April 4, 2007 PugeAÒ F ood T h e m is s io n o f the 'F o o t! S e c tio n ’ is to p ro v id e o u r readers w ith g re a t ta s tin g h e a lth y re c ip e s and u s e fu l h o u s e h o ld in fo rm a tio n . T h e P o rtla n d O b s e rv e r re s p e c tfu lly requests a ll c o m m e n ts a n d /o r fa m ily recipes y o u w o u ld lik e to share w ith us. A d d re ss e m a ils to fo o d s @ p o rtla n d o b s e rv e r.c o m . Ingredients „ .. . B ubble-G um Salad Pistachio Easter Salad / have tried several o f your recipes. My fam ily and I have enjoyed all o f them. Do you happen to have the following recipes: bubble-gum salad or pistachio Easter salad? Becky Selvidge, Zigzag, OK Becky, I am including your recipe request in this week's “F ood Section. " I appreciate the feedback fro m our readers. To you and all o f our readers: I wish you a safe and happy Easter. Good eats to all! Sharon Sperry, The Portland Observer Ingredients Directions • l-(3.5 oz.) pkg. pistachio pud- ding • l-( 16 oz.) frozen whipped top- ping, thawed • 1-small can crushed pineapple, drained • 2 to 3 bananas • M ix p is ta c h io p u d d in g an d w hipped topping, w hipping gen- tly. • Add drained pineapple to mix- ture. • C ut bananas into thin slices and add im m ediately to m ixture. • Chill one hour prior to serving. l-( 14 oz.) can sw eetened condensed milk l-( 12 oz.) frozen w hipped topping, thawed 1 -(21 oz.) can cherry pie filling 3- m edium firm bananas, sliced 1 -(8 oz.) can crushed pineapple, drained 1/2 - c u p chopped w alnuts Directions • In a large bowl, com bine milk and w hipped topping until well blended. Fold in pie filling, bananas, pineapple and nuts. Chill one hour prior to serving. EGGOLOGY 101 SAFEWAY 0 D yeing Easter Eggs Ingredients for life. by 4 easter entertaining 99 lb CLUB PRICE Rancher s Reserve Angus Beef Ribeye Roast Bone-in. SAVE up to $4 SO lb Butcher’s Cut Smoked Whole or Shank Half Ham Bone-in. Limit 2. While supplies last. 2,i6 SAVE up to $1.20 lb. CLUB PRICE Kormel Black Label Sliced Bacon CLUB PRICE rot msi Hw 1.19» “1 ÄJL ik- 16-oz Regular or Thick Sliced Club Price S3 00 ea SAVE up to $5 98 on 2 Butchers Cut Spiral r Sliced Half Ham Pre-glazed. Lim it 2. W hile supplies last. 9 99 SAVE up to $1.80 lb. lb CLUB PRICE Unlike Smoked Portion Hams, Our Butcher's Cut Super Trimmed Smoked Hams are Full H alf Hams with No Center Slices Removed, giving you a Better Value! Super Colossal King Crab Legs & Claws lb CLUB PRICE 6 to 9-size FrozenThawed SAVE up to SB 00 lb. S haron S perry Everyone has a fond m em ory o f dyeing Easter eggs as a child, or maybe it’s w atching the eager faces o f your children anxiously anticipating the m etam orphosis from the ordinary to that o f m agical colors. These m em ories fortunately last as long as the spilled dye on the kitchen cabinets and thankfully not as long as the E aster grass renegades that linger long after Labor Day. W hile spring cleaning I found a dusty collection o f m ixed m atched coffee cups, all o f w hich bore the unm istakable signs o f E aster egg dye. The choices and options for egg dyeing have changed quite a bit over the years: convenience, cost, ingredients and even the colors palettes. W ith these changes com e higher expectations o f dyeing the perfect egg. Now anything goes. *The Easter Bunny, an Easter consultant and eggologist, provides the following tips. EGGOLOGY101 • T o start: cover a table with lay­ ers o f old new spaper to soak up any spills. • T he secret to beautiful eggs is to let the eggs dry thoroughly betw een coats o f dye. • Use em pty egg cartons as d ry ­ ing racks. K eep p aper tow els handy to blot o ff any dye that pools underneath the eggs. • F o rco lo rfast egg dyes, mix 7-8 drops o f food coloring into 1 c u p o fh o t water. Stir in '4 cup vinegar. For m ore intense colors, use small am ounts o f professional-quality food coloring gels or pastes, available at craft, cake decorating and kitchen supply stores. Special Effects: • For spattered eggs, dip egg in a base color and let dry. D ip a clean toothbrush in a contrasting liquid color and carefully flick bristles with your fingers to m ake a paint splatter onto egg. • For m arbleized eggs, coat eggs with a base color and let d ry . Mix canola or other light cooking oil into another color o f dye (1-tsp. oil per cup o f dye) and quickly dunk eggs. T he oil will repel color in som e places and the dye will adhere in others, creating a m arbled effect. Homemade Dyes T o m ake your own natural dyes, boil com m on ingredients in w ater with a tablespoon o f vinegar until desired shade is reached. Strain to rem ove solids. BivoNr.ctTONi Fresh Express Salads FREE r— '— — CLUB PRICE find 5 to 12-oz. package. selected varieties. , Uyb SAVE “ I1 10 * 3 Z9 on 2 Suggestions