îlirÿlnrtlanh ffibseruer March 14, 2007 Women’s History B e n e fits B ro k e r/ P T May work from home. Com puter needed. Will train. Call Esther at: 1-866- 641-5562 C lassified / B id SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Washington County Commuter Rail Wilsonville Maintenance Facility W ork Scope Includes: Site work, AC Paving, Structural & Mise Steel, Metal Framing, Casework, Doors, Windows, Aluminum Storefront, Interior Finishes, Pre-Engineered Metal Building, Overhead Lifts, Plumbing, HVAC & Electrical Bids Due: M arch 2 3 ,2 0 0 7 Docum ents available: http://trim et.ebidsystem s.com / We strongly encourage Disadvantaged Business Enterprises to submit proposals on this work. DBE Coordination F M Burch and Associates Inc. Stacy and Witbeck, Inc. 403 SE Caruthers, Portland, OR 97214 503-231-5300 (Phone) 503-231-6692 (fax) CCB# 97061 Lead Civil Rights Investigator Portland Development Commission Non-profit agency Full tim e (40 hours per w eek)- limited duration position (4 /1/07-5/31/08) This person evaluates civil rights c o m p la in t d a ta a nd d e v e lo p s supportive evidence to assist with further legal action. S/he designs and im p le m e n ts in v e s tig a tiv e p la n s ; a s s ig n s , d e p lo y s , s u p e r v is e s , and d e b r ie fs v o lu n te e r s in v o lv e d in th e evidence collection process, and analyzes investigation results to assess support o f th e allegation. S/he also m anages the volunteer pool, w hich includ es re cru itin g and tra in in g volu n te ers. S /h e p e rfo rm s in fo rm a tio n a n d database m anagem ent as well as s ta tis tic a l a n d c a s e tra c k in g docum entation and reporting. A fu ll p o s itio n d e s c rip tio n is available at w w w .fhco.org/W hat’s New . No phone calls, please. The Urban Renewal Agency for the City of Portland, Oregon P o rtla n d is in te r n a tio n a lly recognized for its quality o f life, d istin ctive neigh borhood s, and robust transit system . Playing a ke y ro le in k e e p in g P o rtla n d , Oregon, one o f A m e rica ’s most liv a b le c itie s is th e P o rtla n d D e v e lo p m e n t C o m m is s io n 's m ission. PDC is the C ity's urban renew a l a ge n cy, ch a rge d w ith brin g in g to g e th e r re so u rce s to achieve Portland's vision. W e ’re c u rre n tly lo o k in g fo r q u a lifie d in d ivid u a ls to co m p le m e n t our w o rk fo rc e fo r th e fo llo w in g positions: Senior Administrative Specialist Associate Residential Loan Coordinator Credit Adm inistrator II Law C le rk -S tu d e n t Project Program Specialist- Please subm it a current resum e via fax (503-223-3396) or em ail (inform ation@ fhco.org). Closing date for applications is 3/16/07. S ocial S ervices Housekeeper: 20 h r/w k w /be n; $ 9 .9 8 -$ ll.ll/ h r .H S diplom a or e q u iv ; 6 m o n th s p e rs o n a l o r volunteer exp. Assist seniors & p e o p le w / d is a b ilitie s . H o u s e ­ keeping, m eals & personal care s vc . E m a il o n lin e a p p lic a tio n (w w w .portlandim pact.org) to: “hr- jo b s @ p o rtla n d im p a c t.o rg .” No phone Operations Division W e o ffe r a g e n e ro u s h o s t o f benefits as part of our efforts to keep PDC a positive, healthy and p rod uctive place to w ork. PDC values diversity in its work force a n d is c o m m itte d to E q u a l E m p lo ym e n t O p p o rtu n ity and Affirm ative Action. Apply online at w w w .pdc.us/jobs Portland D evelopm ent C om m is­ sion, 222 NW 5th Ave., Portland, OR 97209 Jobline: 503.823.3463 F inance PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM (P ER S )-Tigard M ETRO Stagedoor Watchperson, Portland Center for th e Perform ing Arts. $ 1 0 .0 3 - $ 1 1 .0 6 / h o u r, PT. D e a d lin e : 3 /2 2 /0 7 . M o n ito rs sta ge d oor; in form s and g ive s directions. Provides night watch relief when requested. To a c c e s s th e c o m p le te jo b a n n o u n c e m e n t a nd re q u ire d a p p lica tion m aterials, v isit our website at www.m etro-region.org/ job s or pick up a com plete packet at M etro Hum an Resources, 600 NE Grand Ave., Portland. AA/EEO Employer P ER S c o v e rs n e a rly 3 0 0 ,0 0 0 m e m b e rs a n d a d m in is te rs re tire m e n t, d is a b ility be n efits, health insurance, and deferred com pensation plans statewide. Retirement Counselor 1 Determ ine