il!l'^JorthlUÒ ©bseruer Page B6 am 2006 Subaru Impreza WRX STi Sedan The 2(X)6 Impreza W RX STi, is a made for-the-streets version o f an Im preza rally ear, w hich can often be seen on the Speed Channel or ESPN, hauling tail through the airor perform ing a four-wheel drift in the forest to the thrill o f hard-core fans. I he 2006 Subaru Impreza W RX STi is all about perform ance, with a dose o f practicality. Few four-door sedans can match this ca r’s accel­ eration, speed and handling. Subaru used the hair-raising rally environm ent as a testing ground for the STi that is destined for your driveway. The result is an extremely capable sedan that ju st begs to be unleashed to punish the pavem ent Women’s History o ¡k s e rv e r Aufo R e v ie w with raw street racing power. W ith a 3(X)-horse, 2.5-liter en ­ gine and trick features like Brem bo brakes, an intercooler water sprayer and a driver-controlled center d if­ ferential, the Impreza W RX STi a t­ tracts the attention o f many car enthusiasts. W ith so much useable pow er the STi is scary quick. The stock engine is 0-60 mph in 5.8 second, 1/4 mile 104 mph in 13.15 seconds. This makes the STi the fastest street-legal Subaru ever. The 2006 STi appearance and perf orm ance enhancem ents include the tough-looking rear-spoiler and hood scoop, which has been nar­ rowed to feed more air to the inter­ S tr e e t R a cin g 1 0 1 S to c k O p tio n s: 2 .5 -liter DOHC in te rc o o le d cooler. The STi has the aggressive tu rb o ch a rg ed 4-cylinder e n g in e ; 3 0 0 -h p a t 6 ,0 0 0 rpm a n d 3 0 0 - stance o f a speed skater - pow erful Ib.ft. a t 4 , 0 0 0 rpm ; 6 - s p e e d m a n u a l tra n s m issio n . and poised in the radiant light o f the 18-C ity m p g / 24-H ighw ay m pg; $ 3 3 ,0 0 0 M SR P factory-stocked gro u n d effects, slide under the 3-spoke leather- between car enthusiast and rally body low - leaning into the wind wrapped steering wheel (unique to racer; the explosive pow er and in­ improve to aerodynam ics. As you die STi) an intimate bond develops credible road-hugging-cornering International Team Unites Cultures co n tin u ed fr o m M etro March 14. 2007 News and reviews on new motor vehicles capabilities dem and that together you need to race the wind. T h e W RX STi is a high p e rfo r­ m ance co m p act sedan aim ed at rally e n th u sia st, a rarity in the U .S., as w ell as yo u n g d riv ers w ho crav e so -called “tu n e r” cars for the d an g ero u s sp o rt o f late- night street racing. T he W R X STi has a stu n n in g resu m e, a p p e a r­ ing in film s like "The F ast and the F u rio u s," "T o k y o D rift," "G rand T h eft A uto" and "T he N eed For Speed." leading to an in creased in terest in street racing. T h e re ’s not m uch d iffe ren ce betw een the STi and som e race ears, ex cep t that the STi has no roll cag e. The track-tuned 2006 Subaru Impreza W RX STi perforins as well as som e serious sport sedans that cost nearly tw ice as much. T he STi is capable o f truly astonishing per­ formance. Provided you have some place to drive your STi as it ’ s m eant to be driven; fast, faster, fastest! Impreza is an Italian word m eaning to show or dem onstrate im pressive achievem ent; the W RX S T i’s o ut­ standing perform ance and handling is enough to im press any car en thu­ siast. Top 2% in Portland Metro KELUR WILLIAMS Tony and Libby Kelly M B A , M.Ed., Brokers, CRS, ABR. SRES WWW SellingPortlandR ealEstate .tom 503-330-5488 17700 SW Upper Boones Ferry Rd Portland, OR ship efforts to bring the North A merican tournam ent to Portland, call 503-930-7646o r503-875-0772. day. Seifu says any donation, even $5 or $10 will be gladly accepted. T he charitable foundation can be reached for donations by visit­ ing the website at, by calling Emanuel at 310-493-3706 or by e m a il at fesseha we @ hotmai I .com . T o learn more about the local team 's future plans and sponsor- Les W h itw o rth C.P.A. A m it (left) a n d U zom a Izunagbara are d e fe n d e r s on P o rtla n d ’s c h a m p io n s h ip “A b y ssin ia " s o c c e r club, a te a m th a t tr a n s c e n d s world p o litics a n d religion to a c c e p t e v eryb o d y in a m u lticu ltu ra l spirit o f unity. S ports ____________ arib bcckkee/tin# service» 5421 \ K J 3 n l V enue I’o rtl.....I. OK 97211 I’hon.