Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 21, 2007, Page 9, Image 9

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    il!‘^Jnrtlanò © bseruer
March 21. 2007
Page B3
Humiliated Couple Cries Foul
from \letro
From their perspective it was
police harassm ent because o f dis­
crim ination - against being A fri­
can A m erican, their status as lot­
tery w inners and especially the
reputation o f the H ow ard name.
“This is a personal thing with
the H ow ards, we d o n ’t have a po­
lice officer in Oregon that likes us,"
said Liz, 47, adding “it's really per­
sonal now that we won the lot­
T he city tells a different story,
stating in the law suit “ livability on
the cul-de-sac changed drastically
afterJu ly 13."
The C hronic Public N uisance
Code stated neighbors' com plaints
o f "traffic at all hours, illicit drug
sales, drug use, prostitution, fight­
ing on the street, public sex acts,
dom estic violence, urinating and
defecating in public, unsupervised
children roam ing the streets, ve­
hicles blocking access to drive­
w ays, offensive littering, loud m u­
sic at all hours o f the night and
intim idating behavior against cul-
de-sac residents."
But the H ow ards say they are
only guilty o f one thing - hosting
daily gatherings for their very large
extended fam ily. The couple says
they have at least 14 sisters and
brothers each, and each sibling
has three to four kids apiece.
"P arties?” Liz asked. "W e had
family barbecues. If five o f them
cam e over to visit, it's going to look
like a party.”
R egardless o f the definition o f
their gatherings, the noise co m ­
plain ts dim in ish ed after police
raided the house ju st before daw n
on Nov. 1.
They made no arrests and found
nodrugs, but police said they found
heroin residue and a glass crack
T he couple says they have not
seen this evidence, adding that
they are recovering addicts and do
not allow drugs in their home.
T he city says neighbors pre­
sented a strong case - that they
essentially lived in fearo f the couple
and their frequent visitors.
D eputy city attorney R oland
Iparraguirre said if the H ow ards
sell their hom e to som eone not
associated or related to them , they
will drop the suit.
If they rem ain in the hom e and
the lawsuit is successful, the city
has the pow er to close and board
up the property for six m onths to a
year. T he H ow ards co u ld then
m ove back if). and possibly be the
subject o f a second suit if alleged
activity continued.
The Howard’s cul-de-sac is fairly
quiet these days; they say they’ve
minimized family visits, opting to
visit their homes instead. Surround­
ing residents aren’t saying much. A
woman to the left o f the Howards has
only lived there about a month, and
a family tothe right moved in around
the first of the year. Neither had a
com ment about their neighbors.
The H ow ards have recently put
their house on the m arket - one o f
several currently fo rsale in the cul-
d e - s a c . T h e c o u p le in v e s te d
around $20,000 to replace the w in­
dow s police busted with rubber
bullets during the N ovem ber raid.
They have also put in new carpet
and installed French doors after
police ruined the slide patio doors.
T he small front yard w as recently
landscaped, after their parked ve­
hicles left deep ruts on the lawn.
W hile the H ow ards say the inci­
Bringing Diversity
dent m ade them victim s o f police
harassm ent, the city claim s they
are m aking a point - that pro b lem ­
atic property ow ners cannot co n ­
tinue to ignore police w arnings.
Portland has been gaining m om en­
tum by enacting the rarely used
chronic nuisance code tw ice in the
past few m onths. T hey’ve also filed
a com plaint against Betty M ae
Ceaser, ow ner o f a home at 4910 N .
V ancouver Ave., where police have
responded to drug activity since
T he civil enforcem ent is part o f
an increased aggressive stance in
neighborhoods, Iparraguirre said,
especially in northeast Portland.
He said they anticipate more law ­
suits because "the process is w o rk ­
“T h ere’s already a few com ing
dow n the pipe," he added. "It seem s
like neighbors are pretty happy."
T h e H o w a rd s a re a s k in g
$350,(XX) for the 5,100 square-foot
home. Liz says she ju st w ants the
city to back off, let them sell their
property and m ove on.
"H opefully we can buy a few
ac re s so w e can h av e fam ily
around,” she said.
from Metro
T hom ajan said he hopes to within
the next few months.
"T he process is akin to d at­
ing," he said.
W i t h a 2()-person board i nc I tid­
ing African American, Asian, His­
panic and Latino m em bers, plus
sexual m inorities across a broad
age range, in w hich direction can
C am pfire take its pursuit?
"T his has been an exceptional
opportunity to have frank d is­
cussion o f w hat diversity is,"
T hom ajan said. "It gave us a
ch an ce to assess o u r b o a rd 's
current m ake-up. and consider
w here we want to be in term s o f
diversity one, tw o and three years
from now .”
Ella Booth
Have you seen me?
Missing and Exploited Children
Endangered Missing
More Young Women Join Rose Court
the D arfur lecture panel and runs
track and field. O utside o f school
Larson is a Sunday school teacher,
partakes in A frican drum m ing and
studied abroad in C osta Rica last
Her hobbies include babysitting,
working with SaveDarfur.com. trav­
eling, reading and going to Long
Beach, W ash, and Mt. Hood.