retirem ent eligibility and benefits and com pute and process benefit paym ents and contributions. S alary range: $2,420 - $3,506/m onth Announcem ent #LE070096 Closing date: March 23, 2007 For a n n o u n c e m e n t and a p p li­ cation m aterials, visit www.oregon jobs.org, the PERS website at www. p ers.sta te .or.us, o r c a ll P E R S H um an R e source s at 503-431- 8905 (TTY 503-603-7766). A A / EEO. We re all about your future! " HEAD COACH, WOMEN’S BASKETBALL PCC is seeking a Head Coach tor the W om ens Basketball Program at Cascade Campus This is a part-time position w/$5,000 stipend Requirements include: Experience coaching college-level basketball, bachelors degree required, current First Aid/CPR Cert (or ability to obtain upon hiring) valid unrestricted OR DI.. master's degree and experience teaching advanced basketball preferred Please submit letter ot application, resume, and references by 3/16/07 to Oick Magruder Athletic Director Portland Community College PO Box 19000 Portland, OR 97280 503-978-5513 richard magruder@pcc edu PCC actively encourages minorities, women, and people with disabilities to apply Aftirmaiive Action / Equal Employment Opportunity Institution A c tiv ity A s s is ta n t: Volunteers of Am e rica O re g o n ’s M arie Sm ith H ealth & S o cia l C e n te r (N orth P o rtla n d /M ississip p i n e igh b o r­ hood) is hiring for a 24 hr/week, A c tivity A s s is ta n t to w ork w ith d is a b le d e ld e rs a n d a d u lts including those with Alzheim er’s disease at our Adult Day Center. Jo b d u tie s in c lu d e ; L e a d in g / a s s is tin g and h e lp in g to plan a c tiv itie s p ro g ra m , som e assistance with personal care, and w orking with an interdisciplinary h e a lth c a re te a m . Fo r fu ll jo b description, visit our web site at w w w .voaor.org. No weekends, no evenings, paid holidays off plus benefits! Com e work for a great team ! Apply at 4616 N Albina, Portland, OR 97217 Attn: M SC Program Director City of Portland, Bureau of Human Resources Human Resource Coordinator A p p ro x im a te M o n th ly S a la ry: $4,763 - $6,359 D e a d lin e : 4 :3 0 p .m ., Frid a y, March 16, 2007 The City of Portland is recruiting fo r Hum an R e s o u rc e s C o o rd in a to rs . P le a se see the com plete job announcem ent for requirem ents and application at w w w .ci.p o rtla n d .o r.u s /jo b s / or contact Judy Baker at 503-823- 6846 for an application packet to be mailed to you. Com pleted applications m ust be received by the above deadline. The City of Portland is an Equal Opportunity Employer. PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR Portland State University seeks m o tiv a te d , s e lf -s ta r tin g c o n s tru c tio n s u p e rv is o r to be re s p o n s ib le fo r a s s is tin g th e Construction Project Manager with scheduling, and construction of all defined projects being completed by our Electrical, System s, and B u ild in g M a in te n a n c e d e p a rtm e n ts . R e q u ire d s k ills in c lu d e 3 y rs m in im u m o f a p p lica b le e xp e rie n ce d e m o n ­ s tra tin g p ro je c t m a n a g e m e n t from inception through punch list; able to com m unicate effectively; proven experience coordinating multiple projects; com puter skills and valid Oregon driver's license. F o r c o m p le te a n n o u n c e m e n t d e ta ils see w e b s ite w w w .h rc.p d x.e d u . S alary range $55,000 to $65,000. Excellent b e n e fits p a c k a g e , in c lu d in g re d u c e d t u it io n a t O re g o n University System institutions for e m p lo y e e o r a d e p e n d e n t. Ap p lication review process will c o n tin u e u n til f in a lis t s a re id e n tifie d . PSU is an A A / E O institution and, in keeping with the President's diversity initiative, w e lc o m e s a p p lic a tio n s fro m d iv e rs e c a n d id a te s a nd candidates who support diversity. Ap p lication review process will begin March 12, 2007 and close on March 23, 2007. Page B5 9-1-1 Dispatchers Emergency Communications OperatorTralnees M ETRO A d m is s io n s S t a f f i n g M a n a g e r , P o rtla n d C e n te r fo r th e P e rfo rm in g A rts . $ 4 5 ,9 5 3 - $64,310 annually. FT. Deadline: 3 /2 2 /0 7 . C o o rd in a te s a nd schedules part-tim e adm issions staff. This opportunity is open to F irs t O p p o rtu n ity