Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 18, 2007, Page 14, Image 14

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April 18. 2007
d ana
R e v ie w
2007 BMW X54.8ÎSAV
wheel arches, a more intricately
K athleen C akk
In 1999, BMW introduced a surfaced front end, roof spoiler and
w hole new category to consum ers: m uscular rear haunches with 18-
the Sport Activity Vehicle. The X5, inch alloy wheel sporting run-flat
as the sole contender in this class, tires. The X5 is the firs, vehicle in
was the first to arrive at the party this segm ent to offer run-flats as a
one might say. That w as seven standard feature.
T he greater exterior dim ensions
years ago, and there are a few new
reflected in the interior, which
contenders on the market but also
s to accom m odate more flesh
no real com petition. In traditional
O verall, the interior has
BM W enthusiasm , the 2007 X5 has
elegance. O ffer­
been revam ped with m ore room,
power, luxury and technology. It is ing eco-friendly trim options like
safe to say that the 2007 BM W X5 Poplar and Bam boo at no charge.
is still the life o f the party - first to O ne neat piece o f engineering is in
arrive w hile outlasting all the other the glove box, w hose doors split
horizontally in the m iddle and re­
The BMW designers rose to the tract into the dashboard.
W h e re te c h n o lo g y is c o n ­
challenge o f achieving nearly per­
fect evolutional grow th with the cern ed a lot can ch an g e in seven
enhancem ents added to the 2(X)7 years. It’s c le a r th e new X5 has it
X5. There isa lot new here. The 2007 going on. S tan d ard featu res in ­
X5 is longer and stronger. T here’s c lu d e S a te llite r a d io , p o w e r
now' space enough for an optional d riv e r’s seat, split fo lding rear
kid-size third row in the additional seat and heated retrac ta b le side
7.4-inches o f added length, but the m irrors. S tand ard safety featu res
visual effect from the curb is o f a include dual front-im pact airbags,
SRS (S u p p le m e n tary R estrain t
The 2007 BMW X5 restyle is not S ystem ) w ith dual th resh o ld and
a large departure from the original. du al-stag e d ep lo y m en t, 3 -p o in t
If anything, the new body is a bit safety belts and head restrain ts
sexier, employ ing more pronounced fo r all seating p ositions, fro n t and
News and reviews on
new motor vehicles
Specifications: 4.8-Liter, 32-valve 8-cylinder 350-hp engine; 6-speed Steptronic automatic trans­
mission with manumatic shifting; 15-city mpg, 21-highway mpg; $62,500 MSRP.
rear co m p artm en t H ead P ro tec­
tion System (H P S ) w ith front side-
im pact airb ag s, ro ll-o v er sensors,
steering colum n crash system and
an alarm sy stem w ith in terio r
m otion d etecto rs. B M W ’s high
sta n d a rd s are a p p lie d e v e n ly
a c ro ss the b o ard fo r q u a lity ,
luxury, style and safety.
A d d itio n a l o p tio n s in c lu d e
h eated steerin g w heel, au to m atic
lift-g ate o p eratio n from the key
fob, program m able steering w heel
b u tto n s , B lu e to o th h a n d s -fre e
p h o n e sy stem , v o ic e -a c tiv a te d
n av ig atio n al system , rear seat e n ­
te rta in m e n t sy stem . E le ctro n ic
D am ping System , A ctive Roll Sta­
b ilization, Hill D escent C ontrol, a
p a rk e d -c a r v e n tila tio n sy stem ,
r e v ie w c a m e r a s y s te m a n d
FlexR ay - an in -c a rd a ta tran sm is­
sion p ro to co l th at is ab o u t 20
tim es faster than any sim ilar prod-
uct on the m arket.
T w o engines are available - the
inline-6 we know from the 330i se­
dan, and the pow erhouse 4.8-liter
V-8. The all-new 2007 BMW X5 4.8i
boasts an im pressive 350-hp with
350 Ib-ft. torque. The 4.8 i provided
an im pressive 60-m ph in 6.4 sec­
onds, enough to m ake any ‘savvy-
chic soccer m o m ’ anxiously antici­
p ateju m p in g o ff at the light ju st to
show that kid who sm irks smugly
from the C am ero in the next lane.
