Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 04, 2007, Page 10, Image 10

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L aw
Suite 145, Portland. O R 97219
(503) 890-1181 O ffiv e 5(15 -6 9 8-6 9 X 8
6915 S W M avadani.
i n
a s
A p r il 4. 2 0 0 7
J ustice
Lottery Thieves Caught on Tape
John Paris - Broker
c IJortlanb ©bseruer
em ce
“Cleanliness is
next to Godliness"
Spring Cleaning Special
call 503-839-6790
Linda J. Scott, Owner
C oupon 10% o ff
Insured — Bonded
OH f it 'S t c le a n in g
hair, w earing long shorts and ten­
nis shoes with a reflective strip
dow n the top o f the shoes. Suspect
num ber tw o is described as a white
male, 20 to 30 years o f age, 5 ’ 9” and
2(X) pounds. The suspects may be
associated with a white 1992 Suzuki
Sam urai with a possible W ashing­
ton license plate o f 788PHG .
Cri me Stoppers is offering a cash
rew ard o f up to $ 1,000 for inform a­
tion, reported to Crim e Stoppers,
that leads to an arrest in this case,
o r any unsolved felony, and you
remain anonymous. CallCrime Stop­
pers at 503-823-H ELP(4357).
T he Portland Police Bureau, in
cooperation with Grime Stoppers,
is asking for your help in identify­
ing tw o lottery m achine thieves
caught on tape.
Beginning March 9 a n d c o n tin u ­
ing through March 21. tw o men
have been breaking into lottery
m achines during business hours.
They walk into restaurants and/or
bars, sit dow n at the lottery m a­
chines, take out a crow bar or some
sort o f prying tool, pry the m achine
open and take the cash.
C u sto m ers have been sitting
right next to the suspects unaw are
o f the crim e being com m itted. The
men take less than tw o m inutes to
pry the m achine open and have
taken thousands o f dollars during
theirquick, undetectedcrim e spree.
Suspect num ber one is d e­
scribed as a white m ale in his 30s.
5 ’9” tall, 220 pounds, with brown
Police say this security video
shows two men who broke
into lottery machines during
business hours at the
Wooden Chicken on North­
east Sandy Boulevard.
Emmett Till’s Family Gets Autopsy Report
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Vancouver. W A98684
(A P) - M ore than h alf a century
after 14-year-old Em m ett Till was
brutally m urdered in M ississippi
for w histling at a w hite w om an, his
family sat dow n with federal inves­
tigators to discuss the final au ­
topsy on the boy's exhum ed body
and to hear about the investiga­
The report released Thursday
found that Till died o f a gunshot
w ound to the head and that he had
broken w rist bones and skull and
leg fractures. W hen his body was
pulled from the Tallahatchie River
in the sum m er o f 1955, the report
said, "the crow n o f his head was
ju st crushed o u t... and a piece o f his
skull ju st fell out."
T he report also set out a tim eline
co n stru cted from w itness state-
Emmett Till
ments, and it said a third man had
given a deathbed confession.
Roy Bryant, the w hite w om an's
husband, and his half-brother J.W .
M ilam were charged in Till's death
shortly after the killing but were
acquitted by an all-w hitejury. Both
men, now deceased, later confessed
ina 1956 interview with Look m aga­
A ccording to the new report,
Leslie M ilam, a relative o f the tw o
men, also confessed before he died.
"W e ju st w anted the truth," said
O llie G ordon. Till's cousin and one
o f h alfad o zen family m em ber who
review ed the report with federal
investigators. "Just know ing the
truth has been com forting to the
The FBI reopened the Till case in
2004 and exhum ed the boy's body
in 2005. but it decided last year not
to press charges. T he case was
turned over to local prosecutors,
with the FBI suggesting a closer
lookat Bryant'swife.Carolyn Bryant
D o n ham ,now 73.
A M ississippi grand ju ry ruled
late last month that there was insuf­
ficient evidence to indict her, es­
sentially closing the book on the
Till's cousin, Simeon Wright, was
with the teenager the night he was
kidnapped from an uncle's hom e in
M oney, M iss., and he had pressed
for a further investigation.
"From w hat I saw, I think they
had enough evidence to indict,"
W right said T hursday. "Every last
person up to now has gotten away
with m urder."
In 1955, nearly 1(X).(XX) people
had filed past Till's open casket
during a four-day public view ing in
the boy's hom etow n o f Chicago. A
graphic photo o f his face appeared
in Jet m agazine, and that im age
stoked national outrage and fueled
the civil rights m ovem ent.
Till's m other, who had w anted
her son's casket open to expose the
brutality o f racism to the world,
died in 2003. She was buried next to
H ollywood T heatre . 4122 nesandyblvd .503.28 i .42 is
HÖM l L uf
Surveillance video shows a man (center), believed to be 6-feet tall and in his 20s, who is a
suspect in a multiple stabbing that occurred this past August at Exotica nightclub on Northeast
Columbia Blvd.
Reward Offered For Assault Suspect
F ro m E x o tic a
N ig h tc lu b a tta c k
NY D aily N ews
- S lant M agazine
D eeply m o v in g
A su m m er assau lt at the n o rth ­
east P ortland n ig h tclu b E xotica
left three secu rity p erso n n el in ­
ju re d and a su sp e ct at large.
O n A ug. 12 a m an d escrib ed to
be in his tw en ties, 6 -feet tall w ith
m edium build, black h air an d a
p o ssib le m u stach e en tered E x ­
otica, 240 N .E C o lu m b ia Blvd.
T h e c lu b 's su rv e illa n c e v id e o
cau g h t the su sp ect aro u n d 2:18
a.m . ap p ro ach in g the three v ic­
tim s from behind.
T h e em p lo y ees w ere attem p t­
ing to b reak up an u n related fight
w hen the suspect stab b ed them
in the back an d side o f the a b d o ­
m en. He w as then reco rd ed g rab ­
b in g a fem ale an d leaving the
clu b .
T h e P ortland P olice B ureau
an d C rim e S to p p ers o ffe r a cash
rew ard o f up to $ 1,000 for in fo r­
m ation that lead s to an arrest in
th is case. C all an o n y m o u sly at
5 0 3 -8 2 3 -H E L P (4357).
Precincts Stay Open Until Midnight
New desk
clerks added
You may notice your Police Pre­
cinct open later these days. That's
because four of the five Portland
Police Bureau preci nets are now open
until m idnight. M onday through
Friday. Central Precinct remains open
24 hours-a-day, 7 days-a-week.
Precincts were forced to close at
5 p.m. in 2(X)I because o f budget
cuts, except for Central Precinct,
which remained open 24/7.
M ayor Potter has been com m it­
ted to keeping the precincts open
later, and City Council approved
funding foreight desk clerks toallow
for the expanded hours.
East Precinct Police Desk Clerks Keith Moore and Shonakee
"Keeping the precincts open later
is a big step in the right direction. The
precincts are located in the com m u­
nities in which we serve, so it makes
sense that we arc open and acces­
sible as much as possible," said East
Precinct Commander Michael Crebs.
"I hope some day in the near future
we can be open 24 hours-a-day. 365
days-a-year," said Crebs.
In February, It) new desk clerks
were hired. Fight were the additional
positions authorized by Council, and
tw o filled current vacancies. Each
precinct received two new police
desk clerks.