Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 07, 2007, Page 16, Image 16

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    Il,r ^ j n r t l a n b ( O b s i ' r U v r x K
page C 4
LN I f
N o rm a n S y lv ester B and -- Friday, March 9, the Norman
Sylvester Band will take the stage at D om enic’s in Milwaukie,
at 9 p.m .. Saturday, March 10. at 8:30 p.m. perform ing irf
Portland at C lyde’s, and Tuesday, March 13, at 8 p.m., at
T illicum ’sin Beaverton, and on Friday, March 16, at 9:30p.m.
at the Roadhouse 101 in Lincoln City. Call 503-286-6474 tor
l M M II-N ■
M onday, M arch 12 at 8 p.m.. Laureate m usic director Jam es
DePreist returns to the podium in the A rlene Schnitzer
Concert Hall, presenting T chaikovsky’s Piano C oncerto
No. 1. Forticketing information visit: orsymphony.org or call
more information.
G o o d E ats L ive M u sic - G ood Eats M arket and Café, 8638
N. L om bard A ve., host live p erform ances by Steve
Cheseborough, on Friday, M arch 9, at 7 p.m.; Steve Ulrich,
at 7 p.m ., on Saturday, March 10. On St. Patrick’s Day,
Saturday, March 17, DJ Chris at 2 p.m. follow ed by Daisy
M u sic v. H u n ger B enefit C on cert —Fridy,M arch 16, Dante s
Live, 1 S.W. Third Ave., at 8 p.m., Devin Phillips Funk Project
and Lilia D ’M one will perform a concert to benefit the
Oregon Food B ank’s G reat Food Drive. For more inform a­
C hain at 7 p.m.
Kevin Y oung's poetry resonates with
blues rhythm s, cinem atic im ages and
A frican-A m erican history. Y oung will
read and discuss his w orks as part o f the
2007 Literary Arts Poetry Dow ntow n
series, on M onday, March 12 at 7:30
p.m. at the First Congregational Church,
1126 S.W. Park. Tickets are $18.
‘H u rric a n e on th e B a y o u ’ — OM SI takes the audience deep
into the soul-stirring heart o f Louisiana with "H urricane on
the Bayou," now playing at the m useum 's O M NIM AX
Dome Theater. A po werfu 11 y mov i ng giant screen fi I m un I ike
any other, "H urricane on the Bayou’ carries audiences
behind today’s new s headlines on a journey before, during
and after the unprecedented devastation o f Hurricane
J u s F am ily R e co rd s - Fri­
day, March 9, at V intage 318
(form erly the Red Sea) live
perform ances by Cool Nutz.
fe a tu rin g DJ C h ill, M ike
C r e n s h a w , C h e f Boy R
Bangers ¿ind more. For more
in f o rm a tio n ,
v is it
JusFam ilyRecords.com .
‘S w eep in g E x citem en t' - -
Saturday and Sunday, March lO and 11, at 7:30p.m .. and on
M id n ite at W o n d er B a llro o m - M idnite, a contem porary
roots reggae band, plays Portland, I hursday, March 8 at the
W onder B allroom , 128 N .E. Russell St., with M ystic Vision
and Portland’s own M adgesdiqand DJ Ras Danny s Higher
Reasoning Reggae Tim e. T his is a fam ily-style show lor all
ages. For more inform ation, visit w onderballroom .com .
O p e n M ic N ig h t -- Every W ednesday at 7 p.m. during
M arch, Proper Eats M arket and Café. at 8638 N. Lom bard
Ave. will host open mic night. Friday, M arch 2 at 9 p.m., the
Synsethe Ensem ble perform s. For more inform ation, visit
p ro p ereats.o rg.
6:30 pm)
$ 2 .9 5
Chips & Salsa large p la te o f chips, served w ith a medium salsa.........
$ 1 .9 9
Coconut P ra w n s freshly coated coconut, w ith sweet B sou r sauce.
$ 3 .9 5
D a ily Special
$ 2 .9 5
S t a r t a t 7 :0 0 p m u n t i l 12am
Nachos w ith guac.. sa/sa, tomato, lives, scallions, cheese & Jalapenos..
O nion Rings w ith ranch dressing................................................................... $ 1 . 9 5
M o n d a y $2.00 Marquette
Potatoes S kins w ith tomato, bacon, scallion, cheese & sou r cream.... $ 2 . 9 5
T u e s d a y $2.00 Tequila
Quesadilla served w ith lettuce, tom ato & onions.......................................$ 2 . 9 5
S h rim p C o c k ta il tiger p ra w n s served w it h c o c k ta il sauce........................ $ 3 . 9 5
W ed.