T a rg e t Area resid en ts (Colum bia B oulevard on the north; 42nd Avenue on the east; the Banfleld Freeway on the sou th , and N orth C h a u ta u q u a Boulevard on the w est), whose to ta l a n n u a l in co m e d o e s not exceed $25,000 as an individual, o r $ 4 0 ,0 0 0 fo r an e n tire h o u s e h o ld , fo r th e p a s t 12 months. To a c c e s s th e c o m p le te jo b a n n o u n c e m e n t a nd re q u ire d a p p lica tion m aterials, v isit our website at www.metro-region.org/ jobs or pick up a com plete packet at M etro Hum an Resources, 600 NE Grand Avenue, Portland. AA/EEO Employer EXECUTIVE SUPPORT SPECIALIST 2 (Executive Assistant) $2,351 - $3,454 M ONTHLY GENERAL INFORMATION This full-tim e Executive Service position is with th e G o ve rn o r’s Office, Affirmative Action Program in Salem . There is one current vacancy. This recruitm ent will be used to establish a list of qualified people. Applicants will be subject to b o th a C o m p u te riz e d B ackground H istory and M otor Vehicles Services check as well a s a th o ro u g h b a c k g ro u n d in v e s tig a tio n . A d v e rs e b a c k ­ ground data may be grounds for im m ediate disqualification. If you are hired, you may have to give out facts about past em ploym ent and present financial interests if they could be connected with the business regulated by the job. HOW TO APPLY Interested persons are requested to s u b m it a re s u m e , a b rie f, in tro d u cto ry cover letter of no m o re th a n tw o (2 ) p a g e s describing how your experience and training relate to this position, a lis t o f re fe re n c e s , a n d a c o m p le te d E x e c u tiv e S e rv ic e Applicant Inform ation form . Send Application M aterials To: D e p a rtm e n t o f A d m in is tra tiv e Services Attn: Recruitm ent Section 155 Cottage St. Salem OR 97301-3968 If necessary you may fax to (503) 3 7 3 -7 6 8 4 . Y o u r a p p lic a tio n m aterials m ust be received by 5:00 p.m. on the close date, at the above address, and m ust be c o m p le te a nd le g ib le . T h e D e p a rtm e n t c a n n o t be responsible for m aterial th a t is illegible or m issing as a result of transm itting by fax or w hich may be lost through the mail. For additional information, please co nta ct Jan M iller @ 503-378- 6334. The C ity o f P ortla nd, O re g o n ’s B u re a u of E m e rg e n c y C o m m u n ic a tio n s (B O E C ) is r e c r u itin g fo r E m e rg e n c y C o m m u n ic a tio n s O p e ra to r Trainees. Qualified individuals will be trained in 911 call taking and dispatch for the City of Portland and M ultno m a h County. S om e qualifications include high school graduate or equivalent and type net 45 wpm. Great benefits, three days o ff per week after academy, annual salary $36,022 at entry and $ 3 9 ,5 7 9 a fte r 6 m onths. Once training is com pleted and yo u b e c o m e a n E m e rg e n c y C o m m u n ic a tio n s O p e ra to r II (often within a year of hire date), annual salary begins at $43,531. Application deadline is Friday, M arch 2 3 ,2 0 0 7 , a t 4 :3 0 p.m. Advertise with diversity in il" P o r tia n i» (fM w rrurr Residential Home Performance Sales / Building Analyst Neil Kelly has an im m ediate sales opening in its Home Perform ance d ivision - Portland office. This in d ivid u a l m ust have a re cen t proven track record in residential co n stru ctio n sales, m ust have experience in building science and be technically oriented. The job in c lu d e s s a le s , h o m e e n e rg y a n a ly s is , and p ro je c t m anagem ent. The work involves the use of diagnostic equipm ent to id e n tify p o te n tia l e n e rg y e ffic ie n c y im p ro v e m e n ts and health and safety issues. This is a com m issioned position with base sa la ry and health benefits. For im m ediate consideration, send a resum e and brief letter describing your experien ce aligned to this op p ortunity to: HR Coordinator, N e il K e lly C o m p a n y , 8 0 4 N. Alberta St., Portland OR 97217, fax to 503-288-1723, or em ail to hr2@ neilkelly.com . Apply online at: w ww.ci.portland.or.us/jobs/ or apply in person at The Portland Building 1120 SW 5th Ave., 1st floor lobby, NE co rn er near th e restaurant An Equal Opportunity Em ployer Recreation Leader (Pre-School) The Recreation Leader with a Pre- School specialty is responsible