pageC2 March 28, 2007 ® * "$ Io rtla « b Advertise with diversiu * / in 11,1 J I n r t i a n h (O bsev Her Call 5O3-288-OOB ads @ port landobi Vanessa Gets Hollywood Star (A P) — M any predicted V anessa W illiam s w ould fade into obscurity when she gave up her M iss A m erica crow n because o f a scandal over nude photographs, but her star shone brightly last week. W illiam s received the 2,331st star on the H ollyw ood W alk o f Fame. Fellow cast m em ­ bers from the T V show "U gly Betty," in w hich she plays a villainous m agazine editor, show ed up to cheer for her at the cerem ony in front o f the H ollyw ood Roosevelt Hotel. "W e w ere so happy to get V anessa," said Salm a H ayek, the show 's executive producer. "She is brilliant because she is so nasty on the show , but in reality she is the sw eetest per­ son." W illiam s stepped dow n as the first black Miss A m erica in 1984 after Penthouse m aga­ zine published nude, sexually explicit photo­ graphs o f her taken several years earlier. In the years since, she has sung on B roadw ay, re­ leased G ram m y-nom inated album s and acted on screens both big and sm all. W illiams g e ts h e r s ta r on th e H ollywood W alk o f F am e. Vanessa Cannon's Rib Express Life and Times of Famed Producer Highly Recommended Best of: Barbecue Food 9.1 "You simply cannot go wrong with Cannon's Express Ribs, they really arc the best in town. I „ have been a customer for 10 years now and the food is M W tfS consistently great." America's #1 onl ne guide The P o rtla n d -b a sed rock g ro u p K a n d les a t Nine. Local Musicians Advance A Portland-based rock group has been nam ed a finalist in the M usic N ation com petition, an online m usic video com petition that will ultim ately give three art­ ists (one in each genre o f rock, pop and urban) recording con­ tracts with Epic Records. K andles at N ine w as chosen by the public and a panel o f in­ dustry and celebrity judges. The w inner will now advance to the M usic Nation quarterfinals beginning on April 23 where they will face o ff against other w eekly winners. A uthor Jake Brow n’s latest rap biography follows perform er and supcqiroducer Dr. Dre, chronicling his work behind the scenes and his production techniques with "Dr. Dre: In the Studio.” In his latest work. Brown, already the author o f several hip hop biogra­ phies (“50 Cent: No Holds Barred,” “Ready to Die: The Story o f Biggie S m alls-N otoriousB IG "),setsoutto foe us on Dre ’ s I i fe and ti mes as a long time industry trend setter. He focuses exclusively on the godfather o f hip hop’s production and craft, covering everything from his first experiences with music and his humble beginnings as a young d ee ja y .to h islifea so n eh ip h o p ’s top producers. Readers will also get an in-depth look at D re's relationships with The W o rld C la ss W re c k in g C rew , N.W. A., Suge Knight, Snoop Dogg, Em inem and others. Around the same ti me o f publ ¡ca­ tion, Dre recently revealed detai Is on Dr. Dre in th e S tu d io his next album "Detox.” “I’m trying to get everybody that I'v e ever worked with over the years to appear on the record,” Dre said. “Trust me, this wil I be worth the wait - I ’m trying to make this the one they remember me for.”