Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 25, 2007, Page 10, Image 10

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    îlie JJortlanh (©bseruer________________________ Aprii 25.2007
Page B4
C lassified / B id
Administrative Assistant III
needed by nonprofit agency with
mission to prom ote and im prove
w e lln e s s
am ong
A fric a n
A m e ric a n s liv in g in O re g o n
th ro u g h h e a lth e d u c a tio n ,
advocacy and research.
Essential Functions:
Provide adm inistrative support to
the M anagem ent team and Staff-
Draft, form at, produce, and edit
word, excel, access, and publisher
d o c u m e n ts .
C o o rd in a te
a p p o in tm e n ts , tr a v e l, a nd
m e e tin g s . E n s u re th a t s ta ff
a d h e re s to all o ffic e p o lic ie s .
P e rfo rm o th e r c le r ic a l a n d
administrative tasks for all agency
Minimum Qualifications:
• Excellent verbal, w ritten, and
problem solving skills.
• Advanced know ledge of word,
excel, access, and publisher
• O utstanding custom er service
• G ood o rg a n iza tio n and tim e
m anagem ent skills
• Ability to multi-task in fast paced
environm ent
• E ig h t y e a rs a d m in is tra tiv e
experience with a high level of
• Bachelor's degree or equivalent
co m bina tion o f e d u ca tio n and
• Pass p re -e m p lo ym e n t d ru g
Salary Range:
D O E p lu s
a ttr a c tiv e b e n e fits p a c k a g e .
E x p e rie n c e in w o rk in g in
Com m unities of Color preferred.
Please call John Barnett at (503)
413-1850 for inform ation.
E n ro llm e n t S p e cia list, PT, may
w o rk fro m h o m e . C o m p u te r
needed. Full training. Call Esther
toll free: 1-866-641-5562
Health Manager
($40,851 - $53,900 per year)
R e g is te re d N u rs e n e e d e d to
m anage our Health & W ellness
departm ent serving young adults
between the ages of 16-24 year
o ld s w h o a re e n ro lle d in a
vocational/ed ucational trainin g
program . Position is responsible
for the direct supervision of staff
as w ell as th e m anagem ent of
c o n tra c te d p o s itio n s , s tu d e n t
s e rv ic e s a n d fo r p ro v id in g
program s that prom ote wellness.
C a n d id a te m u s t have a valid
registered nursing license in the
state of residence and three years
related experience, tw o of which
m u s t be s u p e rv is o ry . M u s t
possess a current CPR/First-aid
ce rtific a tio n and valid d riv e r’s
license in the state of residence
with an acceptable driving record.
C o m p e titiv e sa la ry & b e n e fits
Please send letter of interest and
resum e to:
Springdale Job Corps Center
Attn: Human Resources
31224 E. Historic Columbia River
Troutdale, OR 97060
All responses must be received no
later than May 4,2007.
As an affirm ative action employer,
we are seeking qualified minority,
fe m a le , ve te ra n and d isa b le d
applicants; however, all qualified
applicants will be considered.
^ ^ o r t l a t l b (Dbsi'VUi'V
Advertise with diversity in
Call 5O3-288-OO33
No. 073004804
Superior Court of Washington
Clark County
In re: Ellias J. M orales
Reyna N.l. M orales
Cassie W eiderm an
Kevin W eiderm an Petitioner.
and Victor L. M orales Respondent.
Summons by Publication
Fur contracting opportunities with the City o f Portland and
for valuable information on how to do business with the
City, please log un to the Bureau o f Purchases Web Page:
Civil Engineer/Civil Engineer II
Job Opportunity
$ 4118 - $ 5 9 1 1 / mo (S a la ry
com m ensurate with experience.)
Under the general supervision of
the D irector o f Public W orks or
Assistant City Engineer, position
perform s w ork in office and field
e n v iro n m e n ts ; re v ie w s and
evaluates plans must have ability
to understand and apply federal,
s ta te , a n d lo c a l re g u la tio n s
related to design and construction
of public works. Position works as
part of a team with developers,
engineers, other City departments
and other governmental agencies
in te re s te d in o r re g u la tio n
developm ent within W est Linn.
The su cce ssfu l ca nd ida tes will
have a B achelor's degree in Civil
Engineering or related field and
four (4) years experience in the
En gin ee rin g field. M ust have a
Professional Engineer's license in
any state and the ability to obtain
State of Oregon’s PE within six
(6 ) m o n th s o f a p p o in tm e n t.