Powerful engines are ju st one
part o f the X 5, w hich is tuned to be
sporty. The new model also fea­
tures a revised, standard six-speed
autom atic transm ission, with in­
creased shifting speed 50 percent
quicker than that o f a conventional
automatic. This transm ission is able
to skip gears w hile dow nshifting,
and the torque converter now locks
up at low er speeds for m ore effi­
cient operation. The 2007 X5 4.8i
SAV has an upgraded suspension
and all-wheel drive system and a
body shell optim ized to be both
lightweight and tough. The2OO7
X 5 ’s upgrades include traction-
control system , advanced braking
system , brake drying. Electronic
Stability C ontrol system . A ctive
Steering System , speed-sensitive
Servotronic pow er steering and the
exclusive BM W third generation I-
Drive system.
The 2007 BM W X5 4.8i runs fast,
looks sharp, has a luxurious interior
and can m ake you think at times
that you are driving a real sports
car. The X5 high-tech em phasis
has been balanced with fun. The
2007 BM W X5 retains the fun-fac­
tor at full m easure. This is a 5-Star
ultim ate driving experience.
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Experience firsthand the costume
designs o f Mabel Astarloa Haley, an
Argentinean artist whose works have
been featured across the world.
The extraordinary styles o f costum e designer Mabel
A starloa H aley shine on their ow n - even w ithout the
fam ed choreography or dazzling lights o f the ballet
Visit a com prehensive retrospective o f H aley's co s­
tum es, spanning decades and continents in a special
exhibit April 26 through May 29 at O nda Arte L atina/
C ro ssC u rren ts G allery ,2215 N.E. A lbertaSt.
W hat is special about H aley’s technique is the way
she creates the personalities of the characters who wear
her costum es. For m ore than forty years Haley has
em ployed her extraordinary design and drafting skills in
helping create larger w orks o f art for ballet and theatre
in her native A rgentina as well as France, Sw itzerland
and the U nited States.
T he dozen or so desig n s for H artford B a llet’s
“C arm encita” take the view er to a sensual place where
the other collaborators in choreography, lighting and
set design can com plete the picture.
An opening and A rtist’s Reception take place April
26 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. For gallery hours and more
in f o rm a tio n ,
c a ll
5 0 3 - 4 9 3 -1 9 0 9
v is it
www.ondagallery.com .
The stylish retrospective "Art on
Stage" comes to Onde Arte Latina/
Cross Currents Gallery April 26.
U.S. Hispanic Cultural Museum Debuts
Nation’s largest blends cultures
A P — A hot-pink building w ith
co lo red lights in San A n to n io ,
T exas will h o u seth e n atio n 's larg-
est m useum d ev o ted to L atino
cu ltu re and arts.
A s the d eb ate o v er the grow -
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A painting titled "Rosita" by artist Jesse Trevino is seen at the
Alameda, the nation's largest museum dedicated to Latino
culture and art, in San Antonio, Texas. (AP photo)
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ing n um ber o f H ispanic im m i­
g ra n ts in te n s ifie d , o rg a n iz e rs
d ecided it w as im portant to sh o w ­
case th e b lend o f L atino cu ltu re
w ith A m erican cu ltu re, including
that o f o th e r im m ig ran t groups,
said Ruth M ed ellin , ex e cu tiv e
d ire c to ro f the M useo A lam eda, a
p artnership betw een the A lam eda
N ational C e n te r for L atino A rts
and C u ltu re and the S m ithsonian
In stitu tio n .
" I t's the L atino ex p erien ce in
art, cu ltu re and h isto ry ,” she said.
"B u t it's ab o u t the A m erican e x ­
p erie n ce ,” she added, n o ting a
p h o to e x h ib it o f L atino m usicians
w ho b o rro w ed the acco rd io n and
polka music o f G erm an im m igrants
to cre ate a uniq u e style know n as
co n ju n to .
“T h e re ’s a lot o f b len d in g , the
w eave o f a fabric that w e share as
a n atio n ,” she said.
L ocated ju s t b lo ck s from the
A la m o an d th e S an A n to n io
Riverwalk, the 39,000-square-foot
facility is ex pected to attract m ore
than 4 0 0 ,0 0 0 v isito rs a year.
All the ex h ib its in the b u ild in g
but one w ill ro tate, d isp lay in g
p ieces ranging from S m ith so n ian
artifa cts to w ork by em erg in g
L atino artists.