& Oef Jam’s Rihanna Florida Repeat M etro Îlîl ^ lo rtlan h © hseruer p o m m u n ity C a le n d a r Zoo Spring Break Fun T hrough Saturday, April 7, the Oregon Z oo will host tropical island fun and events for spring break. For m ore infor­ m a tio n . call 5 0 3 -2 2 6 -1 5 6 1 o r visit o regonzoo.org . Vancouver Outdoor Market Saturdays and Sundays, thru O ctober 27, the V ancouver O utdoor M arket will fea­ ture fresh produce, food, and arts and crafts. The market also offers free W i -F i. Saturday m arket hours are from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sundays the hours are 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Healthy Kids Fair Saturday, April 7, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Legacy Emanuel Hospital: Atrium, 501 N. G raham , will host the 23rd annual fair to introduce children to the hospital and caregivers. Scheduled activities include egg hunts, photos with the E aster Bunny, healthy kid checks, and much more. This is a free event. Rabbit Romp Saturday, Apri 17, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., the O regon Zoo, 4( M) I S . W . Cany on Rd., w i 11 host an E aster egg hunt every 20-m inute for children ages 3 -10 years old with a special hunt for toddlers 2 and under. Visit oregonzoo.org or call 503-226-1561 for more inform ation. Life after High School A C areer and Educational O pportunities Fair, a venue for insight into local busi­ nesses, trade apprenticeships, sum m er w ork program s and educational opportu­ nities takes place M onday, April 9, from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Portland State U niversity Sm ith Ballroom , dow ntow n. For more information, call 503-230-9427. Elephantastic Saturday and Sunday, April 14 & 15, the O regon Z oo invites guest to celebrate Packy the elephant’s 45th birthday; ac­ tivities include special perform ances by P acky’s pachyderm -pals, with cake for everyone at 2 p.m. on Saturday. Free with zoo adm ission. Financial Aid Workshop Saturday, April 21, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.. the Mt. Hood C om m unity C ollege O ffice o f Financial Aid will host financial aid w o rk s h o p s in the C o lle g e L ib rary , Room 3333. T he sem inars begin at 9:30 a.m. and continue each halfhourthrough- out the day. Call 503-491-7262 for m ore information. Neighborhood Clean Up Saturday, April 21. the North Portland- Earth Day clean-up project invites resi­ dents to drop off unw anted recyclable goods to 4 3 4 0 N . Lombard. For more drop o ff sites and inform ation on how you can helpclcan up the neighborhood, call 503- 823-4099. in NCAA Tourney with same starting five Barbados beauty grows as young artist see Sports, page B6 A&E, page C3 Want a Free Computer? Spend 24 hours with Free Geek by N icole R onal H ooper T he P ortland O bserver B ecom in g a geek can get you a free co m p u ter. S tarted in P o rtlan d on Earth Day in 2000, the n on-profit organization has been helping the co m m u n ity learn about co m p u ters but also g iving fa m i­ lies access to tech n o lo g y for free. N ow there are seven Free G eeks across the country. It all originated when Free G eek Founder O so Martin had too many com puters and started shelving them in his dining room. T he first Free G eek is sta tio n e d in a large w areh o u se in the S o u th east In ­ d u stria l A rea. L ast y ear, th ey w ere robbed o f m ore than $ 3 ,0 0 0 o f laptop eq uipm en t. But th eir sp irit w a s n 't sto ­ len and th eir m ission is still about h elp ­ ing the co m m u n ity . T he co m m u n ity helped them ev en m ore as a resu lt w ith d o n atio n s and v o lu n te erism for th eir build o r ad o p t pro g ram . The build program serves as a learning experience, but ends with a benefit. V ol­ unteers build five com puters and get the sixth one free. If a volunteer sim ply wants a com puter, they can volunteer at Free G eek for 24 hours. In addition to their effort, volunteers are given free technical support for a year. “ W e do an am azing service and people get to learn the technology to be more com petitive in the jo b m arket,” said Shawn Furst, Free G eek volunteer program coor­ dinator, who believes that volunteering breaks barriers in technology. The w arehouse is full o f gadgets and photo by M ark W ashington /T hf . P ortland O bserver Shawn Furst welcomes the public to Free Geek in southeast Portland. She's the first stop on the mandatory tour for new volunteers. gizm os that the average person may not be able to make sense of. It’s a new world inside those doors and a new vocabulary. For the technically challenged, w alking in Free G eek could be intimidating. However, the organization tries to give access to everyone. "M an y w om en m ay think that they can n o t build