(Elj Page A 8 ' 'jjlartlanir (Observer_______ A p r il 18. 2 0 0 7 Woodlawn Park Hosts Earth Day Saturday celebration a first for inner Northeast neighborhood by L ee P erlman T he P ortland O bserver A cityw ide Earth Day 2007 cel­ ebration will take place Saturday at W oodlaw n Park in northeast P ort­ land, a trium ph for a neighborhood that has long fought to keep the park safe. Between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. there will he information, giveaw ays and activities at some 80 booths pro­ vided by city organizations and agen­ cies; a full schedule o f entertainment at two concert stages; free health and wellness classes, entertainment and activities for kids sponsored by the I Have A Dream Foundation; gardening-related activities and a Better Transportation Fair featuring classes in bicycle usage. For those who w ant to ride their green talk, there will be bike cara­ vans to the festival from 16 differ­ ent locations in the city. Celebrants will also see artw ork created from refuse picked up in the surround­ ing W oodlaw n neighborhood in a Kids V illage Trash or Treasure ex ­ hibit. In the days leading up to the celebration, the W oodlaw n A sso­ ciation has been busy. Earlier this month they held an Easter Egg Hunt in the park, a graffiti cleanup in the neighborhood and a fundraising dance at the Village Ballroom, across the street from the park at 700 N.E. D ekum St. Earth Day celebrations began nationwide in 1970. This is the eighth consecutive year that City Repair, a non-profit that w orks to create public gathering spaces, has helped sponsor the Portland event. This also is the first tim e the celebration has been held north o f 1-84 in north­ east Portland. A ccording to festival organizer Bob New o f City Repair, the deci­ sion was prom pted largely by a letter from W oodlawn resident Jul ie M ickalson. She described the com ­ munity as "a multi-ethnic dog w alk­ ing n e ig h b o rh o o d ,” w ith “ six schools w ithin walking distance, interesting hom es and gardens, and a faith com m unity that provides a stable, Unitarian atm osphere.” Im provm ents at W oodlawn Park include a new basketball court by PHOTO BY M ARK W Nike, a children’s w ater feature where a poorly m aintained w ading pool used to be, and better drain­ age at the baseball field. “W e’ve made it a place for regu­ lar fam ilies,” says W oodlaw n his­ torian A njala Ehelebe. “It’s well- used and w ell-loved.” Com m unity plans for the Albina and W oodlaw n com m unities have given the neighborhood some guid­ ance in making im provem ents to the area, with issues o f speeding traffic and unsafe pedestrian cross­ ings still unresolved. Still, W oodlaw n today is an im­ proving neighborhood with people w ho care enough about it to be volunteering to make it better, m ak­ ing it a fitting host for Earth Day. “W e’re excited about bringing this up north and letting people in this part o f town enjoy the celebra­ tion,” said New. T h e 4 9 th A n n u a l STYLISH I ?) HOSTED BY Attendees can learn ways to protect memory through health screenings, enjoy a nutritious soul food lunch, participate in workshops and receive free re­ spite care for caregivers. There also will be a screening of a Marie Smith Center oral history documentary, plus a panel discussion about aging in the African American commu­ nity. Jennifer Manly, associate pro­ fessor of Neuropsychology at Columbia University Medical Center, will be the keynote speaker. For more details, visit www.ulpdx.org orcall 503-381 - 0285. U R B A N W IN E W O R K S The Links, Inc. P ortland C h a p te r 1 B E N E F IT OF: L in k s E d u e a tio n a l/S e h o la rs h ip F u nd O re g o n C o n v e n tio n C e n te r Ì 777 NE Martin Luther King Blvd., Portland, OR F rid ay, A p ril 20, 2007, 8:00 pm T IC K E T P R IC E S : $45.00 General $75.00 Patron | FO R T IC K E T IN F O R M A T IO N C O N T A C T : I S IL E N T A U C T IO N T IC K E T S A V A IL Y BEE A T : Geneva's Sheer Perfection Tondalayera Designer Salon 5601 N.E.MLK Bird. 5401 N.E. Cully Blvd. (5 0 3 ) 285 8208 (5 0 3 ) 284-0712 Simply Elegant Nails/Salon 332 N.E. 82“ Ave. (5 0 3 ) 262-3379 One Stop Music 1615 N.E. Killingsworth St. (5 0 3 ) 28 4-2435 Dean's Beauty Salon & Barber Shop 213-215 N.E. Hancock (5 0 3 ) 282-3379 Me Rae's on 42“ 5852 N.E. 42“ Ave. (5 0 3 ) 28 7-5258 Ensemble Salon Et Spa 21120 Salamo Rd. West Linn (503) 650 6000 Reggie's Barber Shop 3213 N.E. MLK Blvd. (5 0 3 ) 280 0222 Talking Drum 18335 NW West Union Rd. Portland (Aloha Area) (5 0 3 ) 645 3501 446 N.E. Killingsworth St. (5 0 3 ) 288 40 70 S p rin g In to S u s ta in a b ility E arth Day, w ith an U rban Bike Ride o n som e o f P o rtla n d s fin e st in n e r < 11v b ike lanes Ride begins Ä ends at Urban Wineworks, 407 NW 16th *>770^ < 1 1 R 1 www EBONY liMWwl P B 4 y W IN E p h rp g lu B , B IS H O P C R E E K C E L L A R S p re s e n t • • » ♦ ............... 1 J Reflections Coffeehouse ................................. .... ................................................................ .... ....................... ............... - General Chair (503) 253-0617 Publicity Chair (503) 284-9485 Visit us on the worldwide web at: www.thelinksportlandchapter.org Free Conference on Aging Are African Americans at higher risk of Alzheimer’s than the general population? The issue will be explored during a free conference “Hold On to YourMemory: Agingand Memory in the African Ameri­ can Community” on Saturday, April 21 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Portland Community College’s C ascade C am pus, 705 N. Killingsworth St. The Urban League of Port­ land event will be open to fami­ lies, care providers and anyone e lse w ith c o n c ern s about memory loss, managing the care of their loved ones and preven­ J e n n ife r M anly tion. a r Aflyr, W • k r k * » • A prii Zlm At NooN Zoof / n i f e Wine After the Ride! Free Food, Silent Auction, speakers from City Hall, and music by Trash Can Joe! Hosted by Uthan Wineworks, 407 NW 16th Avenue, 97209 to benefit the Aid* of fot.k.if Riiíí ftfffh al Urbhrt W inewwb, hi Nooh. {reqHtiatlftn ftpenut i t W l Ç ) h » tule MMtMh Jeremy SaelH« 7 » ' le» otti» .itohenwinewtnkvtuAt Pinot tvtntu 0 t S/tfM i t p I n t i d t i i h r *ft© p W/nnr C/ty 70A SI Ml A HfVd , ’ M i iW inlleyr kidsofbike.orq Phot «; l»wnii»t IHitkw*« lUver r Hy Un yrles. Wild nets, City r,l PutHtuid I ieoettttterst »sf Slistkinnblllty, MH.Ol.IttftQ H«t$ KBOrt. Pbt) thatth I »IMJ rotukmen Pbrrtrtqtiuihh. Shared rtwult». HenjutArm tnaphir s. t noms Phntcqiaphy Vahinm I a SHINGTON/T h E PORTLAND OBSERVER W oodlaw n Park in n o r th e a s t P ortland will h o s t a cityw id e Earth D ay c e le b ra tio n o n Sa tu rd a y, April 2 1 fro m 1 0 a .m . to 5 p .m . l k t. <*«< m b In h « lu t t e « * « , « jj tftronr««rik6y»h»»ttttn