Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 11, 2007, Page 6, Image 6

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    A p ril 11,2007
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Page A6
Little League
Draws Support
From Friends
of Baseball
Friends o f Baseball, an advised fund o f
the O regon Sports A uthority Foundation,
is partnering with Peninsula Little League
and the Lady Bailers Softball T eam to pay
for much needed equipm ent and travel.
K e e n a n L o n g c o r , a tr u s te e a n d
fo u n d e r o f F rie n d s of B aseball atten d ed
S a tu rd a y ’s o p en in g w eek en d c e le b ra ­
tio n to ann o u n ce a g ran t o f $1,224 for
P eninsula to p u rch ase a popcorn p o p ­
per and snow cone m achine.
"W e are th rilled to assist these team s,
th eir am azing v olunteers and ultim ately,
th e ch ild ren o f this neig h b o rh o o d . O ne
o f o u r g oals is to assist in e ffo rts to
cre ate long term su stain a b ility for our
g ran tees. W ith P eninsula L ittle L eague
g ro w in g from 12 to 17 team s this se a ­
so n, we are th rilled to assist in th eir
su c ce ss,” L ongcor said.
A dditionally, FOB announced a grant
o f $ 1,5<X)tothe Lady Bailers U 14 Softball
financial support from the Oregon's Friends o f Baseball Foundation.
Team , w ho won the State G am es of O r­
egon this past sum m er. T hese funds w ill
provide both new equipm ent and assist in
travel expenses so that the team may rep­
resent O regon in the State G am es of
A m erica this season.
A F rien d s o f B aseb all/L ad y B ailers
recep tio n and grant p resen tatio n w ill be
held on S aturday A pril 21 at 2 p.m . at
A lb erta Park in n o rth east P ortland.
Leslie G oodlow -B aldw in, w ho is active
with both organizations, was instrum ental
in sharing the needs o f these tw o organi­
"B y receiving these grants, kids from
north and northeast Portland will have the
opportunity to excel and com pete at a
higher level.” G oodlow -B aldw in said. “ In
Tangled over Abortion
con tin u ed
fro m Front
"I want to know," Williams asked,
“are they (the opposition) the same
ones who will address the issue when
babies don’t have health care, and
when their mothers don’t have em ­
Will iams said he is more concerned
that Planned Parenthood fulfills their
promise of economic development.
Greenberg said the non-profit plans
to hire African Americans.
"T hat’s the key question," W ill­
iams said. "There has to be em ploy­
ment for African Arne ricanseom ing
Groups who oppose the clinic do
exist within the minority community
of the neighborhood. A non-profit
ju st north of the site isn’t thrilled
about their potential neighbors, and
wonders why Planned Parenthood
wants to set up shop "on the most
drug infested, poverty stricken cor­
ner o f the city.”
T he q u estio n w as po sed by
Shaheed Haamid, lay leader o f the
adjacent Muslim Com m unity Cen­
ter. Haamid said he opposes theclinic
on obvious moral grounds, but on a
secular level as well.
"I think it’s a travesty to put it right
next to a mosque,” he said, adding
photo by M arr W ashington /
T he P ortland O bserver
Opening weekend for the Peninsula Little League, serving north and northeast Portland, included some greatly needed
Slater said she is a form erclient o f
Planned Parenthood, but after her
birth control pills raised her blood
pressure she began reading up on
th e ir h isto ry an d h e r o p in io n
“They profit from promoting their
agenda," she said. "By dispensing
birth control pills and by promoting
Greenberg disagrees. He points
out that in 1966 Dr. Martin Luther
King Jr. accepted the Margaret Sanger
Award, the organization’s highest
“W e’renottryingto preventchild­
bearing,” he said. “W e do a lot of
education and counseling.”
Greenberg also noted that at the
current northeast location, abortion
photo by S arah B i . o i m / T he P o r i land O bserver
constitutes less than tw o percent of
Shaheed Haamid and his Muslim Community Center are next door services.
addition to providing this field equipm ent,
this grant provided us the opportunity to
purchase concession equipm ent that will
enable our league to generate revenue and
to continue to upgrade equipm ent and
uniform s.”
Legal Help Fails Blacks
H enry said the inability to find
a good law yer is the fate for many
black O regonians.
e v id e n c e ,” said B arto n , “ W ho
“ 1 w ant attorneys to be aw are
know s w hat w ould have happened
that they have a duty to represent
to O J . with lim ited resources.”
in an unbiased and affective m an­
Barton says that the average d e­
ner,” said Henry, “ I d o n 't care if
fendant d o e sn ’t have access to
you like me or not but you ought
DNA testing or a “dream team ” o f
to be able to represent m e.”
lawyers, and that can be a proxy
W alsh said there are alm ost
indicator o f racism.
13,000 registered law yers in O r­
Henry, who helped start N A ACP
egon and only 100 o f them define
branches in C orvallis, Salem and
them selves as black.
Eugene, believes that having more
Being the sam e race as a client
attorneys that are com petent in the
is also not an indicator o f good
cultures o f their clients is ju st one
legal service. H enry says, but to
step in the legal process that will
him it is im portant that lawyers
make it easier for blacks to get the
know about the culture o f the cli­
assistance they need.
ent they represent.
Founded in 1977, the m ulti-hun­
Currently, HB 2886 is in the
dred m em ber O AB A isaciv il rights
J udiciary C om m ittee and is not on
organization that often hears co m ­
the schedule to be discussed.
plaints about biased legal care.
con tin u ed
fro m F ront
to the proposed new Portland headquarters for Planned Parenthood.
Haamid is opposed to the women s health and family planning clinic
on moral grounds because o f the abortion issue.
that it was insensitive o f Planned
Parenthood not to gather com m u­
nity input.
But King pointed out talks be­
tween one o f the agency’s com m is­
sioners and leaders o f the Muslim
center. Haamid said that is because
the particular com m issioner is a fel­
low Muslim, but they still stand firm
on their objections to the clinic.
North Portland resident and Afri­
can American Eugenia Slater also
opposes the clinic, based on the
racist beliefs o f the clinic's founder,
Margaret Sanger, who lived during
the turn o f the century.
“T hat’s offensive to me as a mi­
nority," she said.
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