î,|c JJortlanb ffibserUer Marth 28. 2007 Page B5 Conference to Create Leaders You w o n ’t w a n t to m iss "Anointed With Out Limits Youth Conference” - an em pow ering conference tod riv e young people forward and place them where they need to belong - on the front lines for God. This free conference is open to all and includes guest speaker Pastor Lisa Glenn of Gospel Tab- ernacle in Dallas, Texas. There will be praise, spoken /¿ a h i t // zr r / N.— ' iS I L Ct d - / word, mime and skits. The confer- ence will feature rap. choir and dance music by special perform- ers including ASA and Alonzo Chadw ick, and a praise ministry led by M in iste r T im o th y C. C hiles Jr. The conference takes place at Cathedral of Praise, 1821 S.E.39th Ave., from W ednesday March 28 to Saturday, March 3 1. For more inform ation,call503-235-2127. $100 REWARD For Return of I-Pod in Black Velvet Case Featuring Dave Chappell- R&B-Jazz Music Lost on 17th of March in North East Portland Contact: 503-288-0033 North Portland Bible College c Bel°ved Mother Taught Encouragement p C ..! » C o a - rrie M u ld rew , uoA 1926 - nun 2007 Carrie Muldrew, beloved mother, grand­ mother, great grandmother and friend passed away Feb. 20,2007 at the age of 81. Carrie was horn May 5. 1926in Arkadelphia. Ark. She moved to Portland in the early 194()’s with her mother Esther Mims. Family celebrations were important to Carrie. She liked making people laugh and always made sure all in attendance felt welcome and included. Around Christmas ti me, she would put smiles of appreciation on each of her grandchildren’s faces by giving them gifts galore. The word "disappointment" was not part of her vocabulary because she taught by encouragement. She was a giver of love and support to her family. Carrie was a fear­ less, wise and confident woman. Her interests were very broad, by participating in various women groups such as the Le Femmes and the National Council of Negro Women. Carrie enjoyed deciphering crossw ord puzzles, cooking, reading the bible and shop­ Beloved Mother Greatly Missed Sunrise-April 19,1928 Sunset-Feb. 10,2007 Mary Johnson was born on April 19,1928 in Tuskegee, Ala. to Daniel Holcey and Lacey Ann Tolbert. Mary has three surviving sisters: Ruth Holcey, Kumice Jackson and Ruby Melson. She is preceded in death by her parents, Daniel and Lacey Ann Holcey and her siblings, Johnnie Lee Holcey, Daniel Holcey, Jr., Naomi Pugh, William Holcey and granddaughter, Rashonda Stancil. Mary attended Grout Elementary School and graduated from Girls Politech High School. She went on to further her education in the nursing field, working for Multnomah County for more than twenty-five years. She married William Johnson and had three sons: Jacob, David and Michael Johnson. She is a grandmother to nine and great-grandmother of one. Mary joined Sharon Seventh Day Adventist Church in 1948 where she served as Deaconess and usher. Mary Johnson will be greatly missed by those who loved her. rsinn «»ftrvtf ** v .>ri » i co mm rrsívn i was i «ie walking, »ilLitirv ping. D Part of Is.xr herexercise regimen until her unexpected stroke, which placed her in the Porthaven Care Center. She was a long­ time member of the original Mt. Olivet Baptist Church under the leadershipof Rev. Crow and later Rev. John Jackson. She was also an active member of the church usher boards, women's church groups and volunteered for the local Loaves & Fishes organization. She worked for Safeco Insurance Company for several years. God has called home one of his angels, and she will be missed dearly. Carrie is preceded in death by her mother and father, Esther and Fred Mims, and granddaughter. Latia Avery. Survivors include her children, Ronald C. Muldrew, Rhobert L. Shaw Sr., Esther D. Shaw and David W. Shaw; daughter-in-law, JoYvonne Shaw; granddaughters. Laquisha Muldrew, Oris J. Shaw andTopaze' L. Woodards; grandsons, Terry Woodards Jr.. Rhobert Shaw II, Laville Harris, and Demond Harris; cousins, Jesse and Shirley Rixlgers Bob Rodgers and a host of family and friends. Arrangements were entrusted By Cox & Cox Funeral Home. 4905 N. Vancouver Ave., Portland, OR 97217 503 288-2919 si Spring Term Schedule, 2007 April 2—June 14, 2007 Classes to enhance Ministry, for anyone, any night Monday OT 103 *Old Testament Survey. Ill Isaiah through Malachi Jim Sellers. M. Div CE101C *Teaching Methods: Adults Dr. Deborah Miller. Ed.I) Inspire adults to learn and share with others Tuesday PM 222 Bihlic;tlLayCixuiseling:CaringforPeopleC*xl'sWay.lll Marcia Grassmueck, MA and Carol Thalman. MS NT 103 *New Testament Survey III Dan Hoffman. B. A. Hebrews through Revelation Wednesday BE 103 *Bible Lands and Customs Alan Cushway, T.H.M. Research the physical and cultural environment of the Bible btx,ks GE 112 *Writing Research Papers Connie Stanton. B. A. Prerequisite: English Composition GE 111 WM2O2 *Local Church Mission Dr. John Branner, D.M. How to mobilize a local church to participate in mission Thursday Building “Resume continued front Metro other side. “ It was a touchy issue; I used to not put them out because 1 didn’t want people to think I was exploit­ ing the kids,” said Bangs. But the program caught the at­ tention of youth services organi­ zations, the media and even Mayor Tom Potter who honored Bangs for her efforts in the State of the City Address last year. The displacement