Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 11, 2007, Page 16, Image 16

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April II, 2007
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Live Music Every Night
• Hannah B ea’s. 3969 N.E. M LK, presents jazz during its Sunday
Brunch S erenade’ from 11 a.m .-l p.m.
• L ivejazzperfbm iancesS tindayeveningsfrom 8 :3 0 p .m .-1 1 :3 0 p .m .,
at C lyde’s Prime Rib, 5474 NE Sandy, and at the Blue M onk ,3 3 4 1 S.E.
African Marimba Concert -
- Sixty students o f local m usi­
cian M yLinda King will bring high-
energy marim ba m usic from Zim babw e,
Botsw ana, and South A frica during a special concert
on Saturday, April 21 from 12:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at
Evangel Baptist C hurch, 2830 N.E. Flanders St. A d­
mission is free, but donations will be accepted.
• Live blues perfo rm an ces T uesday at Produce RowCafé, 204SEO ak,
from 9 p.m. to Midnight, the Steinhaus, 2366 SE 82nd Ave.. Mississippi
Studios, 3939 N. Mississippi Ave., from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. and at Jimmy
Mak s. 221 NW 10th, at 8 p.m. Live blues and jazz perform ances are
• W ednesdays, the C andlelight Room , 2032 SW 5th, and D u ff s
Garage. 635 SE 7th, and the Blue Diam ond, 2 0 16 NE Sandy BI vd„ offer
up blues perform ances. Catch live jazz perform ances at the Blue
M onk, the Portland Art M useum , Jim m y M ak’s, and J; 826 SW 2nd,
from 7:30 p.m. to 11 p.m.
• On Thursdays the W om en in Blues Review, atT illicum 's, 8585 SW
Beaverton in Hillsdale.
Have you seen me?
Missing and Exploited Children
Endangered Missing
__________ I
Current Age: 16
Date M issing: July 6,2001
---- HMb------
Current Age: 10
M issing From: Chicago, IL
T he sisters disappeared w hile w alking to their neighborhood play­
ground. T he FBI is offering a $10,000.00 Rew ard for inform ation
regarding the current w hereabouts o f T ionda and D iam ond Bradley.
I f you have any information please contact:
The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
I -800-TH E-LO ST (1-800-843-5678)
This public service announcement provided
by the Portland Observer Newspaper.
songwriter Damien Rice will
perform T hursday, April 26 at
8 p.m. at the Rose Q uarter after his
scheduled show at the Roseland T h e­
ater sold out. R ice’s pow erful voice was discovered
by many when he released his first single ‘T h e Blow er's
D aughter,” an instant T op 20 hit.
3 Leg Torso - Friday, April 13, at 9
p.m.. the Blue M onk, 3341 S.E.
Belm ont St., will host P ortland’s
favorite world cham ber music en ­
sem ble, 3 Leg Torso with special
guest Larold Wil I. For more inform a­
tion visit: th e b lu em o n k .co m or
3legtorso.com .
• Participate in a m ixed-m edia open m ic night each M onday at the
Back-to-Back Café, 6 14 E. Burnside, and at the Clackam as C om m unity
C ollege's O pen Mic Jazz Jam s, from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
• Fridays and Saturday s offer many venue choices around the m etro
area: Halibuts (2525 NE Alberta St.), Mississippi Studios, L V ’s, 3530 N.
V ancouver Ave., XV, 15 SW 2nd. Out o f the Blues, 2050 NW Vaughn,
M anila Express, 12370 SE M ain St. in Tigard. O ne Stop Records, 615
N E K illingsw orthS t.,andthe U-licious Sm okehouse, 4057 N. Interstate
S teeped in C ulture, H um or- Portland’s ProfileThe-
atre presents “The Sisters Rosensw eig," a play steeped
in Jew ish culture and hum or, now playing through
April 22 at Theater! Theater! 3430 S.E. Belmont St. For
tickets visit profiletheatre.org orcall 5O3-242-OO8O.
Stephen M arley — Thursday,
April 12, Stephen M arley fea­
turing Jr. G oing with K 'naan
will be appearing at the Roseland
T heater at 8 p.m. T ickets avail­
able at Ticketsw est.com or at
any Tickets W est Location.
Stephen Marley
T an g o A lb u m C e l­
e b ra te d - Interna­
tionally acclaim ed
Portland harm onica
artist Joe Powers is
celebrating the re­
lease o f his first, full
length solo T ango
album with a co n ­
cert Tuesday, April
17 at 7:30p.m. at Mis­
s is s ip p i S tu d io s ,
3939N . M ississippi
A ve. T ic k e ts are
available for $10.
Call 503-288-3895.
Clifford the Big Red
Dog — Friday. May
18, at 7 p.m. and Saturday, May I9 ,a t 11:30 a.m . and
3:30 p.m., will be em barking on abig oversized musical
adventure, at the Rose Q u arter-T h eatero f the Clouds.
Tickets available at the Rose Q uarter Box O ffice and
Safew ay ticket outlets.
Irish Singer at Rose G arden - Irish singer and
‘H urricaneon the Bayou’ --O M SI
takes the audience deep into the
soul-stirring heart o f Louisiana with
"Hurricaneon the Bayou.” now play­
ing at the m useum ’s O M N IM A X
D om e Theater. A pow erfully m ov­
ing giant screen film unlike any
other, "H urricane on the Bayou” carries audiences
behind today’s new s headlines on a journey before,
during and after the unprecedented devastation o f
H urricane Katrina.
H ip-hop D ance C lasses - Vancouver-Clark Parks and
Recreation is hosting fam ily friendly hip-
hop dance classes for ages 5 to 18. V ari­
ous lessons teach rhythm , technique,
coordination, agility, com binations and
team w ork through urban dance moves.
For more information, call 360-696-8236.
T rip pin ’ through Town — Take a trip
through tim e to find the hottest poetry,
hip-hop and soul influencing Portland on W ednes­
days at the O hm . $7 cover. 31 N.W . First Ave.
“ R osalba Y Los L laveros” — E veryone’s lives turn
upside dow n when a young woman from M exicoC ity
tries to "liberate” her provincial cousins, in the Span­
ish language production o f "R osalba V Los Llaveros”
at M ilagro Theatre. 525 S.E. Stark St., through April 28.
Show tim es are Thursday s at 7:30 p.m.: Fridays and
Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sunday m atinees a, 2 p.m.
T ickets are $ 15 to $ 18.