nrtlanb © b server March 28. 2 00 7 el Page B3 O bservador Mexico’s First Modern Comedy T h e p la y ’s c a s t, T e a tro E s p a n o l, is th e P a c ific N orthw est's only Spanish-lan- guage acting ensemble and hails from Latin America, Mexico, Venezuela and Peru. “Rosalba Y Los Llaveros” is in S p a n ish w ith E n g lish su p ertitles. Show tim es are Thursday s at 7:30 p.m.; Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sunday matinees at 2 p.m. Tick­ ets are $15 to $18. For more information, call 503- 2 3 6 -7 2 5 3 or v isit w w w .m ‘Rosalba Y Los Llaveros ’ Bellas Artes Production pre­ sents “Rosalba Y Los Llaveros,” a Spanish com edy o f manners, at M ilagro Theatre, 525 S.E. Stark St.. April 5 - 28. Set in the late 1940s, "Rosalba y los Llaveros” is a delightful comedy of manners in which a d efian t young w om an from M exico City visits her cousin, turning their lives upside down in a futile attem pt to “liberate” them from their provincial lives and exposing many family se­ crets along the way. C onsidered M ex ico 's first modern com edy, the play is a wonderful blend o f fresh real­ ism and Mexican costum brism o from one o f M exico’s most re­ nowned. prolific and successful playwrights. Everyone s lives turn upside down when a young woman from Mexico City tries to “liberate" her provincial cousins, in the Spanish language production of “Rosalba Y Los Llaveros" at Milagro Theatre, April 5 - 28. Mystical, Playful Creations Vatican Pushes Mexico on Abortion (AP) - The Vatican on Fri­ day sent in its top anti-abortion cam paigner to M exico City to kick o ff the Roman Catholic Church's aggressive campaign against plans to legalize abor­ tion in Mexico. The church's campaign pushes the limit of Mexico’s constitu­ tional ban on political activity by religiousgroups. Itisalsodrawing President Felipe Calderon, a con­ servative who opposes abortion, into a showdown with leftists spearheading the bills to legalize abortion in the first three months Heart Healthy Guide Shared Eating your way to a healthy heart is not a diet - it’s a way of looking at your life. You can get help with this new outlook by obtaining a free booklet from the Providence Heart and Vas­ cular Institute. The 2007 Oregon Guide to Heart-Healthy Living includes personal stories o f patients who have turned their heart health around, detailed inform ation on cutting risk factors, advice on raising heart healthy children and recipes for healthy meals from breakfast to dinner and dessert. The42-page booklet provides the reader with knowledge and guidance to take control o f the health o f their heart. The publication is available at major food retailers across O r­ egon and southwest W ashing­ ton or by calling Providence Heart and Vascular Institute at 503-216-2088. L egal N otices o f pregnancy. "In the name o f Jesus Christ and his Gospel, we ask, we implore they do not approve an unjust and bloody law that kills the innocent," said the Rev. Hugo Valdem ar, spokesm an for the Catholic Archdiocese o f M exico City. While the church has always been ag ain st ab o rtio n , the Vatican especially does ijot want to not lose its anti-abor­ tion fight in M exico, which has the second-largest C atholic population in Latin America. To Place Your Classified Advertisement Contact: Kathy Linder Phone: 503 288 0033 Fax: 503-288 0015 e-mail: classifieds@ Three Graces is a mixed media collage and ink by Jussara Luz Padilha, one of the featured artists for Last Thursday on Alberta Street. Fax: 503 288 0 0 15 e-mail: The Portland Observer Cartel Behind Cocaine Seizure (AP) U.S. officials said Mexico's powerful Sinaloa drug cartel is behind the record 20- ton cocaine shipment that was recently seized by the U.S. Coast Guard off Panama's Pacific Coast. Homeland Security Secretary M ichael Chertoff cal led the sei­ zure. worth nearly $300 mi I lion, the largest ever by the Coast Guard. The drugs were found in containers on a ship that left Guyana and passed through the Panama Canal on March 15 on the way to the Mexican state of Sinaloa, said Panama's top drug prosecutor, Jose Almengor. Coast Guard officials de­ tained 11 Mexicans and three Panamanians during the seizure about 20 miles southeast of the island of Coiba off Panama's coast. The Mexicans will be taken to the U.S. to face trial, while the Panamanians will be jailed in Panama. Almengor said the Sinaloa cartel has just begun to estab­ lish itself in Panama, which bor­ ders Colombia. The majority of Colombia's drugs move along Central America by boat or plane and then pass through Mexico over land before they are smuggled intothe United States. Slate Farm' Providing Insuiaure arid Financial Services Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois 61710 Ernest J. Hill, Jr. ci|C3lortlanb (©bsrruer Agent 4946 N Vancouver Avenue Portland, OR 97717 503 2861103 tax 503 286 1146 emit: lull hbrntr«? statetarm com 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service"" Oregon's oldest multicultural newspaper. Serving Portland's communities for 36 years. Acupuncture Traditional Chinese Herbs Asian Bodywork / Massage Carrie A. Klein, MAcOM, LAc Davina Leong licensed massage therapist 503-367-0844 Alberta St Acupuncture Clinic 1829 NE Alberta S t . Ste A Portland. OR 97211 (503) 249-9300 Dentures Worth Smiling About! • Professional Services • Affordable Prices • Payment Plans: OAC • Over 20 years experience • Full & Partial Dentures • Natural Appearance • Full Service Lab • Accepting Oregon Health Plan Need to publish a court document or notice? Need an affidavit of publication quickly and efficiently? Please fax or e-mail your notice for a free price quote! The paints and prints of Brazilian-born artist Jussara Padilha will have an encore presentation for Last Thursday, March 29atOnda Arte Latina/ Cross Currents Gallery. 2 2 15 N.E. Alberta St. Padilha, who now lives in Ashland, uses color, clean lines and graphic composition as hallmarks of her work. She creates a bridge between the mystical and playful through her dynamic sense of color, evoking the sense of joy of creation. Shestudiedat Pratt Institutein New York and worked for Yoko Masaki Design Studio before leaving for India where she studied meditation and worked with art and music for a period of eight years. Her art is strongly influenced by her native country of Brazil as well as the aesthetics and philosophies of India and Indonesia. Another source of inspiration has been poetry by writers asdiverse as Pablo Neruda and Rumi. She began using her own poetry in creating some of her recent images. A U.S. Coast Guard keeps watch on 19.4 metric tons of cocaine confiscated from the cargo ship Gatun in Panama City. (AP photo) Committed to Cultural Diversity Melanie Block, L.D. D enturist 5O3-23O-O2O7 503-288-0033 1020 NE 2nd Ave., Suite 205 O ff M L K on NE Multnomah f ree parking «