Requires the ability to effectively
utilize MS O ffice s oftw a re and
d e s ir a b le to h a v e A u to C A D
e x p e rie n c e .
S a tis fa c to r y
e q u iv a le n t c o m b in a tio n o f
e x p e rie n c e , e d u c a tio n and
tra in in g e n su rin g th e a b ility to
p e rfo rm th e w o rk , m a y be
considered. M ust possess a valid
d r iv e r 's lic e n s e . Q u a lifie d
c a n d id a te m u s t p a s s p r e ­
em ploym ent background check,
reference check and drug screen.
Qualified applicants m ust subm it
a co m p leted City of W est Linn
em ploym ent application, Letter of
In te r e s t a n d re s u m e to th e
Departm ent of Human Resources
at W e st Linn City Hall, 2 2500
S a la m o R oa d , W e s t Lin n , OR
97068, by June 1, 2007, 4:00
p .m . A p p lic a tio n p a c k e ts are
available at W est Linn City Hall or
call (503) 657-0331. Please visit
o u r w e b s ite fo r s p e c ific jo b
descriptions and requirem ents.
http:// www.ci.west-linn.or.us
well-groomed, positive individuals.
$8 .50 + starting wage
Overtime/ advancement potential
5. If you wish to seek the advise of an attorney in this matter, you
should do so prom ptly so that your w ritten response, if any, may
Drugtest/ Background check
Apply 12:00- 1:00PM,
Mon, Wed, Thurs & Fri;
3 : 0 0 - 4:00PM Tues.
City Center Parking,
130 SW Stark, Portland
Police Crime Analyst
7. Other: Take away parental rights o f Ellias and Reyna M orales
from Victor L. M orales and Am ber M orales.
This sum m ons is issued to RCW 4.28.100 and Superior Court Civil
Clark County C ourt
1200 Franklin St.
Vancouver, W A 98666
Human Resources Manager:
Parks & Recreation Zone M anager
2 0 h rs / w k w / b e n ; $ 3 6 ,8 0 5 -
$40,050 (this will be pro-rated for
h a lftim e ). MA or equiv. in HR or
related fid, 4 yrs p erso n n el &
p ro g ra m
o v e r s ig h t
e xp .
Knowledge fed & state labor laws,
re s e a rc h la b o r re g u la tio n s ,
team w ork, com m unication, MS
O ffic e s k ills . E m a il o n lin e
a p p lic a tio n
(w w w .P o rtla n d
im p a ct.org) and resum e to :“hr-
jo b s @ p o rtla n d im p a c t.o rg " No
phone calls please. EOE.
A p p ro x im a te M o n th ly S a la ry:
$5,247 - 7,051
See com plete job announcem ent
for requirem ents and application
at w w w .ci.p o rtla n d .o r.u s/jo b s/.
Com pleted applications m ust be
received by 4:30 p.m., Monday,
May 7, 2007. City of Portland is
an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Medical Office Receptionist
V e ry b u s y M enta l H e a lth and
Chem ical Dependency Treatment
agency in Vancouver W A has an
im m e d ia te o p e n in g fo r a
re c e p tio n is t. D u tie s in c lu d e
appointm ent setting, paperwork
prep, balance collection, use of
multi-line phones and much more.
M ulti ta s k in g s k ills e s s e n tia l.
Bilingual skills a plus. At least 5
years in medical office required.
EEOE. Resum es to em ploym ent
@ m hnw.org
Advertisd witli divfrsity in
‘ri'1 $.1ortjanh (Olw-crucr
Call 503-288-0033
Need to publish a court docum ent or notice? Need an affidavit of
publication quickly and efficiently? Please fax or e-mail your notice
for a free price quote!
Fax: 50 3-2 88 0 0 15
e-mail: classifleds@portlandobserver.com
The Portland Observer
. i M i l 'l 'l U L
Portland CommunityCollege
Tuesday May 1 2007
11am - 3pm
• Principal Executlve/Manager I
Assistant Director/
State Medicaid Director
Division of Medical
Assistance Programs
* All jo b seekers welcome
* Free admission and parking
Announcem ent #LEHS72O7 Salem
Salary: $79 ,176 - $12 2 ,5 9 2 /ye a r
Close Date: May 11. 200 7
* Bring your resume and netw ork w ith employers
* FREE SEMINAR "Cool Careers & How To Get One"
ODOT People drive Oregon's D epartm ent of
Transportation. If great benefits, a professional
work environment. Job Innovation, and career
growth opportunity drive you, then come to ODOT.
