April 4, 2007 Page B 6 e v ie w News and reviews on new motor vehicles a n i 1 OL 'S e rv e r 2007 BMW 650i Experience the Ultimate Freedom Convertible by K a ih i - kkn C arr T h e re 's a new class o f car out there th a t's quietly making an im ­ pression at he top end o f the m arket - it's the big, nasty convertible. Jaguar and C adillac are the natural heirs to this kind o f road monster; som ething with a big motor, a long hood and as co m fo rta b le as a su ltan 's palace. BM W is not to be denied, and they offer the 650i Convertible as their player in the gam e. M erging the refined style and fiery spirit of the legendary 6 Coupe with the open-air freedom o f a convertible, the stunning 6 Series Convertible seizes the im agination as boldly as it captures the eye. A m uscular 4.8-liter V-8 pow er plant delivers 360-hp at 6300 rpm 36()-1b torque at 3400 rpm; produc- ing a riveting 5,6-second launch to 60 mph. T he 650i Convertible has the am bience o f a true high-perfor­ m ance sports car. Both the Coupe and the C onvertible inspire a feel­ ing o f control and success, before they even leave the d riv ew ay . T hese cars encourage the driver to take driving seriously. Unlike most other luxury coupes, the 6 Series offers more than ju st your average autom atic transm ission. For those who truly enjoy m axim um involve­ ment. a 6-speed manual and S e­ quential M anual G earbox (SM G ) are also offered. More than ju st raw pow er, the BMW6Series Rietta Payton and S p e c ific a tio n s: 4.8-L iter, 3 2-V alve (4 -ca m ) 3 6 0 -h p a t 6 3 0 0 rpm , V-8 E ngine: 6 - S p e e d S te p T ro n ic N a th a n ie l D a v is incorporates a u to m a tic tra n s m issio n : MPG: 1 7-City 25-H ighw ay; $ 9 1 , 7 2 0 M SR P num erous high-tech m aterials to helps to suppress body roll during keep its w eight dow n. A com posite front to rear. In addition, the 650i ing lot or tearing up the open road. aggressive cornering. T o provide car enthusiasts with the trunk, alum inum suspension co m ­ offers B M W 's revolutionary A c­ The B M W 650iisa luxury vehicle. sm oothest ultimate driving experi­ ponents. alum inum dixtrs and ther­ tive Steering system that can ad ­ After all. it is a BMW. Standard fea­ ence, the 6 Series incorporates the m oplastic front fenders all contrib­ ju st the steering ratio to the m axi­ tures include 18-inch wheels with A ctive Steering system along with ute to the effort, w hile the rem ain­ m um m an eu v erab ility , w hether run-flat tires, premium leather uphol- A ctive Roll Stabilization, which ing bulk is perfectly balanced 50/50 y o u ’re granny cruising in the park­ stery, wood trim, dual-zone auto­ matic cl imate control, an M P3-com- patible C D player, Bluetooth wire­ less capabi lity. a full set o f one-touch power windows, heated pow er mir­ rors and a pow er top for the convert­ ible, front seats feature driver memory and electric heaters. The l-Dri ve ve­ hicle m anagem ent svstem is inte­ grated into the console, w hilea DVD- based navigation system with voice com m and and park distance control also com e standard. Standard safety features include front side-impact, full-length side curtain airbags and the rolloverprotection system, which is only available in the Convertible. The bottom line on the BMW 650i Convertible is that folks who are looking into the “big nasty roadster’’ class are going to love it. It’s got all the bells and whistles, it rides smooth even with the top down at 70 mph., it’s showy and it handles with the confident speed and agil ity of achee- tah. S ports Let me help you purchase your next vehicle (new or used). F ree C onsultation Tim Wilson Independent Broker Website: www.wilsonsdeal.eom Email: Tim@wilsonsdeal.com (503) 550-3841 Peninsula C h ild re n ’ s C enter SUMMER PROGRAMS 2007 June 18-September 4 Ages 5-12 Science, Music, Field Trips and Sports. Florida Repeat in NCAA Tourney With same starting five U n iv e rsity o f Florida G a to rs p la y e r A l H orford h o ld s u p a p ie c e o f th e g a m e n e t M o n d a y a fte r d e f e a ti n g th e O hio S t a t e U n ive rsity B u c k e y e s in th e ir NCAA D ivisio n 1 ( m e n 's b a s k e tb a l l c h a m p io n s h ip (A P) — The Florida G ators took a chom p out o f NCA A history with the repeat they sim ply had to have. Now they w ant more. They want to be called one o f the best team s c f all time. T he G ato rs m ade th eir case M onday night with an 84-75 vic­ tory over O hio State to