of African A m e ric a n s b e c a u se of gentrification is a touchy issue for many, including Bangs. "I had guilt but I shouldn't. I just need to be held accountable and help run a business that helps the community,” she said. “It’s a diffi­ cult fine line; it’s something that shouldn’t be ignored.” Like the children she gives job experience. Bang's first job was working in food service. At Pasta Bangs, she teaches kids hard skills but also how to maintain a good reference. Dion Jordan, job coordinator at Open Meadows, said all o f the school's students that have gone to Pasta Bangs have been able to move on and get jobs elsewhere. The students go through a job readiness training with classes on how to write a resume, how to inter­ SPECIAL DELIVERY Becky Sel vidge Yukon, OK. Warning this.special delivery isftlled time-sensitive “Birthday Wishesjustforyou!" Open Immediately! Wishes are wrapped and package carefully with excessive amounts of love. ‘Happy Birthday Becky! Weall miss you. Lots of Love From Oregon ÍZSzoni Here When You Need Us <£hofi B A.D. Williams Shop 503-282-2920 Cell 503-309-4488 view, get a food handlers card and even do job shadowing. Many of the students come from low income households and Jor­ dan says they may not always be able to afford nice clothes to inter­ view in. Businesses interested in start­ ing a program for youth like Pasta Bangs are encouraged to contact Bangsat 503-287-2782 or Jordan at 503-978-1935. African Immigrants United continued from Metro to raise c o n sc io u sn e ss and money. The board of directors is made up of Africans from various coun­ tries that now live in Oregon. To­ gether they have been working to mobilize the masses by providing information, resources and refer­ rals to Africans in need, as well as ensuring a solid infrastructure and foundation for the non-profit. CM 204 *Ministries to Urban Youth Linda Thompson, MSW Programs, strategies for meeting the needs of youth in the urban setting All evening classes are from 6:30-9:30 p.m. Tuition: $120 per course *Required for the ACM degree in Christian Ministry. Visit our website: northportlandbiblecollege.org Basic Piano Lessons Individual/Group lessons Zetta Burton, B. A. Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday by appointment only 503-709-2905 B id / S ub -B id SUB-BIDS REQUESTED FOR Oregon State University Graf Hall Reroofing Project Bid Due: Tuesday, April 12, 2007 - 1:30 p.m. Greenberry Construction LLC Phone: 541.230.0456 (cell) • 541.752.0381 x 302 (office) FAX 541.752.0472 • FAX 541.752.0854 • CCB # 166612 Contact: Mike Anderson We are an equal opportunity employer & request bids from all interested firms including disadvantaged, minority, women, emerging small businesses & veteran owned businesses. Scope: S elective Dem olition, Wood fram ing, SBS Roofing, Flashing/ Sheet Metal, Caulking, Minor Mechanical, Roof Drains, Minor Electrical. S p e c ific a tio n s , plans, d ra w in g s and re q u ire m e n ts fo r subcontractors or material suppliers can be viewed at Greenberry Construction's office in Corvallis, at The Willamette Valley Bid Center in Tangent and the Salem Contractors Exchange in Salem and Eugene Builders Exchange in Eugene. Interested parties can contact Greenberry Construction LLC to obtain information on bonding, line of credit, and insurance requirements by OUS. CHURCH SPACE IF YOU NEED A PLACE TO WORSHIP AND ARE INTERESTED IN SHARING CONTACT PASTOR M. TAYLOR AT A V fH ’ 503 939-5488. Worship Experience In Northeast Portland I m t*W R )iK nu F ,M «M T in uT in M i« ! L Dianetics can help you live a better and happier life. N o rth w e s t V o ic e F o r C h r is t C o n im u n itv C h u rc h I "The Faithful Church" Rev.3 :7 -12 "Keeping It Real Jesus' Way" 1 Read the book used by millions to reduce stress, anxiety and unhappiness. This is the road to a better life with fewer problems. 84 NE Killingsworth Street. Portland. Oregon Worship Service — Sundays 1:3() P.M. Prayer/ttihle Study — Wednesdays 6:00 P.M. Gilgal: a Training Ministry (2nd Kings 4:38) Rev. H. L. Hodge, Ph.D. — Pastor/Teacher/Life Change Specialist 503-334-6239 213 N.E. Hancock Portland. OR 97212 8:30 am - 6:00 pm Tues.-Sat. The board has hosted several fundraising events and is plan­ ning a major event to raise at least $100,000on Aug.4. Todonateortoleam more about the "M obilizing the M asses” project, contact the African Com­ munity Coalition of Oregon, P.O. Box 12341 Portland. OR 97212 or contact Carol Littleton or Regena Jones at 503-761-0243 or email clittle to n @ ac c o in u s.o rg or rjones@accoinus.org. CM 201 *Servant Leadership in Church Administration Dr. James Sweeney, D.D. Learn practical programs for management o f church business All are welcome to come and get a solid foundation on how Jesus impacts our lives in the 21st century! We will keep it real. minies fmwnon 'U,-- ' I THf M00«N — - » » °’ www.dianetics.org Paperback Email: hixlgehspks@msn.eom • www/nwvctrainingministry.com $8.00 H,M,M Just get it, read it and try it, and you'll never be the same. Available at your local bookstore or from Dianetics Foundation, 709 SW Salmon St. Portland, OR. 97205 Phone 503.228.0116 • Free shipping • All orders shipped within 24 hours © 2004 RPl AH Rights Reserved DtANf TKS is a trademark and service mark owned by Reltqious Technology Center and is used with tts permission