PageA5 March 14. 2007 F ood The mission o f the ‘Food Section’ is to provide our readers with great tasting healthy recipes and useful household information. The Portland O bserver respectfully requests all com m ents and/or fam ily recipes you w ould like to share with us. A ddress em ails to: w w w .foods@ Quick Tips to Lower Your Cholesterol Levels by S haron S herry / T he P ortland O bserveer Don’t be a walking time bomb! The cholesterol levels in your blood have a lot to do with increasing your chances o f getting heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure. Cholesterol is a fat-like substance that builds up on the walls o f your arteries. The human body retains a naturally produced level o f choles­ terol, and as an added bonus, the general foods we love are loaded with the bad stuff. Here are some food tips to help lower your cholesterol. W hole-m ilk D airy P roducts: Choose fat-free (skim) or 1 % fat milk and dairy products. T hey’re rich in protein, calcium, and other nutrients without being high in fat and cho­ lesterol. Butter, Cream and Ice Cream: Save these dairy products for spe­ cial occasions. They have even more fat and saturated fat than whole milk. Watch out for butterandcream hidden in m any casseroles and other dishes, bakery goods and d esserts. C heese: M any cheeses are high in saturated fat. H ealthy options are low -fat cottage cheese, part- skim milk mozzarellaand other low- fat cheeses. Hard cheeses are gen­ erally low er in fat than soft cheeses. Eggs: Eggs are high in choles­ terol. O ne egg yolk contains about 213 milligrams o f cholesterol. Egg wh i tes don ’ t con tai n cholesterol and are good protein sources, so they're fine. In fact, you can substitute two egg whites for each egg yolk in many recipes that call for eggs. Be sure to eat only cooked- not raw- eggs and egg whites. Meats: The American Heart A s­ sociation recom m ends eating no more than six ounces o f cooked lean meat, poultry, fish or seafood a day. Lean beef cuts include the round, chuck, sirloin, or loin. (Buy “choice” or tenderloin or loin chop, while lean lam bcuts come from the leg, arm and loin. Beef, Lamb, Pork and Veal: Look for lean cuts o f these meats with minimal visible fat. Trim all outside fat before cooking. Most meat has about the same am ount o f choles­ terol, roughly 70 milligrams in each three-ounce cooked serving (about the size o f a deck o f cards). Eating lean meat in moderation is OK. Processed Meats: These include sausage, bologna, salami and hot dogs. M any processed meats even those with “reduced fat” labels, are high in calories and saturated fat. Read labels carefully and choose such meats only now and then. Low- fat choices are now available at most grocery stores: choose these more often. Organ Meats: these include liver, sweetbreads, kidney, brain and heart. All o f these; except the heart, are very high in cholesterol. If you’re on acholesterol-low eringdiet, eat them only occasionally. Poultry: Eat chicken and turkey rather than duck and goose, which are higher in fat. Remove the skin before cooking poultry. A lot o f the fat is stored under the skin, so re­ moving the skin lets the fat drain off. W hen roasting a whole bird, leave the skin on during cooking and re­ move it before eating. Fish: Fish can be fatty or lean, but In g re d ie n ts f o r life.. it’s still low in saturated fat. The American Heart Association recom ­ mends eating fish at least two times each week. Prepare fish baked, broiled, grilled or boiled rather than breaded and fried. Shellfish: Shrim p and craw fish have more cholesterol than most other types o f fish and seafood. But th ey ’re low er in total fat and saturated fat than most meats and poultry. Bakery Goods: Store-baked goods are often made with saturated fats. Best to stick to goods without monosaturated oils and egg whites. SAFEWAY 0 All-Star Veggie Burger * Why pay fo r those pricey store bought veggie burgers? With this delicious recipe you can make your own healthy low cholesterol veggie burgers. Ingredients • 1 - (15.5 o u n c e ) can garbanzo beans, drained and m ashed • 8 - fresh basil leaves, chopped • 1 /4 - cup oat bran • 1 /4 - cup quick cooking oats • I cup cooked brown rice • 1(14 ounce) package firm tofu 5 - Tbs. Korean barbeque sauce I /2 - tsp. salt or salt-substitute I /2 - tsp. ground