Page A3 March 28, 2007 8( X >-356-4222or in Salem at 5t >3-378- 4088. • The O regon D epartm ent o f Revenue offers state incom e tax assistance near the Lloyd C enter at 8NE Oregon St., 5th floor, and in Gresham at I55ON.W. Eastman Park­ way. Suite 220. Both offices are open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. M onday through Friday and for extended hours closer to April 17. Call 503- 674-6272. Tax Help is Out There - Here’s Where con tin u ed fro m Front a d u lts and se n io rs at se v e ra l M ultnom ah County Library loca­ tions throughout the m etro area. Registration is required at some locations, and you must bring last y ear’s return plus this y ea r's pa­ perwork. For more information visit w w w .m and click on Events and Classes. • T he 1RS T axpayer A ssistance C enters offers free tax face-to-face assistance at their dow ntow n of­ fices, 1220 S.W. T hird Ave.. M on­ Jane Steele o f northeast Portland looks on as Du Wayne Dockter pre­ pares her 200 6 tax return. Each tax season Dockter, a professor of accounting at Concordia University, lends his expertise as a volunteer advocate. day through Friday from 8:30 a.m. t o 4:30 p.m. Call 503 326-5441 for more information. • V isitth elR S w eb sitefo rafre e federal tax preparation and elec­ tronic tiling program foreligible tax­ payers. Free File allow s taxpayers with an A djusted C ross Income of $ 5 2 ,0 X) or less in 2006 to e-file their federal tax returns forfree. Military mem bers may be eligible to receive free assistance. • For Oregon state tax forms and in s tr u c tio n s , v is it w w w O R or call 1- photo by S arah B i oi nt / T he P ortland O bserver Urban League Has Job Fair Rose Court’s Final Selections U n iv ersity to m ajo r in in te rn a­ tio n al stu d ies, w hich w ill guide her into a hu m an itarian career. joined the 2007 Rose Fes­ Locally, Shaw volunteers for tival Court on Tuesday, Portland Impact, and has trav­ M arch 20. Robson, 18. is eled to South America to take part the daughter o f Christina in the Helping Hands Project o f and S cott R obson and Trujillo, Peru. Shaw also volun­ sister to Jane and Kenny teered with a International relief Robson. Her interests are agency, providing em otional sup­ focused on draw ing, cre­ port to victim s o f H urricane ating and designing. She Katrina. likes to work with pho­ Brooke Bell w as crow ned tography and film, enjoys Wilson High School Rose F es­ w riting and acting, and tival C ourt P rin cess on Friday. w ould consider a career M arch 23. Bell. 17, is the d au g h ­ as bakery ow ner, doctor ter o f Kim and Brian and sister or surgeon. to L auren Bell. She plans to This past year she was in v olved in F ra n k lin ’s Ellen L o u ise R o b so n , Franklin High S c h o o l m ajo r in b io ch em istry at a u n i­ v ersity in W ashington o r C o lo ­ C onstitutional Law P ro­ gram, F ellow shipofC hristian Ath- V ietnam ese at Sunday school. She rado, o r p erhaps T rin ity W estern letes and National H onor Society. teaches first grade Bible study at U niversity. Bell ev en tu ally w ants She attends First C ovenant Church her church and has volunteered to b eco m e a d o cto r and m aybe and has volunteered for children's with D oem becker C hildren’s H os­ so m ed ay teach. ministries, her church’s Sunday Day pital. In her free tim e Le enjoys cooking, swimming, watching m ov­ Care and the Oregon Food Bank. ies and p lay in g with herdog. Rolo. Ellen Louise Robson of Franklin HighSchool c ro w n e d Madison High School Princess on T h u rs d a y , March 22. Shaw, 17. is daughter of R andy an d K endra Shaw and sister to Karalie and Grant. She is the editor in ch ief o f the C o n stitu ­ tio n , M a d iso n 's high school new s­ paper, and is also H ong Van Le, M arshall High S c h o o l involved in N a­ Marshall High School senior tional Honor Society, M ad M ouths Hong Van Le was named RoseCourt Speech Team and track and field. S he p la n s to atten d S eattle P rincess on W ednesday, March 2 1. S h e is th e daughter o