íl!C 'JjJortlanh ©bscruer Page A4 Women’s History March 14. 2007 Opinion articles do not necessarily reflect or represent the views o f The Portland Observer O pinion Snubbed by Giuliani and Romney State Farin’* Providing Insuiam» and financial Service Home Office. Bloomington, Illinois 61 /10 Ernest J. Hill, Jr. Agent by 4946 N Vancouvei Avenue Portland, OR 9/21 7 503 286 1103 Fax 503 28b 1146 ernie hill h5mb'ftstatetarru cftm 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service® HOME OWNERSHIP INVESTING IN YOU HAKIM JONES FINANCIAL ADVISOR FINANCIAL PLANNING ASSOCIATE Investing has as much to do with the quality of the rela­ tionship with your advisor as it does with the quality of your portfolio. As a Financial Advisor for Smith Barney, I take great care in working closely with you, learning your objectives and helping you achieve your goals. Call me to learn more about stocks, bonds, lending and a host of financial planning services. 805 SW Broadway M aki H. M orial Back in N ovem ber, the National Urban League extended invitations o f anyone considering a presiden­ tial run to speak at our annual conference this July in St. Louis. Mo. W e figured they'd have no legitim ate excuse not to com e if we started our outreach tw o years be­ fore Election Day. Well, we were wrong. A fter tw o rounds o f invitations, we've received tw o re­ jections - from form er New York M ayor Rudolph Giuliani and former M assachusetts Gov. M itt Rom ney. As Sens. Hillary RodhamClinton and Barack O bam a start their jo s­ tling for the black vote, Giuliani and ■Romney appear to have written us o ff even through their party's sit­ ting leader - President G eorge W. Bush — saw fit to include us on his calendar - three tim es since he took office in 2001. Bush boycotted the N A A C P in 2004, but not us. His latest visit - in 2004 - featured a debate between him and D em ocratic presidential nom inee M assachusetts Sen. John Kerry. In 2(X)6, then-Republican National C om m ittee chairm an Ken Mehlman and D em ocratic National C om m ittee head Howard Dean ap­ peared. It's so ironic that G iuliani, often called “A m erica’s M ayor" would turn dow n an invitation to speak in front o f the nation’s largest organi­ zation devoted to urban issues. But then again, he can n o t possibly depend on us to pul I hi m through to victory in the G O P prim aries. He needs to do w hat every other red- blooded political candidate seems required to do - court w h ite ev an g elicals, an increasingly influential and populous sector o f the electorate. In 2(XMS, they m ade up 24 percent o f the electorate, up from 23 percent in 2004,accord- ing to exit polls. Our political leaders must take everyone's opinions into account if they want to lead our nation effectively. In the height o f the recent m id­ over. I realize that A frican A m eri­ term elections, the m edia surm ised cans tend to support D em ocrats that the Republican Party w as los­ but does that mean Republicans ing its grip over w hite evangelicals. like G iuliani and Rom ney should T heir predictions, to a large extent, w rite us o ff so early in the cam ­ didn't quite live up to expectations: paign? T he D em ocratic presiden­ 71 percent o f w hite evangelicals tial contenders must also realize surveyed in exit polls supported that our support is not a given. G iu lian i's courageous p erfo r­ the G O P, dow n from 78 percent in 2 0 0 4 .lt seem s that both parties are mance on 9/1 1 won him som e well- bending over backw ards w ay too deserved worldwide’ acclaim and much to appease this sector o f the m edia attention but he is sadly m is­ taken if he thinks he can ride those electorate. T he irony is that a higher per­ w ar-on-terrorism coattails all the centage o f blacks co m p ared to way to the O val O ffice. A ccording to a recent Pew C en­ w hites attend church at least once a week or m ore - 37 percent versus ter poll, a m ajority o f A m ericans 25 percent, according to a 2004 (m ore than 60 percent) polled felt that the nation was losing ground on an assortm ent o f dom estic is­ sues: the budget deficit, the income gap and health care. T hose were follow ed by moral issues - with 55 percent expressing concern. O bviously, the A m erican public has other things on their minds than w hether gays should be al­ low ed to marry or w hether A m eri­ cans should be perm itted to bum theircountry's flag, w hich still rank high but not as high as pocketbook issues. Interestingly enough, only 38 percent believe that we were losing ground with regards to international terrorism . Do you get a feeling of déjà vu here? I do. Think back to 1992 when m averick presidential contender H. Ross Perot centered his entire cam paign around the fed­ eral deficit issue that resulted in steering som e likely Republicans into the Independent colum n on Election Day. That, much to President G eorge Herbert W alker Bush’s peril, paved the way for the victory o f B i 11 Cl i nton w hose handlers coined the politi­ cal slogan - "It's the econom y, stu­ pid" - and ingrained it into the A m erica's consciousness. G iuliani risks repeating history much like Bush if he ignores d o ­ mestic issues and fails to reach out to the American electorate that cares about them. And let me also add that Clinton, Obam a, M cCain and the rest are hardly o ff the hook. W e haven't heard from them, either. But at least, they haven't w ritten us off. Marc H. Morial is president and chief executive officer o f the Na­ tional Urban League. Sparking a Serious Conversation Portland, OR 97205 (503) 221-7600 or (800) 547-1526 www.fa.smithbarney.com/hakimjones citigroupj S mith B arney © 2006 Citigroup Global Markets Inc. Member SIPC. Smith Barney is a division and service mark of Citigroup Global Markets Inc. and its a ffili­ ates and is used and registered throughout the world. CITIGROUP and the Umbrella Device are trademarks and service marks of Citigroup