black pepper 3 /4 - tsp. garlic pow der 3 /4 - tsp. dried sage 2 -Tbs. olive oil I - Tbs. W orcestershire sauce • Stir the tofu into the garbanzo beans and oats. Season with salt, pepper, garlic pow der, sage and W orcestershire sauce; mix until well blended. • H ea tth e o ilin a larg esk ille to v er m edium-high heat. Form patties out o f the bean mixture and fry them in hot oil for 5- 8 m inutes per side. Serve as you w ould burgers. Nutritional lnfo:Total Fat 4.7g, Cholesterol 0-mg., Sodium 340mg. Total Carbs 23,8g. Dietary Fiber 3.9g, Protein 8.4g This deli favorite is delicious as a casserole. These recommended substitutes will help in the fight to lower your cholesterol. Ingredients • • • • • • • • • U rr Z-IB BAG CLUB PRICE Fresh. Grade A. SAVE up to 2 1 ( lb. 31 to40-ct.Tail-on Frozen Net Priu: $12 9« per 2-lb. bag FREE Fresh Strawberries tQ U l OK UWK W ill FM2 16-oz. container. SAVE up to $ 3 .9 9 on 2 CLUB PRICE owe Sateway SELECT FREE KAA.uitaa«ituNa CLUB PRICE Red R om a Tom atoes Medleys Club Pnce SAVE i9t 4 9 to 5 9-02 package Selected varieties. SAVE up to S2 99 on 2 G et ho oked on Health at Safeway. Reuben on Rye-Baked in a Pie • CLUB PRICE Extra Large Cooked Shrim p BUY ONE, GET ONE • • • • • • • Directions • In a large bow l, stir together the m a sh e d g a r b a n z o b e a n s and chopped basil. Mix in the oat bran, quick oats, and rice: the mixture should seem a little dry. • In a separate bowl, mash the tofu with your hands, trying to squeeze out as m uch o f the w ater as possible. Drain o f the water, and repeat the process until there is hardly any w ater worth pouri ng off. It is not necessary to rem ove all o f the water. Pour the barbeque sauce o ver the tofu, and stir to coat. 88!. 00 nCr Safew ay Chicken Thighs or Drum sticks 2-cans (10.75 ounces) condensed low -sodium cream o f m ushroom soup 1 ‘/ j-c u p s I % o r skim milk I /4-cup finely chopped onion 12 ounces lean deli sliced corned beef, chopped 3-Tbs. prepared mustard 2-cans (16 ounces) low -sodium sauerkraut, drained and rinsed I-package (8 ounces) uncooked w hole-w heat noodles 2-cups shredded low -fat Sw iss cheese 2- Tbs. low -sodium light butter, melted 3 /4-cup cubed rye bread Directions 1. Preheat oven to 25OE. A rrange bread cubes in a single layer on a baking sheet. Toast until dry. Crush and reserve. Increase oven tem pera­ ture to 35OF. 2. Ina m edium bowl, mix together the soup, milk, onion, corned beef and m ustard: set aside. 3. Spread sauerkraut evenly in the bottom o f a lightly greased (use olive oil) 9” X 13” baking dish. Spread uncooked noodles over sauerkraut. Spoon soup mixture over nixxlles. and sprinkle with cheese. In a small bowl, mix m elted butter with rye bread crum bs and sprinkle m ixture over cheese. 4. C over and bake in preheated oven for 50 m inutes. Rem ove cover and bake an additional 10 minutes. E njoy S e a fo o d tw ic e a w e e k . Stock Up, . On Save Wines For Easter Kellogg's Cereals Get the finest deals on our wide selection o f reds, whites and sparkling wines. | /Il /|l 8.56 to 20.4-02. Selected varieties. SAVE up to $2 20 Stouffer's M e als 8 37 to 20-oz. Selected varieties Club Price $? 00 ea SAVE up to $13 90 on 10 Kendall Jackson, Edna Valley or Sterling VC 750-ml Selected varietals Chateau St. Jean, Toasted Head or J Lohr 750-ml Selected vaneta is BUYONÏ.GÏTONE Eola Hills, Hinman or Clos Du Bois K eebler M ix N' M atch 12-Pack Pepsi Fridge M ates 24-Pack Coors or Miller 81 to 16-02 Selected varieties SAVE up to $4 19 on 2 12-07 cans Satected varieties Plus deposit in Oregon 12-« cans or 30-Pacli Miller cite Selected varieties Plus depose m Oregon SAVE ap to S3 50 750-ml Selected varietals S h o p -tt H o n iA W n Delrvw» ta a fe w A g c o m D e liv e ry Beringer Founders, Robert Mondavi PS or Ravenswood on your first online order Minimum order of $150 required. 750-ml Selected varietals Safeway SELECT Softly Bath Tissue or Paper Towels 12 Double. 24 Single. 8 Triple or 8 Roil Package. SAVE up to S3 W Safew ay Butter Top Bread 22 5 02 Homtstyle White or Wheat SAVE up to SI M M 2 2 0 0 G ift Cards. O ne C hecko ut Item» It pne» in (hit ad are available at your local Safeway item No »ale» to dealer», rntaurantt or imtmition». Sale* m retail quantifier only (^lantities of eome item» may be limited and Mibfett to availability Not tr»pon»ible for typograph