Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 04, 2007, Page 7, Image 7

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    Page A7
A p ril 4. 2007
Fighter Pilots Earn Highest Honor
long overdue
(AP) - Congress and President
Bush saluted the Tuskegee Airmen
six decades after they com pleted
their World War II mission and re­
turned home to a country that dis­
crim inated against them because
they were black.
“ Even the Nazis asked why A fri­
can American men would fight fo ra
country that treated them so un­
fairly," President Bush told the group
of legendary black aviators, who
received a Congressional Gold Medal
Thursday — the most prestigious
Congress has to offer.
“These men in our presence felt a
special sense of urgency. They were
fighting two wars. One was in Eu­
rope and the other took place in the
hearts and minds o f our citizens.”
Bush then saluted the airmen, say­
ing he wanted to offer the gesture to
“help atone for all the unreturned
salutes and unforgivable indignities”
they endured.
Bush, members o f Congress and
other dignitaries joined some 300
airm en, widows and other relatives
for the ceremony in the Capitol Ro­
H o u rs a h e a d o f the e v e n t,
Tuskegee Airmen — some walking
with the aid of canes, others pushed
in wheelchairs — Hooded Capitol
hallways on their way to being rec­
ognized for their long-ago heroism.
“ It's never too late for your coun­
try to say that you've done a great
job for us," Ret. Col. Elmer D. Jones,
89, o f Arlington, Va., said in an
interview this week. Jones was a
maintenance officer during the war.
Ret. Lt. Col. W alter L. M cCreary,
who was shot from the sky during a
Tuskegee Airmen Robert Lawrence of Santa Fe, N.M. (left) and Walter Fiedler of St. Louis appear in Washington. D.C.
for the awarding o f the Congressional Gold Medal.
Cadets at the
Basic and Ad­
vanced Flying
School for Negro
Air Corps Cadets
stand at attention
in this January
1942 photo at the
Tuskegee Institute
in Tuskegee, Ala.
mission in O ctober 1944 and held
prisoner for nine months in G er­
many, said it hurt that the group's
accom plishments had not been hon­
ored years earlier.
"W e took it in stride. It’s recogni­
tion long overdue," said M cCreary,
also 89, of Burke, Va.
House Majority Whip JimClyburn.
D-S.C.. the highest-ranking black
m em b e r o f C o n g re s s , e c h o e d
M cC reary's sentiment. Many of the
Tuskegee Airmen also trained at
Walterboro Army Airfield in his con­
gressional district.
"People are now beginning to
come to grips with our history,"
Clyburn said Thursday in an inter­
view. "Our history is what it is. It's
never going to change."
The Tuskegee Airmen were re­
cruited into an Army Air Corps pro­
gram that trained blacks to fly and
maintain combat aircraft. President
Roosevelt had overruled his top gen­
erals and ordered that such a pro­
gram be created.
But even after they were adm it­
ted. many comm anders continued to
believe the Tuskegee Airmen didn't
have the smarts, courage and pa­
triotism to do what was being asked
of them.
Nearly 1,000 fighter pi lots trained
as a segregated unit at a Tuskegee,
Ala., air base.
Not allowed to practice or fight
with their white counterparts, the
T uskegee A irm en distinguished
themselves from the rest by painting
the tails of their airplanes red. which
led to them becoming known as the
“ Red Tails."
Hundreds saw combat through­
out Europe, the M editerranean and
North Africa, escorting bomber air­
craft on m issions and protecting
them from the enemy. Dozens died
in the fighting; others were held
prisoners of war.
Exclusive Offer for Residents of Washington and Oregon!
Do you know the law?
To reduce energy consumption, new energy efficiency legislation in the states ofWashmg-
ton ahd Oregon now prohibits the sale o f certain incandescent reflector light bulbs that
do not meet minimum energy efficiency standards.This law affects sales o f most 40 W a tt
to 205 W a tt incandescent reflector light bulbs made after I / 1 /2007.
W h a t can you do?
Friday, April 6
Easter Egg Hunts
St. Johns Community Center
84287 N. Central
Hunt schedule: 7:30 to9:30p.m.
Replace your discontinued incandescent reflector light bulbs with the recommended
energy efficient light bulb types. Light bulbs that meet the new energy efficiency
standards and can improve the light quality are now available from Philips at
The Hom e Depot.
Saturday, April 7
Let us help— Save up to $10.00!
Wo<»d Village Baptist Church
23601 W.Arata Rd.
Get started w ith the Philips manufacturer mail-in rebate. Simply purchase a qualifying
Philips light bulb at The Hom e Depot, and mail in the rebate coupon below.
Information : 503-823-9192
Easter Bunny arrives by helicopter at 9:30 a.m.
Hunt begins at 10 a.m. (ages 9 and under)
Changing a light bulb can make a difference. Philips can make it easy.