Inc. or its affiliates and are used and registered throughout the world. JJortkntb (ObscvuvrEstablished 1970 USPS 959-680 _________________________________ 4747 NE Martin Luther King. Jr. Blvd.. Portland. OR 97211 Charles H. Washington F.DiTOR.Michael L eig h to n Panic R ela tio n s : M ark W ashing ton C reative D irector : P aul N e u fe ld t O fe ic e M anager : K athy L in d e r R eporter : Sarah Blount R eporter : Nicole Ronal Hooper E dito r - in -C h ic i , P vkusher : National O pinion Research C enter poll. So, we're not talking about tw o groups that have absolutely noth­ ing in com m on. M inorities made up 20 percent of voters on Election D a y in 2 (X )6 -10 percent African A m erican, 8 p er­ cent Latino and 2 percent Asian, according to exit polls. By the end o f this century, there will be no m ajority ethnic group. So, our po­ litical leaders m ust take everyone's opinions into account if they w ant to lead our nation effectively. The days o f w hite men govern­ ing a m ostly w hite population are Appeasing white evangelicals South Park episode on race a good thing by J anice L. M athis Last w eek, I did som e­ thing I had never done be­ fore - 1 w atched South Park. If an irreverent parody can spark a serious conversa­ tion about race relations in A m erica, it’s a good thing. Even if it show s Rev. Jesse Jack- son in a dem eaning light. J a c k s o n a c c e p te d f o rm e r S einfield acto r and c o m ed ia n ’s M ichael R ich a rd 's apology and challenged him to m ake am ends to the com m unity he offended. U nlike the c a r to o n v e rs io n of events, there was no kiss­ ing involved. L ik e F re d e r ic k D o u g la s s an d M a rtin Luther King, black men w ho dare to challenge racist as­ sum ptions about black A m ericans The Portland Observer welcomes freelance submissions. Manuscripts and phiXographs should be clearly labeled and w ill he relumed if accompanied by a self addressed envelope A ll created design display ads become the sole property o f the newspaper and cannot be used in other publications or personal usage without the written consent o f the general manager, unless the client has purchased the composition o f such ad. © 1996 TH E P O R TLA N D OBSERVER A L L RIGHTS RESERVED. REPRODUCTION IN W H O LE OR IN PAR T W IT H O U T PERMIS­ SION IS P R O H IBITE D The Portland O bserver-O rcgon's Oldest M ulticultural P uh lica tio n-ts a member o f the National Newspaper Association -Pounded in 1885. and The National Advertising Representative Amalgamated Publishers, Inc. New York. N Y . and The West Coast Black Publishers Association P ostmaster : Send address changes to Portland Observer, earn derision during their lifetimes. And also like D ouglass and King, Jesse Jackson is likely to be revered by history long after South Park is forgotten. We tend to accept their ideals, but not their right to e x p itss them. DuBois had it alm ost right - the problem o f the 20th century in A m erica was the problem o f the color line. And now it is the problem o f the 21st century as well. At som e po in t A m erica should h a v e a s e r io u s c o n v e r s a tio n ab o u t race in o rd er to find re ­ d e m p tio n an d re c o n c ilia tio n ? D esp ite his u n fo rtu n a te n am e, T o k en is rig h t, to o m any w hites d o n 't u n d erstan d how racial slurs affect the so ciety . Fortunately for the children in the South Park episode, and per­ haps for the children o f America, by the end o f the show there w as co m ­ mon ground on w hich could find a shared understanding o f their d if­ ferences. Janice L. Mathis is vice presi­ dent o f Rev. Jesse Jackson's Rain­ bow PUSH Coalition Wrecking Kids’ Lives Curfew sweeps, preconceived notions conform . Fine their parents, if you B oles A re y o u k id d in g ? C u r f e w can find their parents. A nything to keep the ju v en ile sw eep s? Surely you will have som eone ju stice establishm ent busy. A ny­ at N ortheast Precinct to keep an thing other than providing better eye on those idiot cops and D eputy educations and better jobs for the D. A. Jim H ayden, w hom I know to kids. A nything at all. Send in an army be quite sloppy, civil rights-w ise, o f casew orkers, but d o n ’t do an y ­ and to have a lot o f preconceived thing to send the kids dow n a co n ­ notions about the people in north­ structive road. east Portland. W reck the kids' lives by giving N ever w as a Brooks Brothers them a taste o f handcuffs, but don't shir, put to w orse use than on that guy. N ever w ere the class sym bols give them any kind o f positive ex ­ worn m ore as elem ents o f arm or, perience. Spend the public's dollars on than when Jim H ayden suits up to do battle against crim e in the streets. cops and curfew sw eeps, flashy W atch him w reck the lives o f a m edia exposure, casew orkers and lot o f ram bunctious kids this sum ­ ju v en ile justice. W ho cares w hat h appens to mer, as they get busted for doing nothing m ore than w alking dow n those kids later? the quiet streets o f theirow n neigh­ E verybody know s they are all dead-enders and it w on’t be good, b o rh o o d s. The casew orker establishm ent and they are doom ed anyw ay. It's mus, be short o f clients, is all that's all a foregone conclusion. really going on. T hrow out a net M aybe the Iraq W ar will last and sw eep 'em up w here they live. long enough so they can all enlist. Catch those kids for chew ing T hose kids are all good cannon gum after dark. Jail those kids for fodder, anyw ay. too-long shirt-tails. J. E. Boles is from northeast Bus, 'em for hair-dos that don't Portland. PO Box 3 1 3 7 , Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 8 by J.E, CALL 503-288-0033 FAX 503-288-0015 news@portlandobserver.com ads@portlandobserver.com subscription@portlandobserver.com I Subscribe I 503-288-0033 llo rtla n b <0b»rrutr , /««i $60 I per year* | Attic. 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