for desired colors: • Y ellow onionskins and ground turm eric dye eggs yellow. • Y ellow onionskins and ground turm eric and beet ju ice dye eggs orange. • Brown (not w hite) onion peels dye as orange, too. • Red cabbage leaves produce a R obin’s egg blue color. • O range peels create a sm oky yellow green. • Y ellow D elicious apple peelings dye eggs pale lavender flecked with spring’s freshest flowers in floral. soft rust. • Fresh spinach gives you a pinkish color with gray-green buffs. Special Tips for Natural Egg Dying • T o dye eggs, place in a pan and cover w ith water. A dd 1-teaspoon o f vinegar and dye m aterial. Bring to a boil: reduce heat and sim m er gently F in e W in e s 20 m inutes. • The color will deepen or change if the eggs arc left in the dye solution T h a t C o m p le m e n ts Y o u r E aster M e a l I Tree Top Apple Juice 64-oz Selected varieties Club Price St 66 ea. Minute Maid Orange Juice 24-Pack Bud, Miller or Coors 64-oz Selected varieties Club Price: $2.50 ea SAVE up to $ 3 .7 8 Ob 2 ,2-Ot ansoraC-PxkMBrL* SelKM « S R b mm «i Cnjoi SAVE up to $ 4.63 C o p p o la, Frei B ro th e rs o r E rath 750-ml Selected varietals j I M B BAN i MTTU ni$c7 ’17 B i Willamette Valley, Piper Sonoma or Oak Knoll 750-ml Selected varietals Nabisco Snack Crackers Safeway Variety Breads 7 to 10-oz Selected varieties Club Pnce SI 66 ea 24-oz Selected varieties Club Price: $1.25 ea SAVE up to $2.96 on 4 SAVE up to S5.19 on 3 j .SÄ"» _ Fresh Cut Tulips 10 stem bunches SAVE up to $1 00 Willamette Valley, Erath or Sockeye 750-ml Selected varietals N ttit me 1N -J 10 5 COUPON S afeway S COUPON S afeway $ COUPON 5 DA YS O NLY! 5 DAYS ONLY! 5 DAYS ONLY! A pril 4 th ru A pril B A pril 4 th ru A pril B 00 with card and coupon i' x i * Thu UMgnr i t hm» o' purrh*« O r*-*» pw coupon One coupon o r a tomr M Y i mm COUPON CANNOT HOOU fcB kW vim M 16 oi Regular or Un«lted limit 1 with card and coupon Wth Minimum $10 purchase SURER COUPONS! Tht» .Xtupor must he pt "serried M time gl iueUim Ow ori* por tonano One coupon o r uttonr V»*d 4/44)7 thru /M T COUPON CANNOT Bf DOUBLED 1 m u ß , : Best Foods Mayonnaise Vi ta Selected varieties i.mit 1 purch«e of 2 Witf Minimum $ 10 pure hase 5\ j PER COUPONS? n muM 5» prwented » o» otrchM 3i«nr»' ustorn* Vain 4. M T thru 3u<»-)N CANNOT 'KOPUMfO S a fe w a y G ift Cards Your shopping shortcut S W W M A fixt M AvA.4etwt.tv aa FArtit tor NeietH. twrmx end rorrfetion» PIK« jood atm «art 10 « • stores. No sales to dealers, restaurants or institutions Sale« m retail quantities o nly Quantities o f some items may be lim ited and subject to availability Not responsible for rypograph Items fr prises in this ad are available it ka offen, customer customer must must put purchase tne h r« item to receive the second item free. BOGO often are not 1/2 price sales If only a single ical or pictorial errors We r rve o , right to vorret t all printed errors.On Buv One, Get One free fB O G O i") 1 offers, item purthasni. the regular pnee applies Manutac turers’ coupons mav be used on purchased items only - not on free items. <.2007 Safeway Stores, Inc. I Safe I I • • • • • • w-th rard and coupon Lucerne Butter 2*park, 16 9 or Limit 1 W'th Minimum 110 purchase Ingredients 2*3 with < ard jnd coupon Arrowhead Water SU RC O U PO NS! M » il B ai 1 These little cuties will steal the show' at Easter dinner and provide the opportunity lo express your inner artist. • • • A pril 4 th ru A pril 8 99« 3 7 7 C ute Otter valid Wednesday. April 4 thru Sunday. April 8. Minimum $10 Purchase. SUPER COUPONS! 5 DAYS ONLY! SAFEW AY Easter Egg Safety Tips: • DO N O T eat the eggs if you leave them out o f the refrigerator over night! • DO N O T eat cracked or abused eggs. • A fter the egg hunting separate the real eggs from the plastic eggs and exam ine eggs for abuse (discard any cracked or m utilated eggs. R efrig­ erate the rem aining eggs to use in a favorite egg dish. May I suggest the “C ute C hicks" recipe included in this section? C hicks whip 1111 overnight. 12 hard-boiled eggs 1/2-cup m ayonnaise 1/2-cup shredded parm esan ch eese 2-tsp. onions, finely chopped I/2-tsp. curry pow der I/2-tsp. prepared mustard l/8-tsp. pepper 3-pim ento stuffed olives 1 -small sweet red pepper Directions • Cut a thin slice from the bottom o f each egg so it sits flat. A third o f the w ay dow n from the top o f each egg cut a zigzag pattern across. Carefully rem ove the yolks and place in a small bowl and mash with a fork. Add m ayonaise. cheese, onion, curry, m ustard and pepper; stir until well blended. Spoon yolk mixture into the egg w hite bottom s. Replace tops. • Cut olives into slices for eyes. Cut 12 small triangles from red pepper for beaks. G ently press the eyes and beaks into egg yolk filling. R efrig­ erate until serving.