www.portlandrybserver.com Committed to Cultural Diversity March 28. 2 0 0 7 Mac! Hot Ballroom M etro Jefferson High School’s film festival e vent fa r Aprii Set* Arts & Entertainment section, inside ^ o rtta n h ODhscrucr r i o n i m u n it y C a le n d a r African Immigrants United Lawmaker Feedback State Rep. Chip Shields o f District 43, w hich enco m p asses inner north and northeast Portland, will be available to m eet with constituents at Reflections betw een 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. on Friday M arch 30th. The popular neighborhood coffee and gift shop is located at 446 N.E. K illingsw orthSt. Coalition pools resources Black Museum Action Thursday, March 29, and Thursday, April 5. at6:30p.m ., the Black M useumcom mit- tee will be m eeting at King Neighborhood Facility, 4 8 15 N.E. Seventh Ave., to es­ tablish the foundations structure. To be involved, visit blackm useum oforegon @ yahoo.com or cal1503-284-0617. Spring Break Art Journeys Currently thru Friday, March 30, the Port­ land Art M useum hosts the instructional art series for children ages 7-12. Contact 5 0 3 -2 2 6 -2 8 1 1 o r v isit p o rtla n d a rt m useum .org. for more inform ation. Zoo Spring Break Fun Through April 7, the O regon Z oo will host tropical island fun and events for spring break. For more inform ation, call 5 0 3-226-1561 orvisitoregonzoo.org. Undivided Rights Tuesday, April 3, from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.. the Bread and Roses C enter. 819 N. K illingsw orth St., will host the weekly roundtable discussion “W om en o f Color O rganize for Reproductive Justice." For more inform ation call Radical W om en at 503-240-4462. Healthy Kids Fair Saturday, April 7, from 10a.m . to 2 p .m .. Legacy Emanuel Hospital: Atrium, 501 N. G raham , will host the 23rd annual fair to introduce children to the hospital and caregivers. Scheduled activities include: egg hunts, photos with the E aster Bunny, healthy kid checks, and much more. This is a free event. Rabbit Romp Saturday, April 7, from 9 a.m. to3 p.m..the O regon Z o o ,4001 S.W. Canyon Rd., will host an Easter egg hunt every 20-m inute for children ages 3 - 10 years old with a special hunt for toddlers 2 and under. V isit oregonzoo.org or call 503-226-1561 for more inform ation. photo by N ia D ivg /T he P ortland O bserver Supporting Workplace Rights Providence Hospital food service worker Scarlet Allen (right) and Emanuel Hospital housekeeping worker Shirley Clark join in song to help Providence support staff employees win a fair vote for collective bargaining rights. Hundreds of community members and hospital workers gathered for the March 21 Candlelight Vigil for Fairness march, sponsored by the Service Employees International Union. T he num ber o f Africans living in P ort­ land and Southw est W ashington is on the rise and a special coalition has form ed to respond to the grow ing concerns o f this community. The African Com m unity Coalition of Oregon was created to unite such a di­ verse com m unity o f im m igrants and refu­ gees from various countries across the sub-continent. The culture, lifestyles and politics o f each country may have sepa­ rated them at home, but as citizens o f the Pacific N orthw est they find com m on ground in their pri­ orities and goals. ACCO recently partnered with the A m eriC orp Links program and w el­ com ed “ M obiliz­ ing the M asses" coordinator Carol Littleton in their efforts to provide Carol Littleton outreach. Littleton has spent much o f hertim e raising aw are­ ness about the organization and increas­ ing membership. Board president Basko Kante believes that to bring about change and progress. A fricans must organize themselves. “ It's time African com m unities com e together," he said. "B ecause it is tim e we began to do for ourselves and pool our r e s o u r c e s to g e th e r , c re a tin g b e tte r chances and choices for African people in the Portland com m unity." Kante. originally from G hana, West Africa, said there are many challenges am id the success o f the Pan-African orga­ nization. Established in 2005 as a501 (c)(3) organization, some o f its initial goals were continued on page B5 African American Council Your in vited on the third T uesday o f each month from 5:30p.m .to6:30p.m . when the A frican A m erican A dvisory Council meets at the King Facility. 4 8 15 N.E. Sev­ enth Ave. Call 503-823-