a co m p u ter. But so m e­ tim es w e find those w ho are se lf d o u b t­ ers are often the o n es w ho catch on the fa ste st,” said Furst. How can you help Free Geek if you already have a com puter? Feel free to bring your junky com puter to Free Geek just be prepared to pay the $10 recycling fee. Ten percent o f Free G eek’s income com es from m onitor recycling, but mostly from their thrift store or the G eek Prom, an continued on pane R5 Urban League’s Mundy in New Orleans African American Council Y o u’re invited on the third T uesday o f each m onth from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. when the African A m erican Advisory Council m eets at the King Facility, 4815 N.E. Seventh Ave. Call 503-823-(XXX)for more inform ation. A p ril 4. 2 0 0 7 www.portlandobserver.com Committed to Cultural Diversity On ‘Flight of Friendship’ to aid recovery U rban L eague o f Portland President an d c h ie f e x e c u tiv e o ffic e r M arcu s M undy is am ong a large g ro u p o f O r­ egon ian s in N ew O rlean s this w eek to o ffe r aid and support to resid en ts o f the city still reco v erin g from the d e v a sta ­ tion left by H urrican e K atrina. M undy, w h o has fam ily m em bers living in N ew O rlean s, leads an U rban L eague d eleg atio n on the "F lig h t of F riendsh ip ,” an in itiative that has m ore than 100 O reg o n v o lu n ­ teers help in g in N ew O r­ le an s' recovery. T h e v o l u n te e r s a r e spendingtim e m eetingcivic and co m m u n ity leaders and w o rk in g on reb u ild in g and b eau tificatio n p ro jects in s o m e o f th e w o rs t h it neig h b o rh o o d s. H ig h -p ro ­ file O re g o n ia n s on the trip in c lu d e G ov. T ed K ulongoski. M ayor T o m P o tter and S tate T reasu rer R andall E dw ards. C h risto p h er L ew is. 23, and A shley W illiam s, 21, Marcus Mundy fo rm er resid en ts o f New' is ab so lu tely O rlean s that w ere d isp laced by H urri- cane K atrina, are part o f the U rban League d el­ egation. L ew is cam e to Portland w ithout fam ­ ily o r friends in the a f­ term ath o f K atrina. W il­ liam s cam e to Portland w ith h er m o th e r an d seven siblings after they lost ev ery th in g in the storm . Both have since b e e n s u p p o r te d b y C ath o lic C harities. C o m m en tin g on the U rban L e a g u e 's p artici­ p a tio n o n th e tr ip . M undy said "T h e U r­ ban L eague o f Portland r n m m i t t w l t n < iin n n r t in o the effo rts o f the N ational U rban L eague an d U rb an L ea g u e o f G re a te r New O rlean s as they w ork to rebuild N ew O rlean s and rev iv e the w elfare o f its citizen s. “ N ew O rle a n s is im p o rtan t to so m any o f us. W e all have a responsibility and a d uty to see that the city is re ­ stored. T he A m erica I grew up in re­ q u ired carin g for o th ers and civic p a r­ ticip atio n . I w ould like to believ e that w ere P o rtlan d th e v ictim o f such a tragedy, o th ers w ould step u p." he said. F light o f F rien d sh ip w as o rg an ized by S ho and Loen D ozono o f A zum ano T rav el; R andall E dw ards. O reg o n State T reasu rer; B ruce S am son, sen io r e x ­ ecu tiv e o f N W N atural; Brent S tew art o f U nited W ay; and M ercyC orp. Urban Scavenger Hunt Saturdays and Sundays, April 21-22 and April 28-29, the Give a Buck for Buckman A ssociation will host an architectural urban scavenger hunt to he I p raise aw are­ ness to preserve the historical neighbor­ hood. Join the fun, learn som ething new and m ake a difference. Visit pyung.com / dev orcall 503-236-2214. TriMet Tests Transit Signs Women’s Health Conference Saturday, April 28. from 7:30 a.m. to 4 :3 0 p.m., at the Oregon Convention Center, New York colum nist. Jane Brody, will be discussing issues related to w o m en 's h e a lth . To r e g is te r v is it ohsuw om enshealth.com orcall 503-494- 0712. TriMet installs innovative raised-char­ acter signs in downtown Portland to help riders who have a visual impair­ ment find their bus. The signs are embossed and printed on high-grade plastic to resist chemicals, light and graffiti. Thirty-seven of the signs will be tested over the next two years to determine whether these or similar signs will be incorporated into the Portland Mall Light Rail Project. Fostering Diversity T hursday, April 26 thru Friday, April 27, Mt. H( xk 1 C om m unity C ollege and P ort­ land State U niversity, will host the two- day conference to address critical diver­ sity-related issues in the Portland and G resham com m unities, with educational, business and cultural leaders. Call 503- 491 -7254 for more information. I HWY EXPRESS Japanese Gardens Plant Sale Saturday, April 28. from 10a.m. to 3 p.m., the Japanese G ardens, 6 11 SAV. Kingston Dr., annual plant sale will take place. I