March 7, 2007 il?‘^Jortlanb (Observer PageA2 Selma March Relives Civil Rights Dream (AP) — More than a thousand people gathered in Selma, Ala. Sun­ day to commemorate the 1965 "Bloody Sunday" voting rights march — and remarked how the original protest paved the way for modern-day candi­ dates to break political barriers. With a marching band leading the way. participants retraced the steps to the bridge where m archers were beaten back by state troopers as they marched from Selma to Montgomery in support of opening polls to blacks across the South. U.S. Rep. John Lewis, D-Ga., one of the leaders of the first march, de­ scribed how the group marched past jeering whites on March 6, 1965, then were beaten with night sticks, trampled by horses and sprayed with tear gas. "When we left the church to walk through the heart of downtown Selma, it was a silent walk. There were 6(X) of us armed with a dream,” Lewis said. "The dream was that people of color would have the right to vote — the right to participate in the democratic process.” Martin Luther King Jr. led a sepa­ rate march to the bridge two days later. On March 21, 1965, after a federal court intervened. King led a five-day inarch to the capital. The marches led to the passage of the U.S. Senator and Presidential Candidate Barack O bam a, D -lll. (left) poses with form er U.S. President Bill Clinton after S unday’s re-enactm ent o f the 1965 Selm a to M ontgom ery march in Selm a, Ala. Voting Rights Act later that year, which removed barriers such as lit­ eracy tests that were set up by segre­ gationists to keep blacks from regis­ tering to vote. Sunday’s event attracted Dem o­ cratic presidential candidates Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., and Sen. B arack O bam a, D -lll. Speaker after speaker said that nei­ ther Clinton or Obama would be running for president if it w asn’t for the sacrifices made on Bloody Sun­ day. Clinton is seeking to become the first woman elected president; Obama is trying to become the first black president. White House Aide Found Guilty (A P ) - V ice P resident D ick Cheney's form er chief o f statt, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, was con­ victed Tuesday o f lying and ob­ structing a leak investigation that reached into the highest levels of the Bush adm inistration. Libby is the highest-ranking W hite House official to be con­ victed o f a felony since the Iran- C ontra scandal of the m id -1980s. The case brought new attention to the Bush adm inistration's much- criticized handling o f w eapons o f /. Lewis ‘Scooter’ Libby mass destruction intelligence in the run-up to the Iraq war. The verdict cul minated a nearly fo u r-y ear in v estig atio n into how Cl A official V alerie Plam e's name w as leaked to rep o rters in 2003. T he trial rev ealed how to p m em ­ bers o f the ad m in istratio n w ere eag er to d isc re d it P lam e's h u s­ band, form er A m b assad o r Joseph W ilson, w ho accu sed the ad m in ­ istratio n o f d o cto rin g p rew ar in ­ te llig en ce on Iraq. Libby, who was once Cheney's most trusted adviser and an as­ sistant to President Bush, was expressionless as the jury verdict was announced on the 10th day o f deliberations. His wife, Harriet Grant, choked out a sob and sank her head. He faces up to 30 years in prison when he is sentenced June 5 but under federal sentencing guide­ lines is likely to face far less. D e­ fense attorneys immediately prom­ ised to ask for a new trial or appeal the conviction. Belm ont Shooting Stuns Neighbors Police are looking for a suspect who shot and critically injured a store clerk Sunday afternoon after a failed robbery attem pt. The attack at 3:45 p.m. took place at the Belmont G rocery, 34(M) S.E. Belmont St, in the m iddle o f a busy retail district. T he su sp ect took o ff on foot after firin g at the sto re's 4 1 -year old clerk , w hose nam e is not b e­ ing released. He then clim bed into a burnt o ran g e-co lo red C h ev ro let C o rv ette w ith a black soft top and lig h tly tin ted w in d o w s, p o lice said. A rea resid en ts w ho know and love the neighborhood landm ark say the attack has rattled the co m m u n ity . Police co rd o n ed o ff the street for hours. Natalie Stringer is the first Rose Festival princess for 2007. First Rose Festival Princess The first Rose Festival Prin­ cess of 2007 has been chosen - 17-year-old Natalie Stringer of Central Catholic High School. Natalie will turn 18 in early April, well in advance of the Portland Rose Festival when one of the princesses will be crowned Queen of Rosaria. She's already earned quite a distinction as the first "Prin­ cess" to be chosen after ten years of calling them "ambas­ sadors." There was criticism of that move, and this year the Rose Festival planners returned to calling them "princesses". Princess Natalie attended In­ ternational School of the Hague in the Netherlands before at­ tending Central Catholic. Her hobbies include acting, sing­ ing, dancing, skiing, cycling, yoga and violin. After gradua­ tion she plans to go on to a major university. M M M HNM M i Reward Grows in Murder Probe Police have released a sketch of a suspect and Crime Stop­ pers has increased its reward to $5,(XX) for information leading to an arrest in the murder of Jermaine Nyron Davis, a 23- year-old African American resi­ dent who died on New Year's Day. Central Precinct police were patrolling on foot near South­ west Fourth Avenue and Wash­ ington Streets when they heard gunfire at 2:10 a.m. Revelers leaving New Year's Eve parties scattered and police found the body of Davis lying on the side­ walk. Investigators say Davis ar­ gued with the occupants of a black, four-door luxury vehicle with lightly tinted windows and then someone inside the vehicle shot him. killing him instantly. The vehicle sped off east- bound on Southw est Stark Street. W itnesses said four to five men and women were in the vehicle. Investigators be­ lieve they may have been at other bars during the evening. If you have any leads in this case you are urged to call Crime Stoppers at 503-823-H E L P (4357). Arrest Made in Teen Murder A 16-year-old was arrested Monday for the January murder of another teenager who died after being shot in the head on North Killingsworth Street,just west of Albina Avenue and the Portland Community College campus. U.S. Marshals arrested Jo­ seph 'Jo Jo" Eugene Allen on one count of murder in connec­ tion with the killing of Devonte Lightfoot, 14. Both the victim and accused are A frican A m erican s. Lightfoot was also a freshman at Benson Polytechnic High School. Investigators said the murder was g ang-related and also wanted to hear from any wit­ nesses in the case. Allen was also arrested on two unrelated robbery warrants.