Clic JJortlanb ©hseruer April 18, 2007 PageA7 Planned Parenthood Clinic Advances Abortion issue fails to persuade by S akaii B lount T he P ortland O bserver A bortion, w hile only a small part o f Planned Parenthood services, overshadow ed an intense debate on April 11 that ended with the Portland Development Commission ap p ro v in g the w o m en ’s health clinic on Northeast M artin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. W ith the proposed site in the heart o f the African A merican com ­ m unity, m ore than 100 people at­ tended the urban renewal agency's final m eeting to share either sup­ port or objections, arguing the fi­ nancial benefits, religious m orality and racial disparity. Som e, who presented passion­ ate cases against the clinic, even cried black genocide. But in the end, the PDC gave the okay for Planned Parenthood to move its local headquarters from southeast Portland to the corner of MLK and Beech Street. Proponents say the clinic will serve adi verse population and bring 140 jobs. The three-story building also will include nearly 15,000square feet o f retail space that is expected to bring in another 40 jo b s over the next few years. T he PD C ap p ro v al is final and can n o t be appealed , acco rd in g to S ara King, an urban renew al m an­ ag er for the ag en cy . B arring any co m p lic atio n s b etw een the clinic and the d ev elo p er. B eech S treet P a r tn e r s L L C , c o n s t r u c t i o n should be co m p lete by the en d o f 2008. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■Ml Death Caused by Beating Not related to car crash incident A bout 10 m inutes A w o m an fo u n d before Brow n’s body dead in northeast Port­ w as found, police re­ land over the weekend sponded to a report of is said to be a m urder sounds o f a fight and victim, Portland police a w om an scream ing in say. th e 1000 b lo c k o f A scream ing fight N o rth e a s t S ta ffo rd and a car crashing into Street. The caller said a p o w er pole w ere the sounds were m ov­ originally thought to ing and that a vehicle be connected to the might be involved. d eath o f S h arv ettia Sharvettia Brown Police do not know M onique Brown, 37, w hose body was found on N orth­ w hether there is a connection be­ east 18th A venue and Lom bard tw een the call and B row n's death. The two sites are about 10 blocks Street around 4 a.m. on Saturday. But an autopsy at the M ultnomah apart. A nyone w ith in fo rm atio n is County M edical Exam iner's office ruled that Brown died from “blunt a sk ed to call D e te c tiv e L ynn force traum a.” not injuries related Courtney or D etective Jon Rhodes at 503-823-0400. to a car accident. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ M H M M B M M M B M H H M M N H N M H H M M W M IM i Ask Deanna'. and get better adjusted to this new marriage. Real People, Dear Deanna! Real Advice 1 broke up with my boyfriend for another guy and now I realize this was a mistake. 1 had a good man and I should’ve listened to my family and friends as they told me I should’ve stayed with him. 1 was seeking thrills and excitement. This caused me to Dear Deanna! be abused, cheated on and we I’m a newlywed and now I re­ alize that I don’t want to be broke up anyway. I want to get married. I dated my boyfriend my boyfriend back and I ’ m not for 6 months and things were sure what to do. I’ve apologized great. Now that we live together, but nothing seems to work. - I see things I don't like. He’s not Heartbroken and Torn; San nice anymore and I feel stressed Diego, Calif. out. I wish things could be the Dear Heartbroken: same as when we were dating. The story never changes when Our intimacy is suffering and I one thinks the grass is greener don’t know what to do. How on the other side. However, in can I figure out what has hap­ your case, you had a crew tell­ pened and why this new mar­ ing you what to do but you chose riage is so bad? -Married But not to listen. It serves you right advice calli inn known far reality based subjects! \ ii PHOTO COI RTESY OE B ll I. M l RRA\ Adams Demolition Near Complete A midsection o f the John Adams-Whitaker school site in northeast Portland is all that’s left standing as demolition crews slowly pile rubble all around the property. Pictured is the north end o f the building which housed a long hallway and over­ looked Fernhill Park. The school started coming down in January, six years after the Portland Public School District closed the site due to mold and radon hazards. Local Soldier Dies in Humvee (A P) - A graduate o f Grant High School and soldier from Portland died when an im pro­ vised explosive device struck the H u m v ee he w as d riv in g in Baghdad. Army Pfc. Brett A. Walton, 37, died April 9, less than a month after he was deployed to the M iddle East. A rm y o fficials said he signed up for the w ar last S ep tem b er becau se he w anted “to d o so m e­ th in g to be part o f the so lu tio n , to m ake a d ifferen ce to the people o f Iraq." W alton was assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 17th Field Artillery' Regi­ ment, 2nd Brigade Com bat Team. 2nd Infantry Division out o f Ft. Carson, Colo. l< t • tMjtsLF ' " u s A u liv a JL Army Pfc. Brett Walton Gambling Can Put You at Odds with Yourself. When you play, set a time limit and stick to a budget. DON’T LET THE GAME PLAY YOU Miserable; Memphis, Tenn. and your ex-boyfriend shouldn’t have anything else to do with Dear Miserable: you. Your apology is nice but The marriage is fine other than the fact you got caught up after look at it from his side as you a short time and married some­ expect him to return after being one you d id n ’t know well with another man. Get over it, enough. The drama, stress and learn from your mistakes and if responsibility begin the day af­ he comes back, fine and if not, ter the wedding. You now have keep it moving. to look at the good, the bills and Ask Deanna is written by Deanna the ugly which comes with the M. Write Ask Deanna! Email: territory. Have a talk with your askdeannal @ or 264 husband and share your fears S. LaCienega Bird. Suite 128.1 and feelings. As a couple he’s Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Website: there to help sort through things x ; Peninsula C h ild re n ’ s C enter SUMMER PROGRAMS 2007 June 18-September 4 ______________Ages 5-12______________ Science, Music, Field Trips and Sports........ Contact Lynnelle 503-280-0534 ÎT 877-MY-LIMIT \d \ertise with diversity in P o rtia n i) (O h e rru fr