I ¿Tb April 25. 2007 1 JJortlanb (Ohseruer PageAS F ood The mission of the ‘Food Section’ is to provide our readers with great tasting healthy recipes and useful household information. The Portland Observer respectfully requests all comments and/orfamily recipes you would like toshare with us. Addressemailstofoods@portlandobserver.com Greek Antipasto “This can be either a very tasty appetizer or a light lunch. ” Ingredients Directions • l-(4 o z .)p k g . crum bled Feta cheese with lemon, garlic & oregano • 1/2 -c u p chopped olives • 1/2 -c u p chopped red onion • 1/2 -c u p chopped roasted red peppers • 1/2 -c u p G reek vinaigrette dressing • 2-Tbs. grated lemon peel • I -French bread baguette (•! 2") • 2-Tbs. chopped Italian parsley 1. C om bine feta, olives, onions and peppers in m edium bowl. Add dressing and lemon peel: mix well. Cover. Refrigerate at least 1 hour or up to 24 hours prior to usage. 2. Preheat broiler. Cut baguette in to 48 ( l/4 ”-thick) slices. Place in single layer in baking pans or on rack of broiler pan. Broil I to 2 m inutes, on each side or until lightly toasted on both sides. 3. Add parsley to feta m ixture; mix lightly. Spoon I -Tbs. o f the feta m ixture onto each toast slice ju st before serving. Crunchy Bacon Coleslaw Ingredients for life.. • SAFEWAY Ö 1-tsp. cider vinegar • 4-cups shredded green cabbage • I-cup shredded red cabbage • 1/2-cup chopped salted peanuts • 4-slices bacon, crisply cooked, crum bled Directions 1. Mix dressing, sugar and vinegar in large bowl. 2. Add remaining ingredients; mix lightly. Refrigerate I houroruntil ready to serve. Layered Nana-Nutter Treats "The proof really is in the pudding. This easily prepared treat is delicious! ” Ingredients • 2-cups cold milk • I-sm all box chocolate flavored instant pudding* • 1/2 -c u p peanut butter • I -m edium banana, chopped (about 3/4 cup) • 1/2 - c u p cocktail peanuts C L U B P R IC E Clusters. Club Price: $1.00 lb SAVE up to $1 9 9 lb. (* Substitute Vanilla instant pudding if desired) Directions 1. Pour milk into medium bowl. Add dry pudding mix. Beat with wire whisk 2 m inutes or until well blended. Add peanut butter; beat until well blended. 2. Spoon evenly into six individual serving cups, alternating layers o f pudding m ixture with layers o f bananas and peanuts. 3. R efrigerate at least I hour prior to serving. Slammin' Summertime Salmon “Summer is fo r salmon on the grill! This sensational .salmon marinade combines honey, lime, garlic and cilantro fo r slammin ’ summer­ time salmon. ” m w W o r i-P id Yoplait Yogurt Coca-Cola 4 to 6-oz Selected varieties Club Price: 5 0 t ea. SAVE up to $5 00 on 10 1!« aus Holies006901 M b Selected vareMs öuO M S S C a Pius deposit in Ornai SAVE «pioti M on2 BUY O NE. G ET ONE Breyers All Natural Ice Cream . 1 .75-qt Selected varieties SAVE up to $5 69 on 2 W ild A laskan Pollock Fillets Frozen/thawed Ingredients • I-bunch cilantro leaves, chopped • 2-cloves garlic, chopped • 2-cups honey SAVE up to $1.00 lb • Juice from I lime • 4 - s a lm o n s te a k s • Salt & pepper to taste A la s k a n Directions S n o w C ra b C lu s te r s 1. In a m edium saucepan over medium heat, stir together cilantro, garlic, honey and lim ejuice. Heat until the honey is easily stirred, about 5 minutes. Rem ove from heat and let cool slightly. 2. Place salmon steaks in a baking dish and season with salt & pepper. Pour m arinade over salm on, cover and refrigerate 10 minutes. 3. Preheat an outdoor grill for high heat. 4. Lightly oil grill grate. Place salmon steaks on grill, cook 5 m inutes on each side or until fish are easily flaked with a fork. Cooked. Frozen/ttiawe SAVE up to $1.00 lb amenait r CDCC F your price pet bottle H e alth y Choice M e a ls Tortilla Chips 13 oz Selected varieties SAVE up to S3 49 on 2 CLUB PRICE 750-mi S elected varietals. SAVE up to $ 5 12 Extreme value package 2-lbs or more. Smaller size package $8 49 lb Frozen/thi.wed C apriSun V arie ty Pack Saleway Variety Breads 4 0 /6 .7 5 -o z pouches SAVE up to $1 00 Attn: Subscriptions. PO Box 3137, Portland OR 97208 Selected sizes and varieties Club Price $1 25 ea SAVE up to « 96 on 4 CLUB PRICE s u b s c r i p t i o n s a re j u s t $ 6 0 p e r y e a r (please inelude check with this subscription form) A P R IL -M A Y 25 26 27 28 29 30 ^ 5 - for the < circled prices in this ad a n d in-store. A ddress : 6 to 12 3 oz. S elected varieties. Club Price: $ 2 0 0 ea SAVE up Io SB 95 on 5 Clos Du Bois, C o lu m b ia Crest or Korbel Wild Alaskan Sockeye Salmon Fillets ! Subscribe! ¡O U U d k liU C ; 503-288-0033 Fill Out & Send To: |Jortlnnb (Ohsmier ■ N ame : T elephone : b Doritos PC 1, Pl Chicken of the Sea Solid White Tuna 6-oz Albacore in water Limit 6 SAVE up to 99« G ift Card M a ll Gifts Made Simple Shop all your favorita ratailar» in one location iubyrt to ABlaW Ny *♦ («Ho» itoti* *"* « m mowtomtn wherti nuy vay Al tratto •v*S dwwn « tnpMy nt itw* rnp»rt*W ownrx tilfd wtb pBruwinr AI L LIMITS ARE PER HOUSEHOLD, PER DAY. Items flt prices in this ad are available at your local Safeway stores No tales to dealer«, restaurants or institutions. Sales in retail quantities only. (X a n titles of wine items may be lim ited and subject to availability N ot responsible for tvpograph k >I or pietonal errors We reserve the right to correct all printed errors On Buy One, Get One Free fB O G O ") offer«, customer must purchase the first item to receive the »erond item five BOGO offers are not 1/2 price sales. If only a single item purchased, the regular pnce applies Manufacturer«* coupons may be used on purchased items onlv f not on free items C 2007 Safeway Stores, Inc.