(Cl!‘ JJortlanò (Ii)bseruer M4>we«’s History March 14. 2007 fW i/a z tn g Page A3 Women’s History Month Sojourner Truth: The Martin Luther King of her Day A statue ofJSojourner T ruth will be erected in to the U nited States C apitol. T he historic m ove cam e after U .S. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D -T exas, and U .S Sen. H illary R odham C linton. D -N .Y ., authored the legislation for the creation o f the m onum ent to honor the w om an w ho spent m uch o f her life p reach in g fo r the a b o litio n o f sla v e ry and w o m e n 's suffrage. "S ojourner T ruth lived for m uch o f her life in N ew Y ork," C linton said at a cerem ony on C apitol Hill celebrating the achievem ent. "So I am here as a personal a d m irer and as her senator," she added to applause and laughter from the audience, w hich included m em bers o f ( Jennifer Hudson Hudson Credits Women Mentors (AP) — Oscar winner Jennifer Hudson paid tribute to her own female inspirations at an awards ceremony promoting women’s achievements. T he 2 5 -y e a r-o ld s ta r o f D reaingirls spoke of the sup­ port of her m other and esp e­ cially her grandm other before a large crowd M arch 15 at U.N. headquarters that included teen­ age g irls try in g to catch a glimpse o f the former American Idol contestant. "One reason my dream s have been able to com e true is be­ cause of the people in my life." she said. "They’ve always be­ lieved in me. and had hope for me, and loved me." Hudson also stressed the im­ portance of empowering women and girls, the theme of the cer­ emony on the eve o f I nternational Women's Day. It was sponsored by the Virtue Foundation in part­ nership with Avon Products Inc., and co-sponsored by UNICEF and the U.N. Development Fund for Women. The singer and actress an­ nounced the first prizewinner of Avon's new "Hello Tomorrow Fund," New O rleans teacher Darlene Morgan Brown, who set up an entrepreneurship program for female middle school students and their mothers. the N ational C ongress o f Black W om en, w hich lobbied for the honor for Truth. A fter escaping from her ow ners. Truth pressed w o m e n 's rights and pushed for sla v e ry 's end. She w as the M artin L uther King o f her day. She preached the gospel o f Jesus C hrist, spoke passionately against slavery and cham pioned the rights o f w om en — black and w hite. She met w ith P residents Lincoln and G rant, and delivered her fam ous "A in 't I a W om an?" speech at a w o m e n 's rights convention in A k­ ron, O hio, in 1851. She died in N ovem ber 1883 at her hom e in B attle C reek. M ich. > Sojourner Truth Bringing Compassion to End-of-Life Care b ig p ic tu r e ," s a id C a rm e n C a ffe rk y , a d m in istra tiv e d i­ re c to r o f A d v e n tist H e a lth / H om e C are S erv ices. "S h e has tra in e d the nu rses to assess, re c o g n iz e sy m p to m s and d e ­ velop a plan o f c are w ith the c o m fo rt that co m e s w ith e d u ­ c a tio n , c o n fid e n c e and sk ill.” Achievement for medical professional D r. T a n y a S te w a rt has been T h e a w a rd h o n o rs the ideal n a m e d 2 0 0 6 D re a m T e a m h o sp ic e te a m , w hich in c lu d e s P h y sic ia n o f the Y ear by the a p h y sic ia n , n u rse , v o lu n te e r, O re g o n H o sp ic e A sso c ia tio n . so c ia l w o rk e r, h o m e h e a lth T h e P o rtla n d m ed ical d ire c ­ a id e , c h a p la in , b e re a v e m e n t to r fo r A d v e n tist H ealth H o s­ c o u n s e lo r and su p p o rt sta ff p ice e a rn e d high m a rk s fo r m em b er. “ Dr. S tew art p ersonally e d u ­ h e r e n th u sia sm , p a ssio n and c o m m itm e n t to m ak in g a d if ­ c a te d o u r te a m in a re a s o f fe re n c e in the lives o f c are p a llia tiv e c a re and e n d -o f-life d e c isio n s th at e n c o m p a ss the g iv e rs an d p a tie n ts. Women’s Day Call to End Violence Dr. Tanya Stewart Interested in a Career in the Trades? UN calls threats unacceptable to humankind E xplore the b e n e fits o f h ig h s k ille d , h ig h w age careers in the b u ild in g trad es. Check o u t hands on w o rk s h o p s & e x h ib its . (AP) - Top UN officials led glo­ bal calls to end violence against women and girls as they marked Intefnational Women's Day. UN chief Ban Ki-moon set the tone for Thursday’s observance by calling for concrete actions against what he called "a threat to all women" that "should be unac­ ceptable to all humankind." Ban stressed that the United Nations must be at the forefront of the fight and urged the UN Security Council to establish a mechanism dedicated to monitoring violence against women and girls. UN war crimes court chief pros­ ecutor Carla Del Ponte highlighted continued i A Sri Lankan woman takes part in a protest action asking the government to bring an end to ongoing abductions and aribitary killings to mark International Women's Day in Colombo. 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