Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 28, 2007, Page 10, Image 10

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March 28. 2007
Public Service in High Fashion
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next to Godliness"
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222 N.E. Park Plaza Dr., Suite 115
Vancouver. WA 98684
The presentation is the key­
note for the annual WSU
Vancouver Public Affairs Dis­
tinguished Lecture series.
Tickets are $10 plus a $1 ser­
vice fee and are available by
calling 1-800-992-TIXXoronline
at ticketsw est.com . Skyview
High School is located at 1300
N.W. 139th St., Vancouver.
them but my husband is taking thoughts are heading. He has be­
things pretty hard and feels he’ll come rude, condescending and
never trust me again. How do I looks down on people. He hasn’t
Real People, repair this damage? -Embarrassed changed towards me but I don't like
Real Advice Katie; Wichita Falls, Texas
this new side of him. As he acquires
more money, a new ear and posses­
Dear Katie:
sions he gets worse. How do I
You should've honored your vows
address this issue? -Tina; Chi­
instead of running behind yourgirl-
friends. The first thing is to forgive
yourself and seek forgiveness from Dear Tina:
Dear Deanna!
God. From that point, confess to Your boyfriend has never had any­
1 went on a beach trip with my your husband, and ask him to for­ thing o f great value and now that
closest friends. As married women give you and to work with you to fix he’s getting a few things he's los­
we agreed that whatever happened the marriage. You have violated ing his mind. This man has always
while traveling would stay in its your husband's honor and his heart. been this way but you never no­
place. This agreement went well for You both should be open minded ticed because you’re intimate with
two years. One o f the ladies in the to professional counseling. In the him. Money is giving him a false
group went through a divorce and future, if you do dirty things, do sense o f security, and he feels he
she told our husbands about our them alone so that your secrets can do anything. You need to bring
sexual affairs and has caused so w on't be released.
his actions to his attention and how
much drama. I'm concerned about
he is making people feel. You need
Dear Deanna!
to do this soon, because you'll be
My boyfriend has been promoted
his next target and like his car, you
to a great management position at
will be traded.
his job. However, with his promo­
tion he is becoming arrogant and Dear Deanna!
rude. Ineverthoughtofcallinghim I'm a recently divorced grand-
a snob but that is the direction my motherenjoying the single life. My
husband of 30 years left me for a
younger woman. 1 don’t regret the
situation and knew that he cheated
during most o f our marriage. I'm
dating and things are great. My
adult sons don’t mind my new
lifestyle, but my daughters are giv­
ing me problems. They want me to
live as an old grandmother. I look
good for my age and want to know
how to I convince my daughters to
let me live my life. —Sexy Grandma;
Charlotte M artin
Seymour Hersh
A s k Deanna'.
John Paris - Broker
(■< • J
Washington State University
Vancouver presents Seymour
Hersh, the investigative jour­
nalist on the Abu Ghraib story
whose stunning reports on pris­
oner abuse made headlines
around the world.
The New Yorker journalist
will speak at V an co u v er’s
Skyview High School at 7:30
p.m. on Wednesday, April 4.
He will address several ques­
tions, including "how did we get
from the clear morning when
hijackers trashed i nto the World
Trade Center and the Pentagon
to a divisive and dirty war in
Iraq? And who was ultimately
responsible for the abuses at
Abu Ghraib?”
You may have more options
then you think.
Supermodel Naomi Campbell
leaves the Department o f
Sanitation Manhattan District 3
Garage Friday after finishing
her final day o f community
service. (AP photo)
Abu Ghraib Reporter to Speak
I t ’s never too soon to think
about refinancing.
Save hundreds o f $$$$$ per
month and Call
The 36-year-old supermodel had
pleaded guilty to misdemeanor as­
sault in 2006 for throwing the phone
at her maid in Campbell's Park Av­
enue apartment over a missing pair
of jeans.
Her maid. Ana Scolavino, re­
quired four stitches to her head,
since the phone apparently was
crystal-encrusted. Campbell said it
was an accident because she did
not intend to hit her.
Supermodel Naomi Campbell
cleaned up heract by getting down
and dirty.
Campbell sauntered out of the
Department of Sanitation facility
in Manhattan Friday after com­
pleting five days of community
service for assaulting her maid.
It might as well have been a
catwalk: She strutted through in a
bare-shouldered, ankle-length
shimmering gown and stiletto san­
dals, then stepped into her silver
Rolls Royce and sped away as
n e ig h b o rh o o d re sid e n ts and
paparazzi ogled.
Her boss for the week, depart­
ment chief Albert Durrell, said she
successfully completed her ser­
6915 S W M a c a d a m , S u ite 145, P o r tla n d . O R 9 7 2 1 9
(503) 890-1181
O ffic e 5 0 3 -6 9 8 -6 9 8 8
Tony Hopson, Senior
and the staff of Self Enhancement, Inc. invite you to an
Portland Premine
Tony and Libby Kelly
Dear Grandma:
You’re grown enough to pay your
own bills, mind your personal af­
fairs and live without your daugh­
ters henpecking you to death. You
need to set them straight and tell
them to mind their business. Yes,
they’re concerned because you’re
their mom. with a motherly image
but you need a life. Assure them
that you're making good decisions,
feeling good about yourself and
you prefer to live rather than sit
down, grow old and bore yourself
to death.
Ask Deanna is written by Deanna
M. Write Ask Deanna! Email:
askdeannal @ yahoo.com or 264
S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283
Beverly Hills. CA 902/7. Website:
w i t ', askdeanna. com
MBA M.Ed., Brokers, CRS, ABR, SRES
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17700 SW Upper Boones Ferry Rd
Portland, OR
SEI Community Services*
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Investing has as much to do with the quality of the rela­
tionship with your advisor as it does with the quality of
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Tuesday, April 3,2007
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SEI Community Services promotes the well being of
children and families living in Multnomah County
through housing assistance, energy assistance, and
information and referrals.
S m ith B arney
*Self Enhancement, Inc. now provides the community
services previously offered by Albina Ministerial Alliance
(AMA). The two non-profit organizations did not merge;
AMA continues as an advocacy organization.
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Umbrella Device are trademarks and service marks of Citigroup Inc. or its
affiliates and are used and registered throughout the world.
On any given night 754,000
people across the United States are
homeless, according to a new gov­
ernment study on the problem.
The Departm ent of Housing
and Urban Developm ent, in its
first study o f the scope o f the
national hom elessness problem
in 23 years, said that its "snap­
shot" study based on a three-
month period in 2005 showed that
tw o-thirds of the hom eless popu­
lation are men, 16 percent are
women. 59 percent are ethnic m i­
norities, 4 1 percent are in the 31 -
50 age range and 21 percent are
It also said that nearly one in five
of the adult homeless are military
However, Philip Mangano, ex­
ecutive director of the United States
In te ra g e n cy
C o u n cil
Homelessness, said that the snap­
shot survey does not represent the
full extent of homelessness across
the country, as measured through­
out the year.
"There is a divergence of opin­
ion among researchers about the
number of people who are experi­
encing homelessness in the course
of a year," Mangano said.
"Some say it might he as high as
one percent of the US population
(three million people); others say it
might be as high as two million."