for te a c h in g p re s c h o o l and p re ­ k in d e rg a rte n s tu d e n ts , im p le m e n tin g and e v a lu a tin g e a rly c h ild h o o d c u rric u lu m , program s and activities. Duties include assisting other teachers, planning special events and field trip s and w o rk in g w ith o th e r agencies to plan and coordinate events and providing a healthy, safe and hazard free environment fo rth e children. Additional duties in clu d e p ro v id in g d ire c tio n to aides, parents, volunte ers and o th e r te a c h e rs , w o rk in g w ith fa m ilie s a nd c h ild re n fro m a v a rie ty o f s o cio -e co n o m ic and e th n ic b a c k g ro u n d s and d is c ip lin in g ch ild re n in a non- punitive way. and needed by the N ortheast Coalition of Neighborhoods. W ork from office at 4815 NE 7th Avenue. Contact the D epartm ent of Em ploym ent fo r J o b # 4 8 3 9 9 7 o r Jo b #483991, or contact Dick Levy at Outreach Coordinator Office M anager A p p ro x im a te M o n th ly S a la ry Range: $2,149 at entry - $3,101 Application deadline is 4:30 PM, Monday, March 19, 2007 To learn more about this position, or to apply online, visit our website at www.ci.portland.or.us/jobs/ or pickup an application at 1120 SW 5th Ave. Portland, Oregon 97204 M ust apply byC.O.B. M arch 1 6 ,2 0 0 7 iòea/24 S a t e e t ¿hofi Here When You Need Us A.D. Williams Shop 503-282-2920 Cell 503-300-4488 213 N.E. Hancock Portland. OR 97212 8 :3 0 am - 6 :0 0 pm Tues.-Sat. A New Worship Experience In Northeast Portland Northwest Voice For Christ Community Church ‘The Faithful Church” Rev.3 :7 -12 “Keeping It Real Jesus’ Way" 84 NE Killingsworth Street, Portland. Oregon Worship Service — Sundays 1:3<) P.M. Prayer/Bihle Study — Wednesdays 6:(X) P.M. Gilgal: a Training Ministry (2nd Kings 4:38) Rev. H. L. Hodge, Ph.D. — Pastor/Teacher/Life Change Specialist 503-334-6239 All are welcome to come and get a solid foundation on how Jesus impacts our lives in the 21st century! We will keep it real. Email: hodgehspks@msn.com • www/nwvctrainingministry.com To apply, send the following to the em ail or address below: 1) a letter of interest 2) a resum e with the names, addresses and p h o n e n u m b e rs o f th re e references that can speak to the ca n d id a te ’s ability to m eet the re quirem ents stated above, 3) s a la ry re q u ire m e n ts , a nd 4) re q u ire d s u p p le m e n ta l information: current salary, reason for leaving and explanation for gaps in em ploym ent. The letter, re s u m e , a nd re fe re n c e s and re q u ire d s u p p le m e n ta l inform ation should be limited to no m ore than five pages. Please subm it the com pleted application m aterials as follows: Preferred m ethod for subm itting application is an em ail m essage item s 1, 2, 3, and 4 attached as one file. M ailing address: Chair, Construction Supervisor Search Com m ittee P o rtla n d S ta te U n iv e rs ity , Facilities & Planning PO Box 751-FAP Portland, OR 97207-0751 Fax num ber: 503-725-4329 Working for Heaven In 2007 The Bethesda Christian Church has been under new leadership fo r the last 7 years. Pastor Melvin Bailey took on his pastoral ditties in 2000 and since that time our church lias experienced some major changes. We first did a $.100,000 remodeling project; the entire building was renovated, inside and out. On the inside, some o f our additions included the purchasing o f a new conference table A chairs for our new conference room as well as a new Baptismal pool in our upstairs Sanctuary. While on the outside, a new underground sprinkler system was installed. With the Lords’ help, our leaders are guiding the church in a new direction: Bethesda continues to connect itself with such positive organizations as The Albina Ministerial Alliance here in Portland, Oregon. We have an effective outreach ministry that continues to touch people's lives; we conduct regular services at Unthanka Plaza, The Portland Rescue Mission, and the Oregon State Prison. We also operate a community food program as well as, host a free Thanksgiving Dinner program every year here at the church. This vear o f 2007, we are starting a brand new staff; we now have 5 Associate Pastors, 3 new Deacons, and new Auxiliary leaders. There is a new spirit o f co-operation and unitv here in our church and we give God all the honor A Glory.