- 5(13-295-1939 Cell971-344-6414 Fax 503-295-11165 Let me help you purchase your next vehicle (new or used). Jefferson Holds Their Own in 5A Reclassified after drop in enrollment Jefferson is getting along just fine at Class 5A. The Dem ocrats w ere the most prom inent boys basketball team in the state to be left out o f Class 6A when the O regon Schools A ctivi­ ties A ssociation’s reclassification created a new prep landscape. Jefferson, a perennial state play­ o ff team , hadn' t had a problem stay- ingcom petitive in the old Class 4A. despite dw indling enrollm ent that gutted som e o f the other sports at the school. Basketball rem ains a staple and a source o f pride. Seven o f the last eight seasons before reclassifica­ tion. Jefferson won a state tourna­ ment trophy, including a cham pi­ onship in 2000 with a team w idely regarded as am ong the best in state history. This season. M arshall Haskins, Jefferson’s coach, scheduled many o f its fam iliar foes in nonleague games. W hile being a pow erhouse in the state o f Oregon is fine and dandy - Jefferson was voted pre­ season #1 for this season, by both the coaches and the m edia - Haskins also w ants the school to be recog- 5A J e ffe rso n D em o cra t A n tw o n W o o ten s h o o ts in th e 2 n d h a lf o f th e OSAA High S c h o o l B a sk e tb a ll C h a m p io n s h ip s a g a in st Corvallis. Semifinals EndJeff Girls Season Game loss in Willamette upset Som ew here in a flurry o f missed shots and errant passes, top-ranked Jefferso n 's cham pionship dream began to fall apart Friday in the O SA A Class 5A girls basketball sem ifinals at the Uni versity o f Port­ land C hiles Center. D anielle B ellando led the No. 5 W illam ette o f E ugene to a 64-45 u p se t w in a g a in s t to p -ra n k e d Je ffe rso n . W illam ette em p lo y ed a disci­ plined m atchup-zon e defense that held the D e m tx ra ts to about h alf o f th eir season averag e in a 64-45 victory. T he N o. 5 W olverines ( 2 2 - 5 ) w e n t o n to d e f e a t C hurchi 11. another E ugene school, 4 5 -2 9 in the C lass 5A title gam e M arch 10 at the C h iles C enter. "W e felt like Jefferso n h a d n ’t p layed an y o n e that played tough d e fe n se all y e a r,” W illa m e tte co ach Paul B rothers said. “ W e th o u g h t if w e p la y e d o u r d e ­ fense. w e had a great shot.” T he D em ocrats have m ade a nam e for them selv es this y ear as a h ighly co m p etitiv e athletic p ro ­ g ram . settin g a state record this nized nationally. T o that end, he has started to schedule ag g res­ sively for his team , taking on team s outside the state with national repu­ tations. Jefferson has even dow n outside o f the state for num erous top events. Haskins sees a parallel across season by averag in g 87.7 points per gam e. T h is sh o w s it is p ro b ­ ably a good th in g th ey d id n ’t m ove dow n to C lass 3 A o r 4A in the reclassificatio n s last sum m er. E nrollm ent in the P ortland high school is ju st 595 stu d en ts this year, dow n from 811 in 2001- 2002 and w ell belo w th e av erag e n u m b e rs o f o th e r C la s s 5 A sc h o o ls. In fact, it’s lo w er than m any C lass 4A schools. the river in W ashington. In Seattle, Rainier Beach High School has re­ cently fielded team s that have been considered the best in the state, even though it is a Class 3A school in a four-class system. “ W hen y o u ’re g o o d y o u 're good,” Haskins said. “ Levels are irrelevant.” In years w here Jefferson can make a strong clai m as the best team in the state, H askins said he looks forward to the argum ent. “ It’s like the BCS," he said. “ I’d rather be Boise State and be unde­ feated and then argue that we are the best team .” Haskins said he is not concerned that the best players in the Jefferson neighborhood will seek out thecity's 6A schools for more exposure or a chance at a grander prize. If the pro­ gram remains successful and the scheduling rem ains com petitive. Jefferson basketball shouldn't have any problem attracting players. And the Democrats plan to make them ­ selves at home in Class 5A. A d v e rtisq w ith divei s ity in 'ri" | J o r t la ttò ( O h s e r u r r MARTIN CLEANING SERVICE f Happy Birthday Lueille H arris 503 288-0013 CARPET & UPHO LSTERY C L E A N IN G Residential & Commercial Service _______CARPET CLEANING State Farm* Providing Insurance and Financial Services Home Office. Bloomington, Illinois 61710 Michael E Harper i 2 CLEANING AREAS OR MORE PRE-SPRA Y TRAFFIC AREAS INCLUDES 1 SMALL HALL $ 2 5 .0 0 1 CLEANING AREA PRE-SPRA Y TRAFFIC AREA (HALL EXTRA CHARGE) $ 3 5 .0 0 STAIRS (with other service) $ 1 .5 0 Each Each Area A g en t We moved to our new location at: 9713 S.W. Capitol Portland. 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