(Eh Page A2 c|Lìortlanò ©bseruer A p ril 25. 2007 Church Help Comes in All Ways Morning Star still in need by S arah B lount T he P ortland O bslrv er When tragedy befalls a commu­ nity, ordinary items can suddenly be put to extraordinary use. Take, forexample, the role of an ordinary barbecue sandwich in the devastating fire at Morning Star Missionary Baptist Church last February. When local grocery chain New Seasons Market set out to raise money for the church by sell­ ing barbecue meals, they turned out $1O,IXX) in a single day. A special ceremony to present the money to the church took place April 20, with members of the Albina Ministerial Alliance and MayorTom Potter gathered at the New Sea­ sons Concordia site in northeast Portland. $7,5(X)wasgiven to Morn­ ing Star, with the remaining $2,5(X) going to New Generation Revival Church, which operated out of the church. Locally owned Hometow n Buffet also presented a $500 check to Morning Star. The ministers spoke about the privilege of watching the commu­ nity rally around the church. “Since this happened, all w e’ve seen is the best of PortlJId,” said P a sto r M att H en n essy o f V a n c o u v e r A venue B aptist Church. Barbecue benefits are standard Morning Star Missionary Baptist Church pastor Albert Wayne Johnson stands outside o f New Seasons Market in northeast Portland. The local grocer held a benefit for the church, raising $10,000 in a single day. for New Seasons, who hosts them 10 times a year, but what made this particular event special was the speed at which $6 dinners turned into ten grand. New Seasons chief executive officer Brian Rohtersaid that previously, the most they'd raised for an organization was $ 10,000 over an entire weekend. “There is something about this that really resonated in the commu­ nity,” he said. Morning Star is more than a Sun­ day meeting place, the congrega­ tion hosts men’s and women’s min­ Legacy Emanuel Hospital. P astor Rev. A lbert W ayne istries, Sunday school and outreach services. Right now members meet Johnson said he continues to be for church services each Sunday at overwhelmed by the outpouring of Rose City Chapel at 5623 N.E. Fre­ support, but one of the first mo­ mont, while their administration ments of relief came w hen fire in­ office and ministries are located at vestigators concluded foul play was not the cause of the fire. "The mere fact that it was not determ ined arson tells me there is love in the com m unity,” he said. A fter the investigation, crews com pleted the site’s dem olition, which was an expensive excava­ tion that Johnson said took most o f the co m m u n ity d o n a tio n s th e y ’ve received so far. The church hoped to salvage what was left of the historic bricks, but Johnson said theft has been a problem, and many of the bricks disappeared overnight by the wheelbarrow load. But the com er o f N.E. Rodney and Ivy is now em pty, appearing as a blank canvas. Johnson says the next step is to plan a new building, adding that while they d o n ’t yet have concrete ideas, the goal is to have a new building within a year. Two local unions are stepping in to help with that phase of the re­ building process - International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers L ocal 49 and P lum bers and Steamfitters Local 290 said they will offer apprenticeships for young individuals interested in learning a trade while working on future church construction. For more information about the apprenticeship or for other ways to help Morning Star, contact the church at 503-284-0200. Donations can also be made to the Morning Star Catastrophe Relief fund at any branch of Wells Fargo Bank. Only African Americans Cited in Recent Curfew Sweep When Portland police cracked down on curfew violations over spring break under a pilot project aimed at making parents account­ able, all seven citations issued went participate in a federally funded to African American mothers. Cited parents must appear be­ anti-gang program. Deputy District Attorney James fore a juvenile court judge, who may suspend a sentence for first Hayden said the intent was to cite offenders but order the families to parents whose children 14 and younger were out after the curfew as part of a program to educate parents and protect young people. Police say they targeted north­ east and downtown neighborhoods If parents are cited a second time, because that’s where crowds of young teenagers have congregated a Multnomah County Circuit Court in the past. But they said they ex­ judge could sentence them to com­ pect to expand the curfew enforce­ munity service or a fine of up to $720. ment citywide over time. Obama Offers World View opinion. "America cannot meet the threats of this century alone, but the world cannot meet them without America. We (AP) — Democratic presidential candidate must neither retreat from the Sen. Barack Obama said Monday that Presi­ world nor try to bully it into dent Bush has fallen short in his role as leader submission — we must lead of the free world, and the 2(X)8 election is a the world by deed and by chance to change that. example," he said. This president may occupy the White The theme is a popular House, but for the last six years the position one in the D e m o c ra tic of leader of the free world has remained open. p re s id e n tia l c a m p a ig n . And it is time to fill that role once more," Obama rival John Edwards Obama said in a speech to the Chicago Coun­ re p e a te d the se n tim e n t cil on Global Affairs. Monday evening, saying, The Illinois senator was in his hometown "The world prim arily sees to deliver a foreign policy address that was Sen. Barack Obama A m erica as a bully.” rescheduled last week after the shootings at In an address to the National Jew ish D em o­ VirginiaTech. Obama said the world is disappointed in the United cratic Council in W ashington, Edwards said, "We States, but it would be a mistake to "cede our claim of should be leading in a way that dem onstrates our moral authority so that the rest o f the world wants leadership in world affairs" because Americans might to be like America." be tempted to turn inward in the face of negative world Says Bush has fallen short as leader State Equality Bills Advance The commitments we make are commitments we intend to State Legislatures in Oregon and accommodations won final approval Washington have moved forward Thursday and now goes to Gov. Ted on laws protecting gays and lesbi­ Kulongoski, who plans to sign it. ans from discrimination and giving In W ashington, Gov. Chris them some of the state-level rights G regoire signed into law a do­ and responsibilities of marriage. mestic partnership bill on April In Oregon a law to protect gays, 21. W hen the law takes effect lesbians, b isexuals and July 21, W ashington will join transgendered people in employ­ California. C onnecticut, Hawaii, ment, housing and access to public Maine, New Jersey, Vermont and the District of Columbia in grant­ ing same-sex couples some of the state-level rights and re ­ sponsibilities of marriage. Still aw aiting an Oregon Sen­ ate vote is a House-passed "do­ mestic partnership" bill. That measure also is also expected to win Senate approval and the governor’s signature. keep. That’s why you can trust our promise to treat your family like our family. To help keep your policies up to date with regular insurance reviews. And to give you honest, straightforward answers. 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O fficials from Sheppard Air Force Base in Texas said one of their classrooms will be dedicated to C hief Evans for his selfless efforts and d edication to the Reuben Evans A erospace G round Equipm ent career field. “This was the right thing to do for someone like C hief Evans whose impact truly has been felt Air Force w ide," said Howard M cKellip, 361st Training Flight chief a, Sheppard. The 2005 Base Realignment and Closure decision to downsize the Air Force Reserve mission in Oregon required C hief Evans and other 939th members to find em ­ ployment elsew here in order to continue their military careers. The chief is now settling into his new job as an aircraft m ainte­ nance supervisor for the Reserve wing in M inneapolis.