PCC Cascade Cam pus G ym nasium
• Senior Inspector
705 N. K illingsw orth Street, 1-5 exit #304.
Salary: $ 2 ,9 2 2 - $4,3 8 2 /m o n th
Announcem ent F0C 0T6454B Portland
Served by Tri-M et Bus Routes #4 and #72,
N. K illingsw orth M A X station.
For m ore inform ation, g o to our w e b site:
• Engineering Geologist
If you need accommodations to participate in this event, contact
the Office for Students w ith Disabilities » 503-977-4341 or 503-
• Signal Manager
Salary: $ 3 ,457 - $5,1 9 0 /m o n th
Announcem ent #0C 0T 72 54 Salem
• Forester
Salary: $ 3 ,337 • $ 4 ,8 8 0 /m o n th
Announcement #0C DT7059 Salem
Salary: $ 3 ,287 - $ 4 ,9 3 2 /m o n th
Announcem ent #OCDT7258 Portland
2464077 (TTY) by 4/23707.
• Biologist or Archaeology Specialist
• Project Inspector
Serve a Copy of Your Response on
Petitioner: Cassie D. W eiderm an
Salary: $ 2 ,8 3 9 $ 4 ,2 6 3 /m o n th
Announcement #OCOT7017 Beaverton
• Project Inspector
Hoffman Construction
FredM eyer
Oregon i
These are just a few of the current job openings available with the State of Oregon.
A more complete announcement listing, application forms, and additional job
information are available at: a) local Employment Department field offices, or b) the
Oregon jobs page at: www.oregonjobs.org. The State of Oregon offers employees
competitive salaries and comprehensive benefits that includes employer
paid health insurance, paid holidays, vacation, sick and personal leave:
membership in the Oregon Public Service Retirement Plan (OPSRP): and
opportunities to participate in the Oregon Savings Growth Plans. The
State of Oregon and all its divisions are proud to be equal opportunity
, F
Salary: $ 3 ,287 - $ 4 ,9 3 2 /m o n th
Announcem ent #0C DT7033 La Grande
Petitioners Lawyer
P.O. Box 1064
Battleground, WA
The City of Portland is recruiting
for a Parks & Recreation Zone
Legal Notices
Rule 4.1 o f th e state of W ashington.
File Original of Your Response with
The Clerk of the Court at:
1120 SW Firth Ave. Room 750. Portland DR 972(14
The Portland Police Bureau seeks
a p e rs o n re s p o n s ib le fo r
compiling, maintaining, analyzing,
tra c k in g and in te gra tin g crim e
in fo rm a tio n .
D u tie s
responsibilities include determ ­
ining patterns and trends. The
applicant m ust be able to set up The Area 1 Inside Electrical JATC an
equipment, conduct trainings, and equal opportunity apprenticeship
m ake presentations to small and and training program will open for
large audiences. The successful applications during the follow ing
a p p lic a n t
m ust
a dates and tim es; April 30th May
backgroun d investigation . Full­ 1, 2 ,3 ,4 , 7, 8, 9 ,1 0 , 11th, 2007
time. Approxim ate monthly salary from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
$ 4 ,5 3 4 -$ 6 ,0 4 7 .
A p p ly
a t:
6915 NE 42nd Avenue Portland,
w w w .c i.p o r tla n d .o r .u s / io b s / .
OR 97218
D e a d lin e : 4 :3 0 p m , 5 /1 4 /0 7 .
Applications m ust be filled
Equal opportunity employer.
out in person.
Temporary Assistant Supervisor &
For m ore inform ation about
Safety Coordinator needed to work
program requirem ents please
as part of our First-Steps Program,
visit our w eb page at
p ro g ra m
o p e ra tin g
w w w .a re a lja tc.co m
p a rtn e rs h ip w ith T riM e t. T h is
or call 503-459-4056
position provides supervision and
W om en and M inorities are
training to sum m er youth workers
strongly encouraged to apply.
and w o rk s d ire c tly w ith you th
em ployees at work sites and in
classroom activities. Experience
w orkin g with youth is required;
supervisory experience preferred.
T h is is a te m p o ra ry p o s itio n
beginning in mid-June and ending
in late August. Pay is $10/hour.
