50£ t* 37 years of March is Women\ Humiliated Couple Cries Foul History Month A local family feels embarrassed and victimized by a city nuisance complaint. See special coverage inside •'community service 1 — story, Metro section see See story, Metro section - «T íSnrtínnh ©bseruer itv of nf Roses Rncpc’ ‘City Volume XXXVII, Number 12 .Week ¡n The Review PGE Worker Wins Lottery A Portland General Electric worker stepped forward Monday toclaim the $182.7 million Powerball jack­ pot. Oregon Lottery officials said Daniel Gannon. 60, of Milwaukie matched all five numbers (7-17-44- 47-54) and the Powerball number of 3 in Saturday's multi-state lot­ tery game. Gannon and his wife Candy bought $5 worth of lottery tickets at a local Safeway store. Disney’s Black Princess The Frog Prin­ cess w ill be Disney's first film featuring an Af­ rican-A m erican p rin c e ss. T he animated movie will focus on Maddy, a young New O rleans princess. Randy Newman is currently writing the score for the film. Newman wrote songs for Disney’s “Toy Story,” "A Bugs Life,” “Toy Story 2,” “Monsters Inc.” and “Cars." Infant Death Investigated Portland police are investigating the death of an 18-month- old in­ fant whose body was discovered Sunday morning in the 39(X)block of Northeast 12th Avenue. An autopsy failed to determine if the little boy’s death was homicide or SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syn­ drome) also known as crib death. The b o y ’s great-u n cle, Mike Richardson said the boy was his usual happy self before being put to bed Saturday night. Officers Charged in Bell Case Three New York City Police who fired shots at Sean Bell's car out­ side of a nightclub turned them­ selves in ahead of their arraign­ ment on manslaughter charges Monday. One officerallegedly fired 3 1 shots and other fired seven. Bell, 23, was shot at his bachelor party Nov. 25 outside of a strip club in Queens. See story on Page A2. Pet Deaths from Food One dog and nine cats died from kidney failure after eating contami­ nated pet food, but the toll is ex­ pected to rise. Food and Drug Administration officials suspect contamination from wheat gluten in pet foods sold by Menu Foods, which announced a recall Friday of its wet "cuts and gravy" dog and cat food, including such brands as Eukanuba, lams and Science Diet. B.I.G Richer after Death Just three days before the 10- year anniversary of the death of Notorious B.I.G, Bad Boy Enter­ tainment released greatest hitsCD. Ihe compilation of songs recorded before the death of Brooklyn bred B.I.G., aka Christopher Wallace premiered at number one on Bill­ boards Pop charts. ___ j In in-70 Established 1970 ....... ...... __________ www.portlandobserver.com Committed to Cultural Diversity Wednesday • March 21, 2007 G r o w in g D is c o n te n t On fourth anniversary of invasion A aron C lark M arking the fourth anniver­ sary o f the invasion o f Iraq, an estim ated 15,000 dem onstrators crow ded into a grassy stretch of d o w ntow n and then m arched through the city on Sunday to call for an end to the war. At the end of the hourlong march a small group broke off for a series of scuffles with police and a stand­ off that lasted into the evening. At least 15 protesters were arrested. Fami lies,' students and older citi­ zens participated in the earlier dem­ onstration, with scores of officers on bicycles and on foot keeping watch. Raed Jarrar, an Iraqi and hu­ man rights activist, told the crowd that only a few Iraqis collaborate with U.S. forces, so the war is now between the occupiers and alm ost everyone else in the coun­ try. The w ar "is happening be­ cause o f the occupation, not in spite o f it," said Jarrar, who left Iraq after Saddam Hussein was toppled and now lives in the United States. "There are Iraqis who can re­ build their country." he said. "They don't need someone to come from thousands of miles away to tell them how to treat their neighbor. They are the only ones who can end this violence." Steve Weiss of Salem accompa­ nied a group o f people with chil­ dren whoare in the military and said by photo Bt N ia D iyg /T he P orhand O bserver A peace march estimated at 15,000 fills downtown Portland streets on Sunday marking the fourth anniversary of the Iraq War. * his 18-year-old son will leave for Iraq April 11. "Kids go in for all sorts of rea­ sons," he said. "I think physically he's really well trained, but men­ tally, I think he has no idea what he is getting into." Susan Hay, a high school teacher from Portland, marched with her' two children and husband. "This is a war to establish U.S. hegemdfiy." said Hay. "This is a war to be able to consume every­ one else's resources." Ann Huntwork. 