March 7. 2007 pageC3 Aussie Dance Troupe Returns to Portland For one night only performance T he S ydney D an ce C om p an y returns to the P ortland stage with “ U n d erlan d ,” a d a rin g new w ork set in a post-apocalyptic w orld and filled w ith co lo rfu l co stu m es and fluid dance. W hite B ird presen ts this boldly theatrical A ustralian p o w er­ house troupe, a p p e a rin g in P ortland after seven years on T uesday, M arch 13, at 7 :3 0 p.m . at the K eller A uditorium , S outhw est T hird A venue and C lay Street. “ U nd erlan d ” is an ex citin g collaboration o f thrilling m ultim edia w ork set to a g a lv a n iz in g score by A ustralian native N ick C ave - arguably o n e o f to d a y ’s few truly great, genuinely m averick sing er/so n g w riters. T h is is a rare opportunity to see S y d n ey ’s superb d an cers tackle the visceral, angular m ovem ent o f guest c h o re o g ra p h er S tep h en P etronio, praised by the San Francisco E x am in er as “the m ost fearlessly inventive d an cer-choreographer o f his g e n e ra tio n .” W ith N ick C a v e and the Bad Seeds, the piece is described as an arch aeo lo g ical d ig through som e o f C a v e ’s m ost beautiful m asterpieces - a jo u rn e y into his w orld o f bizarre sounds and subterranean noises. T ick ets are $ 19-$ 4 3 , plus a service fee. C all 503-790-2787, visit all T ic k e tm a ste r outlets including the PCPA Box O ffice or order online at w w w .tic k e tm a ste m . The Sydney Dance Co.'s “Underland" troupe hurls through space with razor-sharp precision on Tuesday, March 13 at the Keller Auditorium. photo by J eff B usby Are you currently in an adjustable rate mortgage? White Man Got Jokes C o m e d ia n h e a v y w e ig h t Ralphie May is coming to Port­ land for a Satur­ day. March lOper- Ralphie M ay formance at 7:30 the Aladdin Theater, 3017 S.E .Milwaukie Ave. M ay's racially charged humor as a host o f The Big Black Comedy Show Volume 4 has won many Af­ rican American fans. He was also the runner up on N B C ’s Last Comic’s Standing. May doesn't use the n-word but he does tell it like it is. For ticket inform ation, visit Is your rate increasing? iJ -J .ÍC ÍO U S # Are you behind in your m ortgage payments? SMOKEHOUSE 5pcciuliziiht in Smelici M e a ts 6 Scafeei Beef • Pork • Lamb • Poultry • Seafood lunch $ 5 .9 5 a n i up. 'D inner $ 9 .9 5 a n i up Pork Rib, Brisket, Turkey, Chicken, Sandwiches & More Beer and Wine Available It s never too soon to think about refinancing. You may have more options then you think. Open 11:30 AM - 9:00 PM Monday thru Saturday Jazz& B lues 4057 N. Interstate Ave. 503-493-9414 Save hundreds o f $$$$$ per month and Cal! Charlotte Martin 360-823-1441 1-888-849-0588 222 N.E. Park Plaza Dr., Suite 115 Vancouver, WA 98684