Sascha-Eden Preston -
Roosevelt High School
Sascha-Eden Preston
R oosevelt High School Rose
F estival P rincess S asch a Eden
Preston was crow ned on T hurs­
day. March 15. The 18-year-old is
the d a u g h te r o f Ju d ith D eE tte
Preston, and Douglas Ow en and
stepmother, Mary Kate Preston. Her
siblings are Dina DeEtte Siquina-
T eninty, R ussell-Payton G ilkey,
and Ricci-Joan D anielle Preston.
Preston is very much interested
in the m edia side o f things as a
student o f the School o f the Arts,
C om m unications and Technology
program at Roosevelt. A ftergradu-
ation she plans to m ajor in theatri­
cal arts at Portland C om m unity
College before transferring to Biola
University in La Mirada, Calif, when?
she will study film, television and
W hile at Roosevelt, Preston has
participated in advanced placement
classes. National Honor Society
and Student Leadership, and has
been a recruiter for the Roosevelt
Blood Drive. Preston is also a re­
cipient o f the Honors Academ ic
O utside o f school, she has com ­
pleted service work as a “w eekend
w arrior" with Bridgetow n M inis­
tries. Her hobbies include dancing,
acting, singing, ceram ics, fine arts
and bowling.
Kaia Range - Grant High School
Kaia Range
drum m er for the N eighborhood
Taiko Drum G roup. In her spare
time, she likes to sing and dance,
read, play soccer and create art and
she enjoys spending tim e with her
family and friends.
E liz a b e th A n ja L arson w as
crow ned Rose Festival Princess for
Lincoln High School on Tuesday,
March 13.
She is the daughter o f Tom and
M argaret L arson and siste r to
M ichael, Claire and Martin. Larson.
17, is a senior at Lincoln, and in the
fall plans to attend O regon State
University w here she will work to­
wards a double degree in Early
C hildhood Education and Interna­
tional Studies.
At school she is involved in
O utdoor School as a student leader,
is a peer m ediator and student tour
guide, and is a m em ber o f Student
Assem bly am ong many other stu­ Elizabeth Anja Larson
dent activities. She also served on Lincoln High School
Current Age: 2 years
Current Age: 4 years
D a te M issin g : N ov. 22. 2006
Avery and Tristan are half brothers.
Tiffany Loanzon
Tiffany Loanzon becam e C leve­
land High Schools Rose Festival
Princess on M onday, M arch 19.
Loanzon is the daughter o f Jesse
and Marci Loanzon and the sister
o f Brandon Loanzon.
T he 17-year-old has had the
opportunity to visit the Philippines
three tim es in her life, the home
country o f her father, Jesse. She
credits the experiences for giving
her an appreciation o f different
cultures, custom ers and lifestyles.
She plans to attend a four-year state
college and major in broadcast jo u r­
nalism . She would also like to have
an internship at a m usic channel or
news station.
Her hobbies include listening to
music, dancing and driving. Her
school activities include being a
part o f the dance team for four years
and having the title o f dance cap ­
tain. She has also been in choir for
four years. She is also a delegate for
the senior class cabinet and co ­
president o f the A sian Club.
G rant High School senior Kaia
Range was selected as the 2<X)7
Rose Festival Court Princess on
Friday, M arch 16.
Range, 17, is the daughter o f
Janet Range and Eric S wehla and is
sister to Nigel Swehla. Range is
very much interested in Japanese
culture, and after graduation she
plans to attend college and study
international relations and affairs.
She also wants tocontinue her Japa­
nese and Spanish studies, which
she will use to pursue a career in
public relations.
Range play s 11 ute in G rant' s Wind
Ensem ble and is a m em ber o f her
sch o o l's Pep Band, the E nviron­
mental Club and the G ay Straight
Apart from school. Range vol­
unteers at Tryon Life C om m unity Tiffany Loanzon -
Farm and Friends of Trees, and is a Cleveland High School
Elizabeth Anja Larson
Tiffany has volunteered at the
Starlight Run, made stockings for
the hom eless that were stuffed with
toiletries and gives blood to the
Red Cross.
T h ey w ere last seen that m orning playing
o u tsid e th eir hom e in R edlake. M innesota.
I f you have any information please contact:
The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
1-800-TH E -LO S T ( 1-800-843-5678)
This public service announcement provided
by the Portland O bsener Newspaper.
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Chelsea Allison Linn was named
D avid D ouglas High School Rose
F estiv al P rin c ess on M onday,
March 12.
Linn is the daughter o f Ronald
and D aw nelle Linn, and is sister to
Ronald Even Linn, Angela Marie
Linn, Ethan M atthew Linn and
Chance Quentin.
Linn. 18, loves to dance, read,
surf, and act and is interested in
interior and fashion design. She
was accepted to Brigham Young
U niversity for the com ing fall to
study science and dance.
As a senior a, David D ouglas,
Linn is active in many areas, all
while m aintaininga4.0G P A .S he is
captain o f the varsity dance team
and participates in Science Club
and the N ational Honor Society.
Linn recently played the role o f
T ig er Lily in the school musical
Peter Pan.
O utside o f school, she is leader
o f her Young W o m en 's church
group, isaG irl'sC am p JuniorCoun-
selor and G irls’ C am p President
and is a m em ber o f the dance co m ­
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