Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 07, 2007, Page 3, Image 3

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March 7. 2007
Page A3
1 | J o r t k u t ù ( D h s e r u e r
Gateway to College Program Expands Reach
young people, as we help broker
partnerships between commu­
nity colleges and school districts
looking for alternatives for strug­
gling students.”
The money w ill help replicate
two key innovations developed
P ortland
C om m unity
College’s nationally-recognized
Gateway to College program is
expanding thanks to a new five-
year, $3 million award from the
Bill & Melinda Gates Founda­
The program helps dropouts
complete their high school di­
plomas by taking col lege courses
for dual credit.
“There is a strong demand
for Gateway to College across
the country, because every city
has a dropout problem," said
Laurel Dukehart, director of the
Gateway to College National
Network. “We are thrilled to
have this opportunity to bring
Gateway to College to more
Students at Portland
Community College can
complete their high school
diplomas by taking college
courses for dual credit.
To Place Your Classified Advertisement
Contact: Kathy Linder
Phone: 503-288-0033
Fax: 503-288-0015
e-mail: classifleds@portlandobserver.com
Law Firm Founder Named Judge
Kenneth Walker, who estab­
lished Oregon’s first African-
American law firm, has been
named to the Multnomah County
Circuit Court bench.
Walker established Walker,
Warren and Watkins 17 years
ago in Portland. He was ap­
pointed to a vacant position on
the court by Gov. Theodore
Kulongoski, a Democrat.
Before the announcement last
week. Adrienne Nelson was the
only African-American judge in
the state circuit court system.
A Iso appointed by Kulongoski
at PCC - Academic Discipline
P re p ara tio n and G atew ay
ADP is a series of one-credit
companion colleges courses in
economics, buinsss, history, bi­
p o litical
science.Gatew ay Preparation is
an addition term of study that
builds academic skills and hab­
its to prepare students to enter
the Gateway to College Foun­
dation Term.
to other vacancies on the court
was Youlee You, a senior assis­
tant attorney general for the
Oregon Department of Justice.
You. a Korean-American, was
nam ed a ju d g e e a rlie r by
Kulongoski, but she stepped
down because of residency re­
Rounding out the group of
four judicial appointments was
Diana Stuart, a civil, labor and
domestic relations litigator and
public defender, and Thomas
Ryan, a circuit court judge pro
Kenneth Walker
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PCC C ascade C onnection
Weekend College for Busy People
There are days when I real ly love
my job.
The life of a community college
campus president has many de­
mands. There are meetings to at­
tend. relationships to maintain,
decisions to be made. A million
different concerns intrude every
day-enrollm ent, funding, person­
nel matters, you name it.
But quite often, through it all,
something happens that makes me
remember why I go, into this line of
work, that reminds me why institu­
tions like Cascade Campus are
called "community” colleges.
Not long ago, a young woman
came to see me in my office. She was
con cerned about w h eth er she
would be able to continue her stud­
ies at Cascade Campus, but no,
because of money, relationship
troubles, work conflicts or any of
the other typical reasons that might
prompt a young person to leave
college. Rather, she was worried
that she might not be able to con­
tinue at Cascade because of the
demands placed on her by caring
for her mother, who suffers from a
chronic debilitating disease.
She was exactly the kind of stu­
dent of which a campus president
can be proud - bright, articulate,
ambitious and energetic. Someone
who can use her community col­
lege education as the first step on
a long and successful journey.
Seeing her dilemma, her conflict-
between caring for her mother and
caring for her own future, brought
the essence of community colleges
home to me. right there in my office.
She wanted - needed - the college
to be flexible enough to accommo­
A lgik
G mmwxd
F o rtu n ately for this young
woman — and for Cascade Campus
— we were able to help her through
a combination of evening classes
and tutoring, and we helped put her
in contact with resources in the
community that can assist her with
her caregiving duties. She remains
an enthusiastic, successful college
Her need for flexibility and ac­
commodation, however, was not
demanding lives - like the young
woman who visited me that day -
can find the time to invest in them­
selves and their futures.
As it happened, on the very day
that this bright young woman ap­
proached me with her concerns.
Cascade Campus hosted the state­
wide kickoff of O regon's new pre­
scription drug coverage program.
The room was full of people,
young and old, celebrating the fact
that their continuing good health
had been placed within closer
reach. During my remarks at the
ceremony, 1 related the young
woman's story, and it all came back
to me again - a community college
campus is so much more than the
sum o f its p arts. It is the
lost on me or the Portland Commu­ neighborhood's educational, so­
nity College district. In fact, start­ cial and economic hub. an institu­
ing this Spring Term. Cascade Cam­ tion that touches the community
pus is launching a pilot project that on so many levels. It is literally the
will make community col lege more symbol of a brighter future.
accessible to busy people than it
There are days - most days, ac­
has ever been before. It’s called tually -w h en I really love my job.
Weekend College, and it works ex­
There are days - most days, ac­
actly the way it sounds - by offer­ tually - when I really love my job.
ing a range of classes on weekends,
Alyie Gatewood is president o f
from Friday evenings through Sun­ the Cascade Campus o f Portland
day afternoons. Now, working (_ 'ommimity ( allege in north Port­
people, parents and others with land.
What is a community college
if it isn ’t responsive to the
needs o f the community ?
date both her duty to her mother
and her duty to herself . And she
deserved it.
What isacom m unity college if it
isn't responsive to the needs of the
community? Where do extraordi­
nary people like this young woman
go to better themselves, if not to
us? Is not the barometer of success
for a learning institution its ability
to meet the energy and dedication
of its students with equal measures
of its own?
next step should be your hus­
band. Yes, he was wrong for his
Real People, actions and even more so for
Real Advice selecting someone ignorant to
have an affair with. After the
An advice
legal battle you need to do an
known fo r
assessment of your marriage,
reality based
find out why your husband had
an affair and determine together
Dear Deanna!
what you'll do next. However,
I found out that my husband was make it known you w ill not tol­
having an affair but I didn’t say erate cheating and divorce is an
anything. However his mistress option i f he decides to do some­
isn't too bright. She approached thing this dumb again.
me at the grocery store and
Dear Deanna!
thought she was doing me a favor
My girlfriend is getting on my
by tel ling me al I about it. I was ft ne
nerves because I feel she has
and laughing at heruntil she called
mistaken strength for rudeness.
me stupid. I took it upon myself at
She talks down to me and em­
that point to slap her a few times
barrasses me in front of my
anti she pressed charges. My
friends. She is trying to prove to
husband will be with me in court
her friends that she's in control
but I'm not sure what to do with
of this relationship. I let her get
him after the legal battle. -
away with a few things because
Strong Wife; St. Louis, Mo.
no harm has been done. I need
to put a stop to this because
Dear Strong Wife:
After slapping the mistress, your she's begun to publicly attack
my sexual performance. How
do I address this without ruining
the relationship? --Anonymous;
On-Line Reader
Dear Anonymous:
You need a loud mouth woman
like you need a hole in the
head. Your girlfriend is being
disrespectful to you and the
relationship. You should be
direct and tell her to keep her
mouth shut and stop putting
you on blast in front of people.
If she feels the need to control
something, buy her a dog and
she can pull its leash and make
it jum p at her command. If the
verbal rudeness continues,
give her a warning with the
understanding that the next
time, you'll be gone.
Ask Deanna is written by Deanna
M. Write Ask Deanna! Email:
askdeanna I (o'yahoo.com or 264
.S'. LaCienega Bird. Suite 1283
Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Website:
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