Portland Observer M etro 11,1 ^lo rtlan b ODhserucr /c o m m u n i t y V .a 1 e n d a i r Bike Fair at PCC M arch 21. 2 0 0 7 www. port I a ndobserver. com Committed to Cultural Diversity Ducks Make It to All Stars ‘Sweet 16’ Our Boys and Girls All-City Basketball Team selections University o f Oregon Coach Ernie Kent leads University o f Oregon to the NCAA semifinals See Sports, page lift See Sports, page B6 SECTION B Humiliated Couple Cries Foul Portland C om m unity College is hosting a B icycle Safety Fair from 10a.m . to 2 p.m. on Saturday, March 24 in front o f the Public Service Education B u ild in g at the Cascade Campus in north Portland. C h il­ dren w ill receive a free bicycle helmet Y o u r invited on the th ird Tuesday o f each W ith in four months the property was the subject o f 52 police calls, having become a spectacle o f countless allegations from neighbors cla im in g witness to w ild party­ ing and drug a ctivity. B y November, these com plaintsculm inated in an early morning police raid. A c iv il law suit from the C ity o f Portland fo llo w e d shortly after. I f the city wins, they can legally force the Howards from their home fo r up to a year. Meanw hile, the Howards have earned enough bad press lo ca lly that their repu­ tation has landed them a h u m iliating spot on the Geraldo Show on Fox. N ow they say all they want is to sell their house and move on, preferably in the country somewhere. The Howards date the beginning o f their trouble to their $2.6 m il I ion winnings month from 5:30p.m. to6:30p.m . when the A fric a n A m erican A d v is o ry C o u n cil from the Oregon Lottery. They opted fo r a lum p sum payment o f around $800,000 - meets at the K ing Facility, 4815 N.E. Sev­ enth Ave. Call 503-823-0000 fo r more in ­ money that has been "n o th in g but a nig h t­ mare," Sam, 54, said. They purchased their home on N orth­ east Emerson C ourt fo r $285.(MM) in July 2(X)6 and live there w ith their son Westley, 20 (named in the lawsuit w ith son Sam Jr.), De-Shaw ne, 15 and daughter Tierra, 13. Once settled in, they say trouble really began to brew when one hateful neighbor, instead o f approaching them about com ­ plaints. made several o f the 52 calls police received. Sam said the First incident hap­ pened when this neighbor asked him to remove his car from blocking his d rive ­ (w h ile supplies last) and get to navigate a bicycle safety course. Black Museum Action Thursday, March 29, and Thursday, A p ril 5,at6:30p.m „the Black Museutncom m it­ tee w ill be meeting at K ing Neighborhood F a cility, 4815 N.E. Seventh Ave., to es­ tablish the foundations structure. T o be in v o lv e d , v is it b la c k m u s e u m o fo re gon@ yahoo.com or call 503-284-0617. African American Council formation. Spring Beach Cleanup Saturday, March 24, from 10a.m. to I p.m., thousands o f Spring Beach Cleanup v o l­ unteers are needed to help restore the coastline to a pristine condition. V o lu n ­ teers can call 800-333-7658orvisitsolv.org to register. Zoo Teens Needed The Oregon Zoo needs 300 high school students fo r the summer to assist in edu­ cating zoo visitors. I f you love animals and teaching others, call 503-220-2449. Spring Break Art Journeys M onday, March 26 thru Friday, March 30, the Portland A rt Museum hosts the instructional art series fo r children ages 7-12. C ontact 503-226-2811 o r v is it portlandartm useum .org, fo r more in fo r­ photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Sam Howard stands in front o f his northeast Portland home, the subject of a city nuisance complaint lawsuit that he said left him and his wife victimized by discrimination. Calls for city to back off lawsuit by S arah B lount T he P ortland O bserver A large tw o-story home in northeast Portland is the catalyst fo r the c ity 's re­ newed vigilance when it comes to what they call chronic nuisance properties. The four-bedroom home, once owned by K O IN news anchor Ken Boddie, d id n ’ t garner much attention until Samuel and Elizabeth Howard moved in last summer. way. “ We own six cars," he said. "W e 're in a cul-de-sac so i t ’ s going to be an issue." From that point on, they said police officers issued the Howards com plaints "at every o p p o rtu n ity." continued on page H3 mation. Used Book Sale Wednesday, March 28, from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m., the M ultnom ah C ounty Library used book store at 2 16 N.E. K nott St. w ill celebrates its 19th anniversary by offer- in g a ll used merchandise at 55 percent off. Bringing Diversityt0 the Table Zoo’s Gone Wild Spring Break Party Through A p ril 7, the Oregon Zoo w ill host a week o f tropical island fun and events. The event is free w ith zoo adm is­ sion. For more inform ation call 503-226- 1561 o rv is ito re g o n z o o .o rg . Rabbit Romp Saturday, A p ril 7, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., the Oregon Zoo w ill the host this anticipated spring celebration fo r all ages. Events include a 20-m inute Easter egg hunt fo r children ages 2 - 1 0 years old, games and fun at the petting zoo. V is