Subm it cover letter and resum e
to Linda Murphy, c/o Janus Youth
Program s, Inc., 707 NE Couch,
P o rtla n d , OR 9 7 2 3 2 . P osition
closes W ednesday, M ay 2, 2007.
We Value Diversity. EEO
be served on tim e.
6. One m ethod of serving a copy of your response on the petition is
to send it by certified mail with return receipt requested.
B u re au o f Purchases
Medical & Dental, 401kavail.
1. The p e titio n e r has s ta rte d an a ctio n in th e a b o ve co u rt
A. C u s to d y o f th e c h ild re n liste d in p a ra gra p h 1.3 o f th e
Nonparental Custody Petition.
2. The petition also requests that the court grant the follow ing
A. Determ ine support for the dependent children pursuant to
the W ashington State Child Support Schedule.
B. Order either or both parents to m aintain or provide health
insurance coverage for th e dependent children.
C. Change the nam e of th e child to: W eiderm an
D. Change the nam e of wife to: Carlston.
E. Order paym ent o f court costs and reasonable fees.
F. Enter a continuing restraining order.
G. Enter a dom estic violence protection order.
H. Aw ard the tax exem ptions fo r th e dep end ent children as
4. Your w ritten response to the sum m ons and petition m ust be on
form W P F DR 0 1 .0 3 0 0 , R e sp o n se to P e tition (D o m e stic
Relations). Inform ation about how to get this form m ay be
obtained by contacting the clerk of the court, by contacting the
Adm inistrative Office of the Courts as (360) 705-5328, or from
the Internet at the W ashington State Courts hom epage:
http://w w w .courts.wa.gov/form s
C itv o f P o r t l a n d
Im m e d ia te fu ll and p a rt-tim e
openings. S eekin g d ep en d a b le,
To the Respondent:
3. You m ust respond to this sum m ons by serving a copy of your
written response on the person signing this sum m ons and by
filing the original with the clerk of the court. If you do not serve
your written response within 60 days after the dated of the first
publication of this sum m ons (60 days after the 16 day of March,
2007), the court may enter an order of default against you, and
the court may, w ithout furth er notice to you, enter a decree and
approve or provide for other relief requested in this sum m ons.
In the case of a dissolution of m arriage, the court will not enter
the final decree until at least 90 days after service and filing. If
you serve a notice of appearance on the undersigned person,
you are entitled to notice before an order of default or a decree
m ay be entered.
P ortland
Com m unity
C o lloca
Salary: $ 2,457 - $ 3 .6 7 9 /m o n th
Announcement 4OC0T6264A Beaverton
w w w . 0 r e g o
• Senior Inspector
Salary: $ 2 ,9 8 0 - $4,470/m onth
Announcem ent #OCDT7018 Portland
• Inspector
Salary: $ 2 ,8 3 9 - $ 4 ,2 6 3 /m o n th
Announcem ent 40CDT6201A Portland
• ITS Support Coordinator
Salary: $ 3 ,7 9 3 - $ 5 .4 8 3 /m o n th
Announcem ent ffOCDT7178 Salem
• Traffic Service Manager
Salary: $ 3 ,0 3 9 ■ $ 4 ,7 0 5 /m o n th
Announcem ent #OCDT7117A Salem
• Project Leader
Salary: $ 3 .627 - $ 5 ,4 4 0 /m o n th
Announcem ent VOCOT7274 Springfield
• Associate Planner
Salary: $ 3 ,287 - $ 4 ,9 3 2 /m o n th
Announcem ent ffOCDT7016 Portland
• Safety Manager
Salary: $ 3 ,3 5 3 - $ 4,937/m onth
Announcem ent AOCDT7275 Salem
• Field Mechanic
Salary: $ 3 ,1 8 3 - $ 3,847/m onth
Announcem ent #0CDT7011
Lakeview, Central Point & Various
0 0 0 7 ...
Building Career*. Bridging the Future.
ann ouncem ents
qualifications, requirements, and instructions
on how to apply for th e se Jobs. Go to
www.odotiobs.com for a com plete copy or call
5 0 3 -9 8 6 4 0 3 0 [TTY 50 3 -9 8 6 3 8 5 4 J to request
by mail. ODOT is proud to operate as an equal
opp ortunity, a ffirm a tive action employer.
Announcem ents w ill be m ade available In
alternate form at upon request: (503) 378-6202.
TTY 1 8 0 0 -9 9 3 8 8 9 8
o b s . o