capture the second straight national cham pi­ onship that was the.r only reason­ able goal this season. They becam e the first team to go back-to-back since Duke in 1992 and the first ever to repeat with the sam e starting five. “i think this team should godow n as one o f the best team s in college basketball history,” coach Billy D onovan said. “Not as the most talented, and not on style points — but because they en co m p assed w hat the word ’team ’ m eans.” Al Horford had 18 points and 12 rebounds, Taurean G reen had 16 d a m n in A t la n t a points and G reg O d en ’s 25 points and 12 rebounds w eren’t enough for O hio State (35-4) to stop the G ators (35-5) from com pleting the quest they set upon when all the / X starters delayed their NBA plans for a try at another title. W hile the debate about the best team s o f all tim e can truly begin, there is no denying that Florida's Jackson Named to Hall of Fame ( AP) Phil Jackson rode his string o f three separate NBA cham pion­ ship th ree-p eats straig h t to the Basketball Hall o f Fam e in his first year o f consideration. Jackson has won nine NBA titles as a coach with Chicago and the L os A n g ele s L ak e rs. A n o th e r MARTIN CLEANING SERVICE Contact Lynnelle CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING www.penchild.org 503 -2 8 0 -0 5 3 4 overall athletic program is the best in the nation. This win com pletes a 2(X)7 cham ­ pionship-gam e sw eep o f the Buck­ eyes in the tw o biggest college sports — m en ’s hoops and foot­ ball. Florida, a 41-14 w inner in the football title gam e in January, re­ m ains the only program in history to hold both cham pionships at the same time. The celebration looked much the same as last year. Lots o f jersey tugging, jum ping onto press row and Joakim Noah running into the stands to hug it out with loved ones. D onovan added another gold star to his resum e, w hich figures to com m and more than his current $ 1.7 million salary next season, w hether he returns to Florida or bolts for a possible jo b offer at Kentucky. M eanwhile, one thing Florida has alw ays been able to do is shoot the ball — a nation-leading 53 percent this year — and M onday night was no exception. T he G ators w ent 10- fo r-18 from 3-point range. And Florida also had quicker hands. Residential & Commercial Service Providing quality, affordable childcare siin e _______CARPET CLEANING $ 2 5 .0 0 2 CLEANING AREAS OR MORE PRE-SPRA Y TRAFFIC AREAS INCLUDES 1 SMALL HALL Hip Hop Dance Performance Saturday, April 14th Each Area $ 3 5 .0 0 1 CLEANING AREA PRE-SPRA Y TRAFFIC AREA (HALL EXTRA CHARGE) Doors open at 6:45 Show starts at 7pm ends at 8pm STAIRS (with other service) Matt Dishman Community Center Auditorium 77 N.E. Knott, Portland, OR Phil J a c k s o n coach w ho has achieved success with tw o team s. Roy W illiam s, jo in ed Jackson in heading a class o f seven nam ed M onday to enter the $ 1.50 Each Additional Services • AREA A ORIENTAL RUG CLEANING • A U T O /B O A T / RV CLEANING • DEODORIZING A PET ODOR TREA TMENT • SPOT A STAIN REMOVAL SERVICE • SCOTCHGUARD PROTECTION Admission: $5.00 Adults - $3.00 students w/lD (There will be NO ticket sales at the door) Hall o f Fam e in Septem ber. W illiam s is the third coach in history to lead tw o schools to the N CA Acham pionshipgam e. He won the cham pionship with North C aro­ lina in 2005 and also reached the final with Kansas. A lso selected to the Basketball Hall were the 1966 NCAA ch am ­ pion Texas W estern team, four-time W N BA cham pionship coach Van C hancellor, form er N BA referee M endy Rudolph and international coaches Pedro Ferrandiz o f Spain and M irko N ovosel o f Y ugoslavia. Texas W estern was the firs, team in NCAA history to win a title with five black players, beating an all- white Kentucky team in the 1966 final. T he achievem ent, regarded as a turning point in the integration o f college athletics, was the subject o f the m ovie “G lory R oad.” Les Whitworth L.I’.A. ,m) bookkee/nn^ services Ms.T. - 503.351.0887 UPHOLSTERY CLEANING 5421 \F 3 3 r< l Weiiiii' Porllund. OH 972I I SOFA-------------------------------------- $ 6 9 .0 0 LOVESEAT --------------------------- $ 4 9 .0 0 SECTIONAL ---------------------------- $ 9 9 .0 0 CHAIR OR RECLINER _________ $ 3 5 .0 0 THROW PILLOWS ------------------------ $ 5 .0 0 Your Care Our First Priority I ’I k . iiv 5,13-295-1939 Fax 503-293-1965 Cell 971-344-6414 leieil.lexnhilirnrlhrpn.rnni email: lni(a lean hila arlln pa.