;JjflrtkinÒ ©bserUCV March 7. 2007___________________________________________ PageA5 F ood The mission o f the ‘Food Section’ is to provide our readers with great tasting healthy recipes and useful household information. The Portland O bserver respectfully requests all com m ents and/or fam ily recipes you w ould like to share w ith us. A ddress em ails to: www. foods @ portlandobserver.com Avocado, Tomato & Mango Salsa . al j Kl • 'f d t f Ingredients • 1 mango, peeled, seeded and diced • ladvocado, peeled, pitted and diced medium tomatoes, diced • 1/2 small can chopped jalapeno peppers or 1 fresh pepper, seeded and minced JE •- .. • • • • • • 1 /2 cup chopped fresh cilantro 3 cloves garlic, minced 1 tsp. salt 2 Tbs. fresh lime juice 1 /4 cup chopped red onion 3 Tbs. olive oil This refreshing, low-cholesterol salsa is fantastic served Directions with white fish or just to snack with tortilla chips. As a time a medium bowl combine the ^ g o , avocado tomatoes jalapenc . ... . . _ r . saver substitute canned jalapeno instead o f fresh. cilantro and garlic. Stir in the salt, limejuice, red onion and olive oil To blend the flavors refri2erateforabout3()m inutesnrior.oservinD SAFEWAY Ö Ingredients for life Wayne Cannon o f Cannon's Rib Express, a barbecue hotspot at the corner o f Northeast 33rd and Killingsworth. Cannon’s Named Best BBQ Once again, the public has cho­ sen Cannon’s Rib Express as one of the city’s best barbecue spots, this time as a 2007 winner of AOL CityGuide's Best Barbecue in Port­ land. The restaurant has been on the c o rn e r N o rth e a st 33rd & Killingsworth for21 years. Chuck Hinton opened and oper­ ated the rib shack for the first 10 years, with current owner Wayne Cannon carrying on the tradition for the past 11. As the weather becomes nicer, Mr. Cannon looks forward to bring­ ing back music on Sundays, with performances by Mr. Reggie Hous­ ton & A Box o f Chocolates, the Light Fabulous Gospel Group and Mr. Paul Delay with various ac­ companies. Cannon's thanks their custom­ ers for their loyal support, as they continue to provide the best bar­ becue in Portland. Lean Ground Beef 80% Lean 20% Fat Minimum 5-lb. package. Limit 2 per customer. Manor House Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast EXTREME VALUE Sold in 4-lb resealable frozen bag for $7.96 ea. SAVE up to $2.00 lb. SAVE up to $1.00 lb I vF f I \ a . « a mLb V Black Bean Lasagna Rolls ¡Rancher's Reserve Angus Beef New York Strip Steak Try this spicy dia­ betic-friendly, south - western-inspired twist on a favorite classic dish. Lasagna noodles are rolled up with ricotta cheese and black beans, and served with a spoon­ ing o f salsa. Bone-in. SAVE up to $4 00 lb Fresh Asparagus • 8 lasagna noodles, uncooked • 1 cup shredded reduced-fat Monterey Jack cheese • 1 (15 ounce) container part-skim ricotta cheese • I (4.5 ounce) can chopped green chilies, drained • 1 / 2 tsp. chili powder • 1 /8 tsp. salt • 2 cups canned no-salt added black beans, drained • 1 (15.5 ounce) jar no-salt salsa • Fresh Cilantro sprigs (optional) Smaller size package $7 49 lb. frozen/thawed SAVE up IP $3 00 lb 5-lb . Bag Russet Potatoes Large Hass Avocados Club Price $1 00 ea SAVE up tp 69c on 1 Club Price $1 00 ea SAVE up to 79c on 1 Ingredients Wild Alaskan Sockeye Salmon Fillets Introducing our homefragrances AvatoWe n stores with Floral Directions 1. Cook lasagna noodles accord- ing to package directions, om it- ting salt. Drain well. Lay out on wax paper. 2. Combine cheeses, chilies, chili pow der and salt, stirring well. Spread cheese mixture over one side of each noodle. Spoon black beans evenly over cheese m ixture. Roll upnoodles jellyroll fashion beginning at the 3. Place lasagna r down, in an I l ”x ' dish, evenly coatt spray, C over and bake m in u te s or unt heated. 4. To serve, spot over rolls and garn sprigs, if desired. Jumbo Raw Shrimp 2, to 2 W . Sbell-on Frozen/thawed. SAW up to $5.00 fc. Super Colossal King Crab Legs and Claws Arrowhead W ater 6 to 9 size Frozen/thawed SAW up im s rfc 24-pack. 16.9-oz. SAVE up to $2 00 to $5.00 lb. | Lay's or Wavy Lay's Potato Chips 13 25 to 13 75-02. Selected varieties SAVE up to S3 49 on 2 Northern Bath Tissue or Brawny Paper Towels 12 Double Roll or 8 Roll Package SAVE up to $2 00 Super Colossal Sea Scallops Butter Beans with Smoked Turkey / want to thank my Momma fo r being a great cook and sharing her skills with me. These are the only butter beans / will eat. UZtO-ct Frozen/thawed Abo sold in a 5-lb. bag# Í 39 99 ea SAW up to H.M lb BUY O N E . G ET O N E D reyer's Grand Ice Cream 1.75-qt. Selected varieties SAVE up lo SS 49 on 2 ¡Tropicana Pure Prem ium 59 to 64-oz Selected varieties Club Price S3 00 ea SAVE up to S3 1S on 2 BV Coastal, Beringer or Ravenswood 750-ml. Selected varietals SAVE up to S4 00 Ingredients: • • • • • • • • • 2 cans ( I5 oz. each) butter beans, drained and r 1/4 cup vegetable broth 1/4 cup chopped onion I clove garlic, minced I bay leaf I tsp. dried thyme leaves 1/4 tsp. sal, 1/8 tsp. pepper 1 pkg. (6 oz.) thin sliced turkey breast, chopped Delivery ¡General M ills Cereal OSI 14 to 16-oz Selected varieties Club Price $2 50 ea Directions: • Mix all ingredients except turkey through, stirring occasionally. Re­ in medium saucepan. Cook on me­ move and discard bay leaf. dium heat for 3 minutes, stirring • Tip - How to quick-soak beans- occasionally. Place beans in large pot. Cover • Add turkey and cook an addi­ completely with water. Bring to boiI; tional 2 minutes or until heated simmer 2 minutes. Let stand I hour. 200 Gift Cards. One Checkout A l l LIMITS ARE PER HO USEHO I.D. PER DAY. Items & prices ,n this id are available i t vour local Safeway «tores. N o n i n to dealers, restaurants ot institutions. Sain in retail quantities only Quantities of some item« may be limited and subject to availability Not responsible tot h teal ot pKtonal error» We reserve the right to correct all printed errors.On Buv One. Get One Free ("BOGO”) offer«, customer must purs ha*e the tint item to receive the second item free. BOGO offer« are not 1 '2 price sales If onl item purchased, the regular price applies Manufacturers’ coupons mav be used on purchased items only - not on free items. 12007 Safeway Stores. Inc.