il?e ^Iortlanò (Observer A pril II, 2007 Page B3 S ports Blazers to Retire Lionel Hollins’ No. 14 U nion Station and w orked its way dow n B roadw ay. The Trail B lazers are also paying hom age to the team on its website with a special 1977 W orld C h am ­ pions section, w hich features new s, stats, photos, video and a variety o f archived m aterial from 1977. The Trail B lazers drafted H ollins out o f A rizona State Uni versity with the sixth overal 1 pick in the 1975 N B A Draft. He played live seasons forthe Portland Trail B lazers from 1975-1980, averaging 13.6 points per gam e. Hollins is currently an assis­ tant coach with the M em phis Grizzlies. As team pays tribute to 1977 NBA Championship T hirty years ago this June, the Portland Trail B lazers shocked the basketball w orld w inning the N B A C ham pion- ship over the heavily-favored Philadelphia 76ers, 4-2. Trail Blazers willpayspecial tribute to the 1977 NBA World Cham pions during ceremonies at Portland’s final regular sea­ son gam e against the G olden State W arriors on W ednes­ day, April 18. The reunion will be highlighted by the retiring o f the No. 14 jersey worn by form er Trail Blazers guard Lionel Hollins, w hoplayedan integral role on the cham pion­ ship team. “The 1977 team set the bar by w hichallotherTrail Blazers team s are ju d g ed ," said M ike Golub, Trail Blazersexecutive vice president. “ It w as a very special team and a very special tim e fo rth e franchise, its fans and the City o f Portland, and we very much look forw ard to welcom ing all the heroes from that team back to Portland and honoring them for their incred­ ible accomplishments.” Fans attending the game will receive a special com m em ora­ tive poster that features the 1976-77 Trail Blazers on one side and the current 2006-07 Trail Blazers team on the o p ­ posite side. “ W e wanted to m ake the reunion very special for this team and the consensus among the alum ni, coaches and orga­ nization was that retiring Lionel H ollins'jersey was long over­ due and the right thing todo, so this seem ed the perfect oppor­ tunity,” added G olub. "W e co u ld n ’t be m ore excited to raise the “T rain’s ’jersey to the rafters to jo in the other Trail Blazergreats." H ollins jo in s fellow 1977 cham pion team m ates Dave T w ardzik (#13), Larry Steele (#15), M aurice Lucas (#20), Bill W alton (#32), and Lloyd Neal (#36) to have their je r ­ seys retired. The only other Trail Blazers to have their je r ­ seys retired are G eoff Petrie (#45) and Clyde Drexler (#22). Another highlight o f the 1977 Reunion will be a noonti me ml ly for the form er cham pions at Terry Schrunk Plaza. Schrunk Plaza was the scene o f a mas- si ve ral 1 y for the team i m med i - ately following the team 's vic­ tory parade, w hich began at Lionel Hollins as a member of the 1977 NBA World Champion Port­ land Trail Blazers Tiger Out-Mastered ‘Normal guy’ Johnson wins at Augusta (AP) — It all seemed surreal to Zach Johnson. Three clutch bird­ ies on the back nine at the Masters. His name atop the leaderboard. Toppling Tiger Woods. Slipping on the green jacket. “I'm from Cedar Rapids. Iowa.” he said when asked to describe himself. “That's about it. I’m a nor­ mal guy." Not anymore. Normal guys d o n 't beat Woods in the final round of a major, espe­ cially when W oods is in the lead. Normal guys aren’t unfazed by the ground-shaking cheers o f W oods making an eagle to mount a charge. Jack Heck was a normal guy from Iowa, too. and he took down the great Ben Hogan in the 1955 LI.S. Open. Maybe everyone should have seen this one coming. A strange week at Augusta Na­ tional saved the biggest surprise for the very end — Johnson as the Masters champion, and beating Woods to get there. iM ia it N t i State Farm* Zach Johnson (left) receives a customary green jacket from 2006 champion Phil Mickelson for winning the Masters Sunday. “As they say. a giant has got to fall at some point," he said. Johnson pulled aw ay from Woods anti the rest of the pack with three birdies in a pivotal four- hole stretch, closing with a 3-under 69 for a two-shot victory over Woods, Relief Goosen and Rory Sabbatini. It was only the second victory of his career. Join us for an honest dialogue about what works in preventing sexually transmitted disease, HIV infection, and teen pregnancy in African American communities. in Wednesday, April 25 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. T o n y and L ib b y Ke Gathering, drum m ing, and dinner w ill begin MBA. M.Ed.. Brokers, CRS. ABR. at 5:30 p.m. W W W SellingPortlandkciill state 503-330-5488 17700 SW Upper Boones Kerry Rd Portland. OR Adm ission is free. , Friends of the Children 65 NE Stanton Portland, OR 503.849.3633 Dentures Worth Smiling About! Providing Insurance and Financial Services Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois6l7IU M ichael Harper, Agent We moved to our new location at: 9713 S .W . 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