pageC2 ’n’r JJortlanb (Ohscrucr > March 7, 2007 x Playing jazz for Hudson, Whitaker more than 22 years... Earn NAACP Honored Again Image Awards , jazz has always been like the kind of a man - you wouldn't want your daughter to associate with?’ D u k e E llin g to n (A P) — O scar w inners Forest W hitaker and Jennifer H udson kept their w inning streaks alive Friday, while “G rey’s A natom y” starlsaiah W ashington claim ed a best actor prize at the 38th annual N A A C P Image Awards. "U gly Betty” took top television honors. H udson, a form er “A m erican Idol” finalist, garnered a best sup­ porting actress aw ard for her role in the musical “ D ream girls,” the same category she won at the A cadem y A w ards on Sunday. W hitaker, w ho won a best actor O scar for “T he Last King o f S cot­ land," earned the sam e prize at F rid a y 's cerem ony, w hich honor projects and individuals w ho pro­ m ote diversity in the arts. “T he Pursuit o f H appyness,” starring Will Sm ith and his son, won best picture honors. Keke P alm er nabbed best actress for Je n n ifer H udson “Akeelah and the Bee,” and Djimon F orest W hita ker H ounsou took best supporting ac­ tor for “ Blood D iam ond.” on R e c la im in g th e A m e ric a n Rapper LL Cool J hosted the Dream.” aw ards. V anessa W illiam s got the nod D em ocratic presidential co n ­ for best supporting actress in a tender Barack O bam a won a literary com edy for “ Ugly B etty,” w hich nonfiction Image Award for his bk also won for best television co m ­ “T he A udacity o f Hope: Thoughts edy series. Latifah Plays HIV­ positive Woman Q u een Latifah p la ys a n HIV p o sitive w o m a n in th e HBO original film "Life S u p p o rt," w hich d e b u ts Sa tu rd a y, M arch 1 0 . The sto ry is a b o u t a p e e r c o u n s e lo r a t a n AIDS facility in Brooklyn w h o se p a s t d ru g a d d ictio n h a s p u t a stra in on h e r fam ily relationships. Subway Drummers at IFCC Pictured Jamee Linton "River Bend* painitng Next show: Jamee L in to n & Sara Plaia February 22-M arch 27 • Changing M o n th ly E xh ibition s •Contemporary Art & Craft in Gift Shop ‘Drumadics’ bring energy A culturally diverse com pany that crystallizes the raw energy o f urban perform ers w hile m aintaining the polished delivery o f seasoned artists com es to the Interstate Firehouse Cultural C enter. 5340 N. Interstate Ave., Friday, March 9 an d Saturday, March IO for show s at 11 p.m. each night. Tickets are $ 14. The Drum adics (drum addicts) are a New York City subw ay group that uses buckets to feel the beat o f OPEN six days a week Convenient Northeast location: ¿939 NE Alberta • Portland, OR 97211 503 281-9048 • the drum s beneath their feet, the rhythm s to course through their soul and the energy to leave them with a feeling they cannot live w ithout. T he D rum adics also feature Portlander David Parks, a key figure in hip hop and perform ance art for more than a decade.