Saturday, April 7
Information: 503-667-6211.
Oregon Zoo
4001 S.W. Canyon Rd.
Hunt schedule: 9 a m. to 3 p.m.
Saturday, April 7
A nighttime hunt at the Bunny Patch in St. Johns
(every h a lf hour). Free with Zoo admission.
Information: 503-226- 1561
Saturday, April 7
Blue Lake Regional Park
20500 N.E. Marine l)r., Fairview
Admission: $4 per ear. $7 per bus. free with
annual pass
Schedule: 10 a.m. to Noon, Hunt begins at 10:30
a.m. (ages 10 and under)
or Marathon Dimmable Light Bulbs Purchase'
Hunt begins at the church at 10 a.m.
(5 th grade and under)
I nl't innat ion: 51 >3-665-6638
Get $2.50 back when you purchase $5.00 worth of product.
Get $5.00 back when you purchase $10.00 worth of product.
Get $ 10.00 back when you purchase $20.00 worth of product
Sunday, April 8
Lynchwood Church of God
3815 S.E. 174th Ave.
Egg hunts scheduled 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Inform ation: Julie Jackson 503-665-6638
Sunday, April 8
Saturday, April 7
Christ Light Unity Church EggHunt
Fairview Community Center; 300 Harrison St.
Hunt begins at 10 a.m. (ages 10 anil under)
Information: 5( >3-252-2201
Saturday, April 7
Gresham Elks Lodge 1805
3330 N.E. Division St.
Hunt begins at 11 a.m. at the lodge.
Information: 503-666- 1 805
Saturday, April 7
Troutdale Lions Club Egg Hunt
Glenn OttoCommunity Center
II0 6 E . Historic River Hwy., Troutdale
Hunt begins at 10 a.m.
Saturday, April 7
Columbia ( Jorge Premium ()utlet
450 N.W. 257th Ave., Troutdale
11 a.m.to3p.m.
Easter Bunny, treats, balloons
Information: 503-669-8060
Philips Halogen o r Halogend Reflectors,
Powell Valley Covenant Church
1335 S.E. 282nd A ve„ ( J resham
Information: 503-665-4995
American Legion Egg Hunt
Lincoln Park School
13200 S.E. Lincoln St.
G et Up To $10.00 Cash Rebate by Mail On Any
‘ Manufacturer cash rebate by ma.l (up to $10 00) Offer good only on purchases o f Philips Halogen or
Halogena reflectors,oi Marathon dimmable ligftt bulbs made between March 23. 2007 and June 30.2007 at
The Home Depot Stores Rebate requests must be received by July 14.2007 Limit one request pet Ivousehoid
Sec below for details.
sense and simplicity
Hunt to begin at conclusion o f 10:30 a.m. services
Information: 5O3-6I8-OI34
Sunday, April 8
Official Rebate Request Form
Pleasant Home United Methodist Church
3 1632 S.E. Bluff Rd., Gresham
To receive your rebate by mail, fill out this manufacturer mail in rebate form and enclose proofs o f purchase
Hunt begins at 12:30 p.m.
I nfonnatii in: 5( >3-663-5654
Sunday, April 8
Philips Halogen
M arathon
you purchased and tire original dated rash register receipt from The H om e D epot (w ith pnees circled) You will
receive a rebate check in the am ount corresponding to the total value o f products purchased. Please print
Check the offer you are responding to:
McMcnumins Edgefield
Little Red Shed Anipitheater
2 126 S.W. Halsey St., Troutdale
Hunts scheduled at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. (ages 2 to 11)
I nf< innation: 5( >3-669-861 ()
Saturday, April 14
Thunder-Egg and Rock Hunt
Mt. Hood Community College
26000 S.E. Stark. Gresham
Admission: Free
Schedule: Hunt begins at 2 p.m. (ages 12 and under)
Information: 503-558-8500orcxlroc@comcast.net
$2 50 when you purchase $5 00
$5 00 when you purchase $10.00
$10.00 when you purchase $20 00
Mail to:
Philips W A /O R Rebate
PO. Box 5054
Kalamazoo. Ml 49003-5054
» t-
H- - i - p
not be reproduced N ot to be convened with ary other Phtltps
prohibited, Hcersed or otherwise restricted Offer ¿ood only on
Depot Stores. Rebate request must be Tceived by July 14.200
l utin g Corpany 0M)7 PIC7 TMO-2.
io ot o' /. mt.uLion 7his form must at.tomp.iny your req.iest • ind
:Fer Offer good only for residents of Washington and Oregon.Vo d
u chases maoe between March 23 2007 and :t>re 30. 2007 at ' he Home
Allow 6 8 weeks fo delivery o f mbate check
A D m s on of
Henrur-cs North Amen« Ce '-parami