it oregonzoo.org orcal 1503-226-15 6 1 for more information. Life After High School Monday. A p ril 9, from 9:30a.m. to3 p.m., PSU’ s Smith B allroom , w ill host the Ca­ reer and Educational O pportunities Fair, a venue fo r local businesses, trade ap­ prenticeships, summer w ork programs and educational organizations to present careeropportunities available w ithin their organizations. For more inform ation call 503-230-9427. photo by Fostering Diversity Thursday, A p ril 26 thru Friday, A p ril 27, M t. Hood C om m unity College and Port­ land State U niversity, w ill host the tw o- day conference to address critical d iv e r­ sity-related issues in the Portland and Gresham comm unities, w ith educational, business and cultural leaders. C all 503- 491 -7254 fo r more inform ation. Community Support The A frica n American Health C oalition, a n o n -p rofit that touches the lives o f m illio n s o f A frican Am ericans each year, reminds you to support your com m unity organization. A ll donations, grants, and gifts are tax deductible. For more inform a­ tion, visit aahc-portland.org. Diabetes Support Group Legacy Emanuel Hospital hosts a diabe­ tes support group the Firs, and third Thurs­ days o f every month, from 7 p.m. ,0 8 p.m., in Room 1027. Bradley-Angle House The B radley-A ngle House needs vo lu n ­ teers to help its outreach against domes­ tic violence. W omen o f co lo r and b ilin ­ gual women are encouraged to call. For more inform ation.call 503-282-9940. M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Ella Booth builds community partnerships with Steve Hutt o f the Coca-Cola Bottling Co. (left) and Randy Stewart of Albertsons. Advocates focus on new leadership by S arah B lount T he P ortland O bserver C onsidering the good deeds o f non- profits in Portland's comm unities o f color, surprisingly few m inorities represent the organizations making critical decisions lo r their own neighborhoods. T hat's because white members still make up the ma jority o f the boards that govern these organiza­ tions. The volunteer group Hands on Port­ land is w o rkin g to connect m in o rity busi­ ness leaders w ith n o n-profit and govern­ ment institut ions through a program cal led C iv ic Leaders. “ There is a gro w in g percentage o f people o f co lo r in Portland, hut i f you look at boards they remain homogenous," said A ndy Nelson, executive director o f Hands on Portland. A pilot program fo rC iv ic Ixaderstraces its roots three years p rio r when now -city com m issioner Sam Adams paired w ith d i­ versity advocate V ic k i Nakashima torec- ognize the obvious diversity shortcom­ egon Health Sciences U n ive rsity's school able to get back to the type o f institution ings. “ A comm on thing I hear from leaders is they are interested bu, do n 't know how to get connected," Nelson said. "W hat I hear from the boards is they are interested in increasing diversity, hut don't know how ." o f medicine. Booth jo in e d the Portland C om m unity College Foundation Board in July through the help o f C iv il Leaders. She serves on the hoard's finance sub­ committee. w hich reviews and recommends scholarships to students throughout the "The goal is to create a network o f leaders w ho can share stories o f sim ilar district. A fte r Nelson learned a little about that got her going." Booth said as a p rixlu ct o f a com m u­ n ity college, she was interested in being involved in helping future PCC students. “ Because many students are disad­ vantaged econom ically. I find it a hum ­ bling experience to read their stories and recommend a scholarship." PCC serves a broadly diverse popula­ tion. Yet Booth is o nly one o f tw o A frica n American board members, joined by tw o Hispanic members and 14 white members, w hich raises the question, can the board more accurately reflect PCC students? “ No, the boards d o n 't represent the diverse number o f students, especially in com m unity colleges, but they're w o rkin g No, the boards don't represent the diverse number o f students, especially in community colleges, but they're working on it. — Ella Booth, Associate Dean of Diversity at Oregon Health Sciences University’s School of Medicine struggles o f being the only person o f color on a board," said Hands On program man­ ager Brenden Butler. " It has been educat­ ing to see how many barriers there are." El la Booth is a g o ixl example o f a leader o f co lo r w ho found the right fit. As associate dean o f diversity at O r­ Booth, he suggested the PCC Foundation as a natural fit. O rig in a lly from Baltim ore, B»x»th attended a com m unity college w hile holding down a fu ll-tim e jo h and raising tw o children as a single mother. "W e talked to Ella about where she wanted to be," Nelson said, "and she was on it," Booth said. “ A ny tim e you can d ive rsify any board, it's to everyone's advantage." C am pfire U SA, an organization that has diversity as one o f its core values, has worked closely w ith C iv ic leaders since the program 's inception. They h aven't placed a board member yet. but C EO Keith continued on page H3