Spice W ings tossed in a spice sauce a n d served w ith celery....................$ 2 . 9 5
T h u rs d a y $ 2 .0 0 w e ll d rin k s
Clam C how der homemade d a m chowder served w ith crackers............. $ 2 . 5 0
F r id a y
M in e s tro n e homemade minestrone served w ith crackers........................... $ 2 . 5 0
$4 00 w in e
$5.00 w e ll M a r tin i
D J a n d dan cin g w it h no cover charge
House Salad w ith m ix greens, tomato, onion, cucumber a n d carrots.... $ 2 . 5 0
S a t u r d a y $ 2 .0 0 dom estic b o ttle beer
Caesar S alad w ith romaine, croutons B parmesan cheese........................$ 2 . 5 0
D J a n d d a n cin g w it h n o cover charge
Cheese fries golden brow n fries toped w ith m ix cheese a n d baked.........$ 1 . 9 9
Chicken S trip s w it h frie s ....................................................................................... $ 2 . 9 5
P epper J a c k Cheeseburger ' i p a t t y w [ta p e r ja c k cheese B fries... $ 4 . 5 0
a n d $ 5 .0 0 p itc h e r o f Beer to w n m icro
D o m e s tic beer p in t s $ 3 .0 0
$ 4 .0 0 p itc h e r o f papas
& $ 3 .0 0 w in e A L L D A Y Free p o o l
B u rg e r ' i Le ttuce tom ato onion a n d fries.................................................... $ 4 . 0 0
Spice Cheese M a c penny p a sta tossed w. cajon spice B m ix cheese... $ 2 . 5 0
W e ll d r in k s $ 3 .0 0
a n d karaoke
M ic r o s beers p in t s $ 3 .0 0
Spice Restaurant & Lounge 2808 NE. M artin Luther King J r . . Portland. Oregon 97212
(50 3 ) 4 9 3 -8 1 2 7
H ip -h op D an ce C la sses - V ancouver-C lark Parks and Rec­
reation is hosting fam ily friendly hip-hop dance classes tor
ages 5 to 18. V arious lessons teach rhythm , technique,
coordination, agility, com binations and team w ork through
urban dance moves. For more information, call 360-696-8236.
W atch Y o u r B ack! - Tem ps at the law firm o f T edium and
Terror are on edge when people start turning up dead. The
Portland C enter Stage production o f ‘The T hugs' takes
place Friday and Saturday nights at 10:30 p.m. at the Studio
in G erding T heater at the Arm ory, through M arch 10.
Trippin" th rou gh T o w n - Take a trip through time to find the
hottest poetry, hip-hop and soul influencing Portland on
W ednesdays at the O hm . $7 coyer. 31 N.W . First Ave.
Brunch S erenade’ from 11 a.m .-l p.m.
Live ja zz p erfo rm an ce sS u n d ay ev e n in g stro m 8 :3 0 p .m .-11:30p.m.,
at C ly d e’s Prime Rib, 5474 NE Sandy, and at the Blue M onk ,3341 S.E.
tossed i n B B Q sauce Served w ith celery............................... $ 2 . 9 5
Calam ari w ith ta r ta r sauce a n d c o c k ta il sauce.........................................
H annah B ea's, 3969 N.E. M LK, presents jazz during its ‘S u n d ay
The ingredient fo r every occasion
(Daily. 3:30 pm
Theatre presents this revealing adaptation of a classic. A.
W olf finally has a chance to defend his innocence. Perfor­
m ances Friday, Saturday and Sunday, M arch 9-11 and
Saturday and Sunday, M arch 17 and 18 at Brunish Hall,
Portland C enter for the Perform ing Arts, 1 11 S.W . B road­
Live Music Every Night
Spice RcstAurAnt & Lownse
Spice Hour Menu
T ru e S to ry o f th e T h ree L ittle P igs - T ears o f Joy Puppet
tion contact 503-314-4336.
R eso n a tin g w ith B lu es R h y th m s —
March 7, 2 0 0 7
F a x (5 0 3 ) 5 2 8 - 8 2 9 8
• Participate in a m ix ed -m ed ia o p en m ic n ig h t ea ch M o n d a y at the
Back-to-Back Café, 6 14 E. Burnside, and at the C lackam as Com m unity
C ollege’s Open Mic Jazz Jam s, from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
• Live blues p erfo rm an ces T uesday at Produce Row Café, 204 SE Oak,
from 9 p.m. to Midnight, the Steinhaus, 2366 SE 82nd Ave., Mississippi
Studios, 3939 N. Mississippi Ave., from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. and at Jimmy
M ak's, 221 NW 10th, at 8 p.m. Live blues and jazz perform ances are
• W ed n esd ay s, the C andlelight Room . 2032 SW 5th, and Duff s
Ciarage. 635 SE 7th, and the BIue Diam ond, 2016 N E Sandy BI v d ., of fer
up b lu es p e rfo rm a n c e s. Catch live ja z z p e rfo rm a n c e s at the Blue
M onk, the Portland A rt M useum , Jim m y M ak’s, and Jax, 826 SW 2nd,
fro m 7 :3 0 p .m .to 11 p.m.
• On T h u rs d a y s the W om en in Blues Review, a, lillicum S.8585SW
Beaverton in H illsdale.
• F rid a y s an d S a tu rd a y s offer m any venue choices around the m etro
area: Halibuts (2525 NE Alberta St.), M ississippi Studios, LV ’s, 3530 N .
V ancouver Ave.. X V, 15 SW 2nd, O ut o f the Blues. 2050 NW Vaughn,
M anila Express, 12370 SE M ain St. in Tigard, O ne Stop Records, 615
NE Killingsworth St„ and the U-licious Sm okehouse, 4057 N. Interstate