Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 04, 2007, Page 13, Image 13

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A p ril 4, 2007
‘ ^ în rtlau b ffîhserlie r
Page B5
Want a Free Computer?
going then we don’t use them,”
said Furst, "You have to be careful
annual fundraiser.
of ethics. Some places send inter­
Wilh all the com puters. Free nationally, like to China, where their
Geek acquires some that just can’t environm ental protection laws
be refurbished. E-w aste, or elec­ aren't as strict.”
tronic waste, accounts for a lot of
Keeping volunteers safe and
landfill space. Furst says that Free giving a service to the community
Geek deals with E-waste recyclers is of importance at Free Geek. For
who are environm entally sound. more information on Free Geek and
“If they [E-W aste recyclers] how
v o lu n te e r
v isit
won’t tell us where the computer is www.freegeek.org.
Trevor Robinson (right) is
working 24 hours as a
volunteer to barter for a free
computer at Free Geek. He is
joined by Shawn Furst,
volunteer program coordinator
for the non-profit organization.
photo by M ark W ashington /
T he P ortland O bserver
from Metro
In Loving Memory
Verna Shepherd
Services will be held Monday, April 9 at 11 a.m. at
Caldwell Funeral Home, 20 N.E. 14th for Verna Shep­
herd who died March 29, 2007.
She was bom on Feb. 15, 1923 to Calvin Davis and
Esther Howard in Harpersville, Ala. and raised by her
Aunt Mamie Crawford (deceased). She was brought up
to fear the Lord and accepted Christ in her youth.
She married Earsly W. Smith (deceased) in Birming­
ham, Ala. in 1946 and later moved to New York City
where they resided until 1953 when they moved to
Portland. From this union her three children, Jacquelyn
(Jackie), Earsly Randolph (Randy) and Joycelyn (Joyce) were
born. Divorced in 1961, she met and married Arthur L. Shepherd
in 1964 and they were married for 40 years until his death on
March 30, 2003.
V erna worked in the service and social services industries.
She was truly gifted with com passion for helping and caring
for others. She was a sales associate for Lipman W olf, a major
New York retailer in the late 1940s, and was a social services
coordinator for the N eighborhood Service C enter in Portland
in the early 1960s, working as an activist to unite the c ity 's
black and white com m unities. Her aim was to bring the
com m unities together so they could better understand their
social and cultural differences.
Her success at work landed her an opportunity to manage her
own business in Portland directing management for Educational
Testing Services (a pilot program sponsored by a New York
based educational testing com ­
pany), Her career was then di­
rected to serve as a community
agent at Grant HighSchool in 1970
where she worked for 17 years
until retiring. After retirement, she
successfully m anaged a fully
staffed home day care center and
foster care business for 8 years.
Verna had a passion for fishing,
cooking and gardening. She spent
countless hours fishing with her
buddies and family members at
many local fishing spots. She en­
joyed cooking and had a special
touch in making barbecue ribs and took pride in making her
She was a long time member of the Morning Star Baptist
Church and helped to usher in tutoring and mentoring programs
in the church annex. She worked on the church planning
committee that organized the building of the children’s school
adjacent to the church.
She leaves to mourn her only sibling. Queen Anne Deloney;
her three children; seven grandchildren. Warren, Danny,
Deandre, Drake, Ronnie, Cam ille and Isaiah; a daughter-in-
law Sabrina Smith, two sons-in-law John Keller and Nate
M oreland; two great granddaughters, Nia W ashington and
Draia Shelton; a great grandson. Nolan Shelton; a sister-in
law Carrie Shepherd; four nephews; two nieces; several
great nephews and nieces; and a com m unity of close friends.
She will be greatly missed but never forgotten.
503 939-5488.
A New Worship Experience In Northeast Portland
Northwest Voice For Christ Community Church
"The Faithful Church" Rev.3:7-12
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84 NE Killingsworth Street, Portland. Oregon
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4905 N. Vancouver Ave., Portland, OR 97217
503 288-2919
Spring Term Schedule, 2007
April 2— June 14, 2007
Beloved Daughter Missed by All
M a r c h 9 ,1 9 9 1 -
M a r c h 2 5 ,2 0 0 7
D e ’A n d ra n iq u e S am iria
Davis was born March 9, 1991
to Rietta Payton and Nathaniel
Davis at Oregon Health and
Sciences University Hospital in
I n 2003, N ique accepted Christ
as her Lord and Savior and was
baptized at the Voice of the Cross
Church in Vancouver.
Nique had many interests. She
was an avid reader, loved to de­
sign clothes, draw, sing. shop, talk
on the phone and work on the
Loved ones left to cherish her
memories are her mother and
father: R ietta Payton and
Nathaniel Davis; nine brothers
and sisters: Johnel Johnson, San
C lasses to en h an ce M inistry, f o r anyone, an y night
Twuan Eaden, Alicia Davis,
Sharrea D avis, Nia D avis,
Giovanni Payton, Maia Payton,
Nichole Davis and Nye Davis;
grandparents Tamara Moaning
and Richard Payton, and Sheila
and Samuel Elmore; and a host of
aunts, uncles, cousins and ex­
fam ily
members who will miss her
De 'Andranique Samiria Davis
In Loving Memory
OT 103 *Old Testament Survey. Ill
Isaiah through Malachi
Jim Sellers. M . D iv
CEI01C *Teaching Methods: Adults Dr. Deborah Miller. Ed.D
Inspire adults to learn and share with others
PM 222 Biblical Lay CounsclingCaringforPCopleCitxI's Way. Ill
Marcia Grassmueck, MA and Carol Thalman, MS
NT 103 *New Testament Survey ill
Dan Hoffman, B. A.
Hebrews through Revelation
BFI03 *Bible Lands and Customs
Alan Cushway. T.H.M.
Research the physical and cultural environment of the Bible books
GE 112 *Writing Research Papers
Connie Stanton. B. A.
Prerequisite: English Composition GE 111
Althea Rosetta
Rand Harden
WM2O2 *Local Church Mission
Dr. John Branner. D.M.
How to mobilize a local church to participate in mission
CM 201 *Servant Leadership in Church Administration
Dr. James Sweeney, D.D.
Learn practical programs for management of church business
Feb. 17, 1921 - A p ril 7, 2005
T h e B ro ken C h a in
We little knew that morning that God was going to eal! your name,
In life we loved you dearly, in death w do the same.
It broke our hearts to lose you. you did not go alone.
For part o f us went with you, the day God called you home.
You left us peaceful memories, your love is still our guide.
A nd though we cannot see you, you are always at our side.
Our fam ily chain is broken, and nothing seems the same.
Hut as God calls us one by one, the chain will link again.
Patricia Yvonne Harden; Nov. 8. 1947 - February 3,1998
We miss you, even though we know you are still with us in spirit,
it’s been a very long year.
Love your children, Jeanetta, Chitagawaa, Herman Sr., Ora,
William (Bill), Gwen and Sandra
UM 204 *Ministries to Urban Youth
Linda Thompson. MSW
Programs, strategies for meeting the needs
of youth in the urban setting
All evening classes are from 6:30-9:30 p.m.
Tuition: $120 per course
^Required for the ACM degree in Christian Ministry.
Visit our website: northportlandbiblecollege.org
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