75, manned a stall where peace organizations gave w orkshops on topics such as "verbal nonviolent direct ac­ tion" and said she belonged to a group o f women who have pro­ tested at m ilitary recruiting cen­ ters. "We're exploiting our age," she said. U.S. Rep. Earl Blumenauer, an early critic of the war, addressed the crowd before the march. "Missing the chance to build a more coherent foreign policy is wrong. W ecan't just be right, we’ve got to end this w ar," said Blumenauer. As the march along 24 blocks ended, agroup o f young people led police on bicycles, horses and motorcycles through downtown. A few of the protesters wore black and called themselves anarchists. A few wore the green of the Univer­ sity of Oregon. A few scuffles broke out. police used pepper spray at one point, continued on pnge AS I ' Roosevelt Reflects on Racial Taunts School not accustomed to hateful displays by S arah B i . oiint T he P ortland O bserver The Roosevelt boys basketball team received three surprises this year - earning the school’s first state basketball title since 1949. seeing their leader Robert Key named 5 A league coach of the year in the Portland Interscholastic League, and weathering an ugly display of bad sportsmanship - displayed toward them on and off the court - at the state playoffs held two weeks ago in Eugene. From March 7 -10 Roosevelt stu­ dents, faculty and the basketball team said they endured threats, racist taunts and obscene gestures from four Eugene area high schools. Eugene School District athletic di­ rector Pat Latimer is conducting an investigation into 64 allegations with private investigator Dan Davis. Latimer said they are about three weeks away from a conclusion. He added that there was no violent activity, rather general perceptions of inappropriate behavior. Roosevelt Principal Deborah Peterson stated that white female students called black female stu­ dents from her school “whores" after the March 7 game against Eugene's Churchill High School. Peterson also alleged someone yelled at her "Principal, we're going to burn your school down.” latter, on Friday night. March 1(1, photo by M \ rk W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Roosevelt Coach Robert Key (from left) with Sophomore Larry Richards and Senior Willie Holloway reflect on the racial taunts the team endured during the state 5A basketball tournament in Eugene. Key and his team endured more of never experienced that. I felt totally the h atred at an O u tback disrespected." The slurs even surprised Key Steakhouse restaurant in Spring- words used by grown men that field. Many of the students were not offered him “a reality check." "There were different terms I accustomed to some of the names they were called or the tactics their haven't heard before." he said. "When you get called ‘porch mon­ peers displayed. "One kid pulled down his pants key’ and ‘coon’ - that’s hate. That and started showing his backside." comes from the household." Many students and parents from said senior Willie Holloway. “I've Portland think the playoffs Eugene location - a far cry from the diver­ sity of their north Portland school - only aggravated racial tension. “I'd like to see the state tourna­ ment in a central area, in the inner city," Key said. “I don’t know why it happened, but the Coliseum was the thing back in the day." Basketball playoffs have been held at the University of Oregon since 2004. Portland's Memorial Coliseum hosted the tournament for 37 years prior to that, according to OSAA representative Steve Walker. He said UO athletic direc­ tor Bill Moose offered them a pack­ age we couldn’t refuse, but 2008 marks the final year of the five-year contract. There is a possibility play­ offs could move back to Portland, but “any talks with folks in Portland area haven't occurred yet." Walker said. After such a high profile inci­ dent Key said counselors have met w ith his team, and a March 15 game at South Eugene High School ended more positively, even though they lost. Key has moved on from the inci­ dent. jumping right into spring's baseball season as coach of the junior varsity boys team. Mean whi le. Latimer, who was a principal before becoming athletic director, said the district takes each allegation very seriously. He said he is disappointed in the lack of sportsmanship, but acknow ledged there is an clement of curiosity on behalf of his students. "The minute you have a groupof people come in that are physically different, whether in color or size, it creates some curiosity." he said. “It'sa ‘why are you guys here’ kind of thing." On March 22 the Eugene district will meet to discuss a better under­ standing of the outside commu­ nity. “W e're doing what we need to do to make sure this doesn't occur again," he said.