March 14, 2007 II" Ï J n r t l a n b ( O b a e r u e r z ^ J ^ > |41SHJM pageC2 Rock Shifts Gears in New Film (A P ) - In C hris R o c k ’s new film , he plays a m ustachioed, bespectacled banker. H e's o ften funny, but ju s t as often serious and self-exam ining. It's a realistic film ad ap ted from the 1972 French classic "C hloe in the A fternoon." In short, it's a long w ay from ‘1964 - TheTribute'bandwill recreatetheearlydaysoftheFabFour at the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall this weekend and on Monday. Rockers Recreate Fab Four Concert The “Number One BeatlesTrib- rate events, and conventions. ute Show on Earth,” according to Founded in 1984 by high school Rolling Stone M agazine, 1964 - friends Gary Grimes (a.k.a. Paul The Tribute band will recreate the M cCartney) and Mark Benson early days of the Fab Four at the (a.k.a. John Lennon), the repertoire Arlene SchnitzerC oncert Hall on is from 1963-66, which includes hits Saturday. March 17 at 7:30 p.m., like "Twist and Shout,” “I Saw Her Sunday, March 18 at 3 p.m. and Standing There,” “She Loves You” and “Eight Days A Week.” M onday, March 19 at 7:30 p.m. “The idea is to show our audi­ The hand has toured around the world performing at major concert ence what it was like to be at a venues, festivals, colleges, corpo­ Beatles concert,” Benson said. G U A R D IN O G ALLER Y "P o o tieT a n g ." "I T h in k I L ove M y W ife," w hich o p e n s in th e a te rs F rid a y , M arch 16, is R o c k 's s e c o n d tim e d ir e c t­ ing. T h e first: 2 0 0 3 's "H e a d o f S ta te ," a fa rc e in w h ic h an a id e r- m an su d d e n ly b e c o m e s a p re s i­ d e n tia l c a n d id a te an d w in s. F inding the right tone in m ovies has been ch allen g in g for the 42- year-old Rock. M any o f his film s — from the u n derrated "P ootie T ang" to the Farrelly brother's "O sm osis Jones" — have been absurdist. "I'm in A N O T H E R place as far as film s are co ncerned," R ock, in his tradem ark e m p h asis, says o f the aes­ thetic shift. "I w ish I had gotten here aw h ile back." Elements of the Ancients Concerts Celebrate the four elem ents o f the ancients - Earth, air fire and w ater - and the four qualities they represent: balance, freedom passion and peace during up­ com ing concerts by the Satori M e n ’s C h o ru s , C o n flu e n c e : W illam ette Valley M ixed GALA Pictured Jamee Linton “ River Bend' pam itng N ext show : Jamee L in to n & Sara Plaia February 22-M arch 27 • Changing M o n th ly E xh ibition s •Contemporary Art & Craft in Gift Shop OPEN six days a week Convenient Northeast location: 2939 NE Alberta • Portland, OR 97211 503 281-9048 • Actor and comedian Chris Rock directs and stars in the new movie 'I Think I Love My Wife,' which will be released Friday, March 16. (AP photo) Chorus and the Portland Lesbian Choir. Directed by Susan Dorn and Ray Elliott, the “Elemental C on­ nection" perform ance is a m usi­ cal kaleidoscope o f connections in today’s world. Perform ances are Saturday, M a rc h 17, at 7 :3 0 p .m . at C hem eketa Com m unity College, Bldg 6, 4(XM) Lancaster Drive N.E., Salem; and Sunday, March 18 at 4 p.m. with a reception follow ing at Bethlehem Lutheran C hurch, 1244 N.E. 3 9 ,h Ave. Tickets available at the door. Star Jones Returning to Court TV ( A P ) - Star Jones Reynolds has landed her own daily talk show. Court TV has hired Reynolds to host a show about criminal justice issues that intersect with the pop culture world. The still untitled show, which has no title yet, will likely start early this fall. It's a return to her roots for Reynolds, a lawyer who began her TV career as a legal commentator on Court TV in 1991. She was an origi­ nal co-host with ABC's "The View," starting in 1997. Star Jones-Reynolds "This is the perfect time in our culture to see how the law, politics and entertainment come together," Reynolds said. "Some people say it has been on a collision. I say it has been connected." Reynolds, 44, left "The View" on bad terms last summer. Told her contract wasn't goi ng to be renewed, she beat co-host and executive pro­ ducer Barbara Walters to the punch in announcing her departure. That angered W alters, and Reynolds wasn't allowed on the air again.