Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 21, 2007, Page 15, Image 15

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    March 21, 2007
page C3
For the Love
of Gypsy Punk
a t O re g o n Z o o
M arch 24 - A p ril 7
Making modern chamber music is fun for Portland’s 3 Leg Torso, and this violin, cello and accordion
quintet brings nothing short of a surprise.
3 Leg Torso &
bring an
eclectic scene
to the Kennedy
A gypsy tango klezmer punk
acoustic string hand? That’s Lumi­
nescent Orchestrii, hailing from
Brooklyn, New York City.
The eclectic group performs
W e d n esd ay , M arch 28 w ith
P o rtla n d ’s 3 Leg T o rso at
McM enamin’s Kennedy School,
5736 N.E. 33rd Ave. The show be­
gins at 7p.m ..is open to all ages and
costs $10 at the dix>r.
So you understand the elements
of gypsy, tango, acoustic, string
and punk m u sic ...h u t w h a t’s
klezmer, you ask?
“Klezmer" is a Jewish folk music
traditionally perf orming by a small
Luminescent Orchestrii delivers
this unusual synthesis with equal
parts creativity, intelligence, wit and
joie de vi vre. They then serve up an
explosive union of Romanian Gypsy
JJ,J ïiH‘
" M s . Uf
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Southwest Airlines tickets
fo r a REAL tropical vacation.
C o m in g z o o e v e n ts :
R abb it R om p - A p ril 7
E le p h a n ta s tic - April 14-15
P a rty fo r th e P la n e t - A p ril 22
Safe Kids D ay - May 5
C e le b ra tin g W ild flo w e rs - May 12
B e a r A w aren ess W e e k - May 13-19
B e a r F a ir - May 19
Luminescent Orchestra has toured the East Coast and Germany and
have traveled to Romania and Turkey for inspiration. They'll rock
McMenamin ’s Kennedy School March 28.
melodies, punk frenzy, salty tangos
and hard-rocking k lezm er- with a
dose o f haunting Balkan h ar­
mony, hip-hop beats and A ppa­
lachian fiddle throw n in for good
Luminescent Orchestrii will eat
all of this, and then spit it out with
two violins, resophonic guitar,
bullhorn harm onica and a 3/4
Argentinean bass.
3 Leg Torsoopens W ednesday's
show with its own signature musi­
cal blend -classical, tango, gypsy,
Latin and jazz.
“W e’re excited to play with such
a powerful and emotional group,"
said Bela Balogh. violinist and co-
Ieaderof3 LegTorso’s. “The Lumi­
nescent is on the cutting edge of
the growing Balkan/gypsy/punk
scene, and w e're all kxtking for­
ward to cutting up, cutting a rug
and, um, cutting class at Kennedy
School with them.”
The Luminescent recently re­
turned from a successful European
tour, which had two nearly sold out
shows at the Edinburgh Fringe Fes­
The members come from differ­
ent scenes in New York, yet come
together through their love of
Balkan and Gypsy music.
minutes from dow ntow n Portland on Hwy. 26
M ore info: www.oregonzoo.org
Come byTriM et M AX light rail
and receive 50« o ff admission
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