ïh A p ril 25. 2 00 7 Page A3 1*')3ortlanb ©hseruer One ‘Desperate Housewife’ to Another Alfre Woodard speaks out on domestic violence BY N iggle R onai . H oopkk T hi P ortland O bse : rv er A w ard-w inning actress and star o f the hit television show "D esper­ ate H ousew ives," Alfre W oodard d e c la re d a c a ll to a c tio n at T uesday's annual YW CA Leader­ ship Luncheon in Portland. During her speech W oodard said that the YW CA m oves w om en for­ w ard and by its advocacy and ser­ vices the com m unity m oves for­ ward, even though others show a blind eye. W oodard, also shared stories about the etiquette classes she took as a “knocked kneed little black Alfre Woodward girl,” and referred to A m erica’s dom estic violence and healthcare w ould pay more attention to. problem s as national security risks "T he quality o f life has eroded that she wishes people in high places for an array o f rea so n s,” said Woodard, "W hen 13 million chil­ dren get sick, and their parents can't afford to take them to the hospital." Jackie Hamilton, a survivor of domestic violence, also spoke at the luncheon with her daughter, Cassie, at her side. Since starting the luncheon in 1992, the YWCA has raised more than $2.5 million to help women like Ham ilton, 39, and her daughter Cassie. 8, make a transition after moving to Portland and being hom e­ less. The Hami I ton ’ s mo ved from Cali - Ibrnia in 2002 after Jackie's husband lost his job, became addicted to pain medication and started to beat her. Hamilton said she even consid­ ered prostitution since she only had $2(X) to live off o f when arriving in Portland. However, six days later, Y olanda's House, Y W C A 'sdom es- tic violence shelter that took more than 9,000calls Iast year, came to her rescue. The H am ilton’s are now on track photo by N icole R os vi H ooper /T he P or i eand O bserv er Actress Alfre Woodard (right) meets Jackie Hamilton and her daughter Cassie, who both escaped domestic violence with the help o f the YWCA. Woodard was the keynote speaker at YWCA's 15th Annual Greater Portland Leadership Luncheon Tuesday. and sale w ilh new names and social security numbers. Oregonian col­ um nists. Renee Mitchell also shared her personal experience with dom es­ tic v iolence at the luncheon. After she was introduced by Fox 12 News reporter Shauna Parsons. Mitchell quickly reminded the audi­ ence o f other titles she's held. "I am also a domestic violence survivor, rape survivor and a nappy headed hoe," said Mitchell as the audience laughed uncomfortably. "I am fortunate to live in this com m u­ nity and urge all to give to this orga­ nization.” The YW CA provides a diverse group of services that help women, children and seniors. Wixxlard also urged everyone to volunteer. For more information about do­ nating, or to volunteer or receive ser ices from YWCA call 503-294- 74(X)or visit www.ywea-pdx.org. Portrait Package Special Package Includes O n e-10 x 13 Two-8 x 10’s Four-5 x 7’s Four-3 x 5 s Only 995 And 32 Wallets PLUS 6 Free Personalised Portrait Cards 40 Card Designs! Bring an extra change of clothes for you and your family N o sitting fees or charges We've innovated every part of the portrait experience. Photographers who con move make portraits that are moving Choose from 36 great poses N ot just 6. Special effects, tones and props create one-of-o-kmd portraits Portraits in 15 minutes, not 15 days PORTRAIT ■ In n o v a tio n s We’ve totally re-invented the studio experience. photo by M ark W ashington / T he The Streets of Tanasbourne P ortland O bserver 2219 N'W' Allic Avenue, Suite 1460 Hillsboro, OR 97124 Bomb Sniffing Dogs Triple Security H u rry, C all fur an Appointm ent Today! Tri Met adds two K9 police units to its security force to sn iff for bombs, a federal response to worldwide terrorism threats. The Dutch and German Shepards, with police officer handlers Billy Wells (left) and Sgt. Jim Simms, were introduced last week at the Gateway Transit Center. They round out TriMet's first canine team, a police officer and Labrador Retriever, that started patrolling Max trains and buses in 2005. Governor on Food Stamps (AP) — If G overnor The c h a lle n g e K ulongoski seem s a com es at a politically little out o f it this week, delicate juncture for he's got the perfect ex ­ the food stam p pro­ cuse: He couldn't af­ gram. ford to buy coffee. The Bush adm inis­ In fact, the governor tration has proposed couldn't afford much of several cuts, among anything during a trip th em ta k in g aw ay to a Salem-area Fred fo o d sta m p s fro m M eyer Tuesday, to buy about 185,000 people exactly $21 worth of gro­ because they already ceries to last him for the Gov. Ted Kulongoski rec eiv e o th e r non- next week. cash governm ent as­ The goal is to walk the proverbial sistance. mi le in the steps o f those who rely on Kulongoski, a D em ocrat, plans food stamps to feed a family, to kindle to lobby Congress to restore the awareness and empathy. proposed funding cuts. Fired Custodians Get Back Pay Portland Public Schools and its tion for lost pay. m edical benefits union custodians on Monday an­ and other dam ages. "This settlem ent is fair to our nounced a tentative $14.5 million settlement o f claims arising out of custodial em ployees, to our co n ­ the 2002 decision by PPS tocontract stituents. and to the taxpayers," out custodial services, resulting in said Jollee Patterson. General C oun­ the tiring o f its custodial workforce. sel for PPS. The agreement is subject to fed­ The settlem ent fund will offer 280eustodians$37,(XX)eom pensa- eral court approval. VT} 503.645.9900 Studio Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. • www.PortraitInnovations.coin A ppointm ents llig h lv Recommended, \k a lh ins are welcome hut tnav he lim ited based on availahtliiv N o s u b ,n t fee nt ad d itio n al charges O nly one 19.95 P ortuit Package Special of your favorite p