Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 25, 2007, Page 16, Image 16

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|Jnrtlanì» (O hseriw ry
Alba on List of Sexy Celebs
(A P ) -- A n o th er d ay, an o th er list. But w hat
the heck, this one is a "W hat is S exy?" ru n ­
dow n from V ietoria'sSeeret. "Sexy Back" singer
Justin T im b erlak e is sexiest m ale m usician;
Je ssic a A lba, w ho starred in "Sin C ity," is
sexiest actress; and D avid B eckham , w ho
has three sons w ith his w ife, V icto ria, is se x i­
A p ril 25, 2007
est dad.
The list o f sexy entertainers was com piled by
a term o f V ictoria’s Secret executives, designers
and superm odel spokesw om en, including Heidi
Klum and K arolina Kurkova.
"I still think my husband (Seal) is the sexiest
dad for our children, but (th at's) beside the point,”
Klum, 33, said. M atthew M cConaughey was
honored for his "beach body." O ther sexy
celebs: Eric Dane (actor), Carrie LInderwood
(female m usician), speed racer Danica Patrick
(fem ale athlete), Y ankee Derek Jeter (male
ath lete), Kate Hudson (m o m ). and Jay-Z and
B eyonce (couple).
S ie n n a M ille r w o n p ro p s fo r h e r
trendsetting style. Josh D uham el for his
sm ile and A drian G renier for his eyes.
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P ark ro se P erform ing A rts T heater
Margie Boulé and Corey Brunish star in the Stumptown Stages
return production of “Grease. "
Backby Popular Demand
“Grease,” the
reunion production
Musit Pi Wsctions by: DJ ÖG O r *
Guest p tk riM D C K by loriwt memberj #1
The Northwest Atrikan American Bettet Cl.
Gumboots Souti) Atiitan Beet dance
General Admssien tickets: SI 2
Interpret!«) th* Ait (I hit flWM|k I nc *
For mete mlor mutton cat 583 (42-5117
erkmerts@wbanaitsdaece cent • *w w .irkM artsdiR ci.ceii
Parkrese Htgfa Scheel • 12883 Nt Shaver • Portieri, M 17221
A fter a sold-out run at the Inter­
state Firehouse Cultural C enter in
north Portland, the Geezers and Old
Ladies, um, I m ean. G reasers and
Pink Ladies are back at it, now at the
W orld Trade C enter Theatre, o pen­
ing Friday, M ay 4.
T he Stum ptow n Stages produc­
tion features Margie Boulé as Sandy
and C orey Brunish as D anny, and is
d irected and ch o reo g rap h ed by
Drammy A w ard-w inning actor and
actress team, Kirk M ouser and Amy
T he original Broadway produc­
tion o f G rease opened on June 7,
1972, and went on to becom e a
hugely successful film starring John
T ravolta and O livia New ton-John.
A new Broadw ay production is
scheduled for June 2007. and was
cast via N BC's new reality show
“Grease: Y ou're The O ne That I
W ant.”
Tickets for the local production
a v a ila b le
o n lin e
s tu m p to w n s ta g e s .c o m . P e rfo r­
mances are Friday and Saturday
nights. May 4 through June 30 at the
World Trade Center Theatre. Two
World Trade. 121 S.W. Salmon St.
Tickets are $27 for general admission
and $25 for seniors and students. For
more information, call 503-381 -8686.