and rejuvenation o f the spirit. For more inform ation, call 503-287- 0261. Strike Against War Saturday. M ay 26. at 7 p.m., the Freedom Socialist Party and Radical Women invite you to the Bread and Roses Center, 8 19 N. K illin g sw o rth St., fo r a grassroots e f­ fort to make Portland a "sanctuary c ity ” fo r soldiers refusing to deploy to Iraq. The forum w ill be preceded by a buffet at 6 p.m. fo r an $8 donation. C all 503-240- 4462 fo r more inform ation. Vancouver Outdoors Market Saturdays and Sundays through Oct. 27, the Vancouver Outdoor Market w ill lea lure fresh produce, hxxl and arts and crafts. Hours are from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturdays and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sundays Vernon Brazzle protests the replacement of postal workers with private contractors by his rousing rendition of "We Shall Not Be Moved" during a rally last week in front of the Main Post Office. Brazzle, a retired letter carrier, was known as "the singing mailman " because he so often was singing as he delivered mail for decades in the Sabin and Irvington neighborhoods of northeast Portland. Postal Workers Protest Loss of Jobs Oppose efforts at privatizing mail delivery One hundred fift y le tte r carriers and th e ir custom ers w alked a picket lin e at Portland's M a in Post O ffic e to protest the p riv a tiz a tio n o f m a il de­ liv e ry . "L ow -w age, no benefit, non-career mail delivery is not our idea o f how to provide customer service and protect the m a il." said L.C. Hansen, president o f (he local lettercarriers union, N A L C Branch 82. In s o lid a rity w ith a same-day picke t A p ril 17 at the US Postal Service H ead­ quarters in W ashington, D .C ., local le t­ te r ca rrie rs urged C ongress to pass House R esolution 282, w h ich ca lls on the USPS to disco n tinu e the practice o f co n tra ctin g out m ail d e liv e ry services. Last month, mail deli very to a new 374- unit housing development in the c ity o f Beaverton was outsourced to a private contractor. The lettercarriers argue that across the United States, the postal service is now experim enting w ith hiring cut-rate private contractors to d eliver new buildings, aux­ ilia ry routes and even existing city d e liv ­ ery routes when they are vacated by postal employees. These temporary contracts go to the lowest bidder, usually paying less than h a lf the salary o f a union letter carrier, w ith no sick leave, vacation, health insurance o r retire me lit. The union workers say the contractors use their own personal vehicle and hire their own substitutes w hich are not super­ vised or trained like regular career letter carriers. According to Hansen, customers on these contract routes arc not only subject to unequal service but are more like ly to suffer mail and identity theft o r other property crimes, due to the in sta b ility o f the workforce. The local branch o f the National A s­ sociation o f Letter Carriers is encourag­ ing th e ir custom ers to con ta ct the Beaverton Postmaster John Lee. local politicians, and Congressional represen­ tatives. Leaders fo r the postal workers also say the pressure to privatize mail d e liv ­ ery is com ing from the national Postal Board o f Governors, appointed by the president anil that congressional action m ay be re q u ire d to sto p p o sta l privatization. Job Fair to Bring 100 Employers to Local Community At PCC Cascade One hundred employers and inform a­ tive workshops w ill be' the featured items at this year's Portland C om m unity College Cascade Job Fair The I Oth annual fair w ill be held from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Tuesday, M ay I in the Physical Education B uilding gym at the Cascade Campus, 705 N. K illingsw orth St. The event is free and open to the com ­ m unity . Job fai r sponsors i nc hide Comcast. w ritin g workshops during the day. The keynote speaker is M arty Nemko. author of. "C ool Careers for Dum m ies.''He w ill be presenting. "C ool Careers and How Fred Meyer. Oregonlive. H offm an C on­ struction. N ikeand United Parcel Service. Job-seekers are encouraged to bring toG etO ne,” al 10:30a.m. and 3 p.m. in the their resume. There w ill be several resume auditorium o f the campus' M oriarty Arts and Humanities B uilding. Nemko. voted the San Francisco Bay Area's best career coach, is a contributing ed ito r fo r U.S. News.conTs Careers section. Em ployers represented at this year's f a ir in c lu d e A m e ric a n Red C ro ss. Beaverton Schixtl D istrict. B rixtks S ta ff­ in g . Bureau o f L a n d continued M a n a g e m e n t, on page HS