f Ba Le an d H uong N guyen, and sister to T hao Linh Le, T h a n h Le an d Huynh Le. The 18-ycar-old attends the Pauling A cadem y at M a rs h a ll H igh School and plans to go to Portland State U n iv e r s ity n ex t year to study vet­ erinarian medicine. Le is very much in v o lv e d in the A sia n P a c if ic / A m erican com m u­ A udra S h a w , M a d iso n High S c h o o l n ity and stu d ied o f G irl’s Night Out. She works part-time at Jam ba Juice and at home loves to perform com edy, tutor, spend time with family and study the outdoors. *. k > 7.50 % APR' PRIME >.75% Get a U.S. Bank Home Equity Line of Credit today. • • • • Gay Rights Bill Advances A bill tobandiscrim ination based on sexual orientation goes to the O regon House after being passed March 21 in the state Senate. T he m easure passed 2 1 -7 d e ­ spite criticism from som e R epub­ licans, w ho said there is no w id e­ spread and serious d isc rim in a ­ tion against gays and lesbians. B ackers said, h o w ev er, that even if the n um ber o f cases is relatively sm all. O regon shouldn't to le rate d isc rim in a tio n against any o f its citizens. T he bill w ould bar d isc rim in a ­ tion based on sexual o rien tatio n . At W ilson, she is involved in student governm ent and is senior class president. She acts in school plays and is captain o f the w om en’s basketball team. D uring the sum m er Bell attends leadership cam p and is a counselor Tap into the money. Audra Shaw w as B ro o ke Bell, W ilson High S c h o o l The Urban League o f Portland will host its 15th annual Career C onnections Job Fair on Tuesday, April 3 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the DoubleTree Hotel L loydC enterE xhibit Hall. KXXIN.E. M ultnomah St. The fair is free and open to the public. This year’s them e is “D iversity and O p­ portunity,” and will provide jobseekers a chance to connect with the top em ployers in the state, including more than 50 exhibitors from banking, education, governm ent, health care, media, insurance, social services and utilities industries. The Urban League o f Portland is a non­ profit. com m unity-based organization head­ quartered in north/northeast Portland that serves the greater Portland metropolitan area. The League helps em pow er African A m eri­ cans and others to achieve equality in educa­ tion, em ploym ent and econom ic security through a com bination o f direct services, outreach and advocacy. along the sam e lines as p ro te c ­ tio n s based on race, national o r i­ gin, g ender, relig io n and o th e r factors. T hat means gays and lesbians could not be tired from jobs, evicted from apartm ents or denied access to public places because o f their sexual orientation. Churches and other religious institutions would be exempted. If the bill becom es law, Oregon w ould join 17 other states in offer­ ing such protections to gays and lesbians A dozen Oregon com m u­ nities also have such laws. Home Equity Line of Credit No closing costs No points Fast decisions Low Rates with Five Star Service Guaranteed How many stars does y o u r bank have? Five .Sfar Service Guaranteed ( ^ **) | 888-444-BANK (2265) •The 7 5 0 * yanable Annual Percentage Rate iAPRI Is available with a U S Ranh checking account loan to value (OVI ot 8 0 * or less and a credit limit equal to oc great« than $100.000 For ensting accounts, a minimum S ill ixvi credit limit Increase a ' ttigheilTV '"w ' ' ' ,w1" Tht APfl * ' n' p™™' Rah' “ Put* ’ h* ' S l r e e l JoumR As ot In: , .............. APR to 10 5 0 * APR The rate vyitl not enceed 2 5 * APR Ttw reuaho oi - 't An annual tee ot up to $90 n Milked to normal i redit qualitk’ations Rat'", ire apt...... to i banqe Properly msixanre Is required Interest on amounts avreedmg 1 0 0 * nt th e available equity ,s not ta> deductible ( -xisult your tax lsn T i R advisor regarding the iteductibdity ot interest Some additional restm lions may apply Home Egisty loans and lines ot ciedlt are ottered through IIS Rank National Association Nil Member FOIC < — LZJ ,a /