50jé Supporting Local Kids years of Peninsula Little League is off and running with needed donation •'com m unity service ‘City of Roses’ See story, page AS '¡Jorthuib Established in 1970 Volume XXXVII. Number 15 TkWeek in Thc Review School Gunfire Hurts 15 A 15-year-old boy fired a shot into a window at Springw ater Trail High School in G resham T uesday afternoon. A uthorities said no students were injured by the shot, but 10 students suffered m inor cuts from shattered glass. Obama Rejects VP Spot D o n ’t call him V ice P resident Barack Obama. O n th e L a te Show with David Letterman M on­ day, Presidential hopeful O bam a dism issed the possibility o f run­ ning for VP with Hilary Clinton on top o f the ticket. O bam a says he d o esn 't run for second place be­ cause he do esn ’t believe in it. Lionel Hollins Honored Former Portland Trai IB lazer Lionel H ollins’ num ber 14jersey will be retired during a special 30 year anniversary tribute to the team ’s l977N BA C'ham pionship. Hollins played forthe Blazers for five years and was an integral part o f the cham pionship season. See sto ry on page B3. ■',*/ Roots on TV-One , f T o ce le b ra te the 30th anniver- sary o f Alex H aley's pi votal mini- series “ R oots,” TV O ne d ebuted p art one o f the sag a on E aster, g lich n ig h t th ro u g h S u n d ay . A pril 15, the statio n w ill feature a new segm ent o f “ R o o ts.” On M ay 22, the 4 -d isc D V D w ill be released . Search for Vu The fam ily o f a d e a f and d is­ abled man in C lark C ounty a re g ro w in g concerned a f­ te r he w e n t m issing Satur­ day. The FBI has joined in the search for Khoi Vu. 25, w ho has the mental capacity o f a 10-year- old and com m unicates with sign language. Call 9-1-1 if you have any inform ation. Boyfriend is the Daddy DNA tests prove it: Larry Birkhead is the fath er o f A nna N ic o le S m ith's m illion- dollarbaby."Itold you so!" the late Playboy Playm ate's form er boy­ friend said T uesday upon em erg­ ing from a closed court hearing. Repeat Deployment As many as 13,(XX) National Guard , soldiers from A rkansas, Indiana, O hio and O klahom a got an official h e a d s -u p M o n d a y th a t th e y should expect possible deploy­ ment to Iraq. For most soldiers this will be their second tour o f duty. h Tangled over Abortion by S arah B lount said Bill Diss, who has organized a movement against the clinic but lives in Beaverton. Planned Parenthood o f the C olum bia/W illariette has been interested in relocating to a bigger facility in northeast Port­ land for tw o years, said the non-profit's local president David Greenberg. T hey’ve hadclinics in northeast Portland since 1966, most recently at Northeast 15th and Fremont, where they serve an average o f 100 patients each day, G reenberg said. The organization plans to relocate theirregional headquar­ ters from southeast Powell Boulevard to a 45,(XX) square feet location at Northeast MLK Boulevard and Beech Street, pending a vote from the city’s urban renewal agency, the Portland Development Commission. Sara King, manager o f the renewal area along M LK Blvd.. said the PDC purchased the property in 1997 as a catalyst to create jobs along that corridor. After fai led attem pts to secure a bakery, cal I center and a health clinic at the site. Beech Street Partners proposed the idea o f Planned Parenthood. If built, it will include retail space that the PDC says would deliver 140 jobs, with more than half offering quality wage. As a suburban resident. Diss admits this is his first time to take political action in anything involving African Americans or northeast Portland. “I feel for all those people (clinic patients) but I think they photo by S araii are especially picking on this neighborhood because o f the African American population.” But Greenberg said abortions account for less than five percent o f the clinic’s services and that they "d on't expect that to change by relocating our headquarters." T h e re 's an attempt to say w e’re targeting one group or another, he added, "but we don’t adversti.se. W omen find us mostly by word o f mouth." Diss has presented the PDC with nearly 5(X) signatures of those opposed to the clinic. King said only 16 percent of the signatures were from residents and business owners from inner northeast neighborhoods. But since the development falls within an urban renewal area, it is a priority of the PDC to bring financial gain to the neighborhood. “When we did our outreach, we reached out to northeast community leaders," King said. “W e’re hearing some oppo­ 3 2 sition but not much, most folks are staying neutral." For African American leader Harold W illiamsSr., Planned Parenthood is about much needed economic development for th e A fric an A m eric an c o m m u n ity . He said the overrepresentation of abortions in minority communities should always be reviewed, but he also suspects that it is not the core issue for the opposition, w ho live in other com m u­ nities. For African American leader Harold Williams Sr., the clinic s relocation is about much needed economic develop­ ment within the African American community. W i 11 iams said the overrepresentation o f minorities who have abortions should always be in question, but if individuals are to regard racial disparities, they should look at the spectrum o f issues faced by disenfranchised communities. continued on page A6 Comments called ‘racist, sexist despicable’ Players not sure they can accept Don Imus’ apology (A P) - The Rutgers w om en's basketbal I team wi 11 meet with em ­ battled C B S/Infinity Radio host Don Imus, and their coach on T uesday called his com m ents "racist and sexist remarks that are deplorable, despicable and un­ conscionable.” Players stopped short o f say­ ing w hether they thought Imus should be fired. Effective M on­ day, Imus has been suspended for tw o w eeks for calling the Rutgers female basketball players “nappy-headed hos.” “ W e all agreed the m eeting with M r. Im us w ill h e lp ,” E ssen ce Local residents sound off See page A2, inside Carson, a m em ber o f the team that lost the NCAA w om en’s cham pi­ on sh ip gam e to T ennessee last week. said. “ We do hope to get Don Imus som ething accom plished during very fortunate to have them at this m eeting." R utgers U n iv ersity . T hey are Team m ate Matee Ajavon said: young ladies o f class, distinction “I could say that we honestly d o n 't They are articulate, they are gifted. know what toexpect from Don Imus They are G o d 's representatives in and what we will plan on asking him every sense o f the w ord." is his reasons and how you could She said it's not about the play­ ju st say things that you have not ers "as black or nappy-headed. put any thought to? Right now I It's about us as a people. When c a n 't really say if we have com e to there is not equality for all, or a conclusion o f w hether we will when there has been denied equal­ accept the apology. W hat I can say ity for one. there has been denied I think this meeting will be crucial equality fo ra ll." for us. the state o f New Jersey and She further said: "W hile they everybody representing us." worked hard in the classroom and Head coach C. Vivian Stringer accom plished so much and used said her players “are the best this on page A2 nation has to offer, and we are so continued Advocates say Legal Help Fails Blacks A R onai . H ooper s is so com pletely engulfed in fear ‘ and racism that black defendants fail to receive effective represen- ' tation before the state courts. T he O regon A ssem bly for Black A ffairs is calling for legis- ' lation to help correct the prob­ ô B i . oi nt /T hl P ortland O bserver Longtime African American leader Harold Williams Sr. stands at the proposed site of Planned Parenthood at Northeast Martin Luther King Boulevard and Beech Street. Williams says he supports the clinic's relocation from southeast Portland, but only if it financially benefits the African American community. A dvocates for African Arneri- I cans say O reg o n 's legal system I j T he P ortland O bserver It is no surprise that controversy surrounds a potential Planned Parenthood on Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. But what makes the controversy o f this particular development unique are the allegations that the non-profit w om en’s health and family planning clinic unfairly targets minority communities. Several individuals who are strongly opposed to abortion havetaken up advocacy forthe minority com m unitiesofnorth and northeast Portland, even though most live out o f town or out o f state. “ You don’t see them asking to put one In the West Hills,” by Nit ole a " T » X " /.?, w X ' I T he P ortland O bserver pr Wednesday • April II, 2007 ? Planned Parenthood on MLK draws fire, support More diversity training wanted g www.portlandobserver.com Committed to Cultural Diversity lems m inorities encounter by re­ Calvin O.L. Henry quiring all Oregon lawyer to have legal representation. more diversity training. The Oregon State Bar has not O A BA President Calvin O.L. taken a position on the bill. Henry says House Bill 28K6 is a Katcri Walsh, the lawyer group's necessity for black Oregonians, com m unity relations adm inistrator, which w ould give them effective said discrim ination and bias are problems "we recognize and we are pretty engaged in." She said the bar would likely include diversity training in its an ­ nual legislative sem inar if the bill is passed. But the length, title and direct focus o f thc classes are an unknown. Walsh said that the bar already has continuing education classes. I'here is an Elim ination o f Bias re­ quirement where lawyers have to lake three hours o f instruction ev ­ ery reporting period. The reporting periixl is three years; so essen ­ tially, a lawyer could do thc class in a one hour increm ent each year. Jesse W illiam Barton, a Salem criminal defense attorney, says d i­ versity is an interesting concept that isn't on his radar but that he would like to see the training tai­ lored to defense attorneys ¡fatal I. "F or me the biggest problem I see in term s o f racial disparity in this state are found in the prison system ." said Barton. "If you have a lawyer in a small town doing wills and estates and ev ­ eryone in that town is white, the lawyer could take the extra diver­ sity training but it's not going to change the racial disparity in pris­ o n s.” However. Barton said the O J Sim pson case was a gixxl ex ­ am ple o f what can be accom ­ plished with effective represen­ tation. “ He was willing to spend all the money he had on a DNA expert to rebut stales attorney continued on page A6 Leon Dudley Principal Replaced Jefferson H ighS chool Principal I r o n Dudley has been placed on leave lor the rest o f the year, the Portland Schix,I District announced I uesday. Jefferson cluster director Cynthia Harris has been nam ed in­ terim principal. There is no w ord yet w hy Dudley continued on page A2