Page Afe_____________________________________________ F ood Œlîf ^ J n r t t ê X i t h ( © b s e r u e r ________________________________________ March 21. 2007 The m ission o f the ‘Food Section’ is to provide our readers with great tasting healthy recipes and useful household information. The Portland Observer respectfully requests allcomm entsand/orfam ily recipes you would like tosharewithus.Addressem ailstofoods@ New Potatoes in Dill Cream Sauce This d ill sauce is a zesty refreshing and Ingredients Directions • 2-1/2 lbs. new red p o tato es, quartered • Place potatoes in large saucepan, add enough w ater to cover. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium. C ook 15 m inutes or until potatoes are tender. • I (8 o z.)c o n taln crch iv e & o n io n cream cheese spread complement, i t ’s like biting into springtime. • 1 green bell pepper, chopped • M eanwhile, mix cream cheese spread, milk and bell pepper in large m icrow ave safe bowl. M icrow ave on high for 40 to 50 seconds or until cream cheese spread is melted. Stir until well blended. Stir in dill. • 3 tbs. fresh dill, chopped • Add drained potatoes and toss lightly to coat. • 'A cupm ilk Greek-Style Lemon Roast Chicken Ingredients for life.. SAFEWAY © A refreshing twist on a healthy favorite. Ingredients • • • • l-w hole roasting chicken (3-1/2 lbs.) Salt and black pepper 1-m edium lemon, w ashed & halved 1/2 - c u p G reek V inaigrette Dressing Directions • Preheat oven to 35O F.Rinsechickenandpatdry with papertowel. Sprinkle inside and out with salt and pepper. Place in a 9" by 13” baking dish. • Squeeze the juice from lemon and mix with dressing in a small bowl. Place the squeezed lemon halves inside the cavity o f the chicken. Drizzle dressing mixture overchicken. Insert m eattherm om eterintothickest part o f c h ick en 's thighs. • Bake for 90 m inutes or until chicken is cooked throughout (reaching an internal tem p o f 180F), basting occasionally. K itchen Tip: T o get more ju ice from citrus fruit; m icrow ave on high for 30 seconds before squeezing. Coconut Banana Cream Pie Fresh Split Chicken Breast Halves A toasty coconut crust makes this banana cream pie an all-time favorite. Safeway Grade A SAVE up to 71« lb. Crust Ingredients: • I-(7-ounce) package (2 + 2/3 cups) sw eetened flaked coconut • ‘4 -cu p butter, m elted 2«, EXTREMt VA LU E FreSh Express to oto nb 21 Io 25-ct. Shell-on. Frozen/thawed SAVE up to $3.00 lb Del Monte Gold Pineapples r Kr.K Salad Blends SAVE up Io $2.00 ea. KJUU OK IttM* VAURfUl 5 to 12-oz. package Selected varieties. CLUB PRICE SAVE up to $3 29 on 2 CLUB PRICE Jumbo Raw Shrimp Meringue Ingredients: • 1/2 cup sugar • 3 reserved egg w hites Filling Ingredients: • I /4 cup all-purpose flour • 6 tbs. sugar • % tsp. salt • • • • 2 cups milk 3 eggs, separated I tsp. vanilla extract I m edium banana Directions Preheat oven to 325F. Reserve */4 cup coconut: set aside • C om bine rem aining coconut and butter in m edium bowl, press onto bottom and up sides o f 9-inch pie pan. Bake for 20 to 25 m inutes or until golden brown. • M eanw hile, com bine Vi cup sugar, (lour and salt in 2-quart saucepan: stir in milk. Cook over m edium heat, stirring constantly, until m ixture com es to a full boil (7-8 minutes). • Rem ove from heat. Stir small am ount o f milk m ixture into egg yolks, return to pan. • Reduce heat to low. C ontinue cooking until slightly thickened (1-2 minutes). DO NOT BOIL. Stir in vanilla. Pour halfofh o t filling into baked crust and cover with banana slices. T op with rem aining filling. B eefup 1 your HOIYI q SWEEPSTAKES Purchase Rancher's Reserve Beef with your Club Card and you're automatically entered for a chance to » WIN* a Kitchen Makeover tot CLUB PRICE Club Price: 50« ea SAVE up to $3 50 on 10 E D I? I? f ■quuouumvuutrat CLUB PRICE eye AH Natural Ice Cream 1.75-qt. Selected varieties. SAVE up to $6 29 on 2 Valued at $25.000 • Increase oven tem perature to 375F. Beat egg w hites in small bowl at high speed until foam y. C ontinue beating, gradually adding 6 tbs. sugar until glossy and stiff peaks form. Spread onto w arm filling, cover to the edge o f the crust. Sprinkle with reserved coconut. • B a k e fo r9 -1 1 m inutesoruntillightlybrow ned.C ool3 ()m in u tesatro o m tem perature. R efrigerate at least 3 hours prior to serving. BUY ONE, GET ONE Pecan Stuffed Squash GRAND PRIZES» 9 to 13 5-oz Selected varieties. SAVE up to $3 49 on 2 5-lb Baa Granulated Limit 2. SAVE up to $1.30 SAVE up io $6 00 Home Theater System This tasty side dish is a ll Valued al $1.000 Home Furniture Showcase Valued at $5.000 Ingredients • 3 sm all acorn squash, halved & seeded • I p k g .(6 o z .)s,u ffin g m ix fo rc h ic k c n • ‘/ i cup chopped pecans Safeway Sugar CLUB PRICE dressed up f o r Easter dinner guests FREE iQUAi on itsv« vaivi mu Tostitos Tortilla Chips • 1/3 cup raisins • 3 tbs. butter, m elted • 2 tbs. brown sugar Directions • Preheat oven to 35OF. Place squash, cut sides dow n, on foil-lined 15” x 10” 1 ” baking pan. C over and bake 30 m inutes. ‘100 Rancher's Reserve Gift Card •no R»nwst M NTSVW V Wd wtot pmMMW 1» < «tiw» Sww» * OftrWftuto H-jM*y W ws-o-tabe nam AflORR - , 6-uW onJ5!t'E«lW t e M o r d n iM l f SAVE up 10 911 MY [CHOICE 22 5-oz. White or Wheat SAVE up to 30« CLUB PRICE ■ ” ' • ■ • • M eanw hile, prepare stuffing as directed on package, except increase the butter to 3 tbs. Add pecans and raisins, mix lightly. Turn squash over and spoon stuffing m ixture evenly into squash halves. • Mix 3 tbs. melted butter and sugar. D rizzle evenly over squash, cover with foil. Bake an additional 30 m inutes or until squash is tender, rem oving foil for last 10 m inutes o f baking time. OvenJoy Sandwich Breads Bumble Bee Solid White Tuna or Progresso Soup Vegetable Classics ■«■Safeway G ift Cards Your shopping shortcut Sublet lo •vRdrtMfftv curdi ter d « t * k turni» and 2S 22 22 24 2ft BP 27 Neu geU Um Um» il en* »un Saum) CM Caí ALL LIMITS ARE PER UOUSFJfOtD. PER DAY Items & prices in this ad are available at your local Safeway stores. N o u le i to dealers, reslauranls or institutions. Sales in retail quantities only. Quantities o f come items may be limited and subject to availability Not responsible for typographical or pictorial errors W e reserve the nghr to correct all printed errors.On Buy One. Get O ne Free f B O G O ’ l offers, customer must purchase the fust item to receive the second item free 8 O G O offers are not 1/2 price sales I f only a single item purchased, the regular price applies. Manufacturers’ coupons may be used on purchased items only - not on free items. C 2007 Safeway Stores, Inc.