il!l ^Jortlanh ffibseruer March 7’, 2007 SUB-BIDS REQUESTED OSU Graf Hall Renovation Corvallis, Oregon Bid Date: March 13.2007 Trades Requested: Acoustical Celing, Resilient Flooring, Paints and Coatings, Mechanical, & Electrical 6421 NE Colwood Way , P h N -- ----------- Portland, Or 97218 SCHOMMER&SONS (503)287-4646 Fax (503) 287-4499 OEM FRAL Youth Counselor Experienced CDP required for youth program in Community D&A treatm ent agency serving low- income clients. BA and minimum 5 years work experience required. M asters preferred. This is an opportunity to join a diverse, highly s k ille d , and liv e ly team . Competitive salary and benefits. EOE. Resumes and cover letter to CO NTRACTO R We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from minority, disadvantaged and emerging small buiness enterprises CCB# 4937 SUB-BIDS REQUESTED FOR Oregon State University Weatherford Hall Exterior Renovation Bid Due: Tuesday, March 13,2007 -1 :3 0 p.m. Greenberry Construction LLC Phone: 541.230.0456 (cell) • 541.752.0381x302 (office) FAX 541.752.0472 • FAX 541.752.0854 • CCB # 166612 Contact: Mike Anderson We are an equal opportunity employer & request bids from all interested firms including Medical Office Lead Receptionist Busy Mental Health and Drug and A lc o h o l tre a tm e n t a g e n cy in Vancouver WA has an immediate opening for a lead receptionist. D u tie s in c lu d e a p p o in tm e n t setting, paperwork prep, balance collection, multi-line phones, and re s p o n s ib ility fo r team performance. At least 5 years in medical office required. EOE. R e su m e s to e m p lo ym e n t @ disadvantaged, minority, women, emerging small businesses & veteran owned businesses. S p e c ific a tio n s , p la n s, d ra w in g s and re q u ire m e n ts for subcontractors or material suppliers can be viewed at Greenberry Construction’s office in Corvallis, at The Willamette Valley Bid Center in Tangent, Salem Contractors Exchange in Salem and Eugene Builders Exchange in Eugene. Interested parties can contact Greenberry Construction LLC to obtain information on bonding, line of credit, and insurance requirements by OUS. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Full-time Executive Director position available at the North/Northeast Children's Community Health Clinic. Send a cover letter and resume to the clin ic -- A tte n tio n : Kai Robertson, 27 NE Killingsworth, Portland, Or 97211 Deadline March 15, 2007. No phone calls please. Page B5 Fin a n c e S p e c ia lis t 2 Starting Salary $20.46 per hour Closes March 16, 2007 Recreation Leader (Pre-School) The Recreation Leader with a Pre- School specialty is responsible for te a c h in g p re sch oo l and p re ­ k in d e rg a rte n stu d e n ts, im plem en ting and evalu ating e a rly c h ild h o o d c u rric u lu m , programs and activities. Duties include assisting other teachers, planning special events and field trip s and w o rk in g with other agencies to plan and coordinate events and providing a healthy, safe and hazard free environment for the children. Additional duties include providing direction to aides, parents, volunteers and other te ach e rs, w o rk in g with fam ilies and ch ild re n from a variety of socio-econom ic and e th n ic b a c k g ro u n d s and disciplining children in a non- punitive way. A p p ro xim a te M o n th ly S a la ry Range: $2,149 at entry - $3,101 Application deadline is 4:30 PM, Monday, March 19, 2007 To learn more about this position, or to apply online, visit our website at or pickup an application at 1120 SW 5th Ave. Portland, Oregon 97204 BID REQUEST Project Name: OSU Weatherford Hall Residential College Exterior Renovation Location: Corvallis, Oregon 97333-4238 Project Description: Exterior renovation and restoration of the W eatherford Hall Residential College at OSU in Corvallis, OR. Demolition and reinstallation of brick lintels, brick repainting, repair and or replacement of cast stone balusters and capstones, brick veneer and precast stone stabilization. Project Location: Weatherford Residential College, 26th and Jefferson, Corvallis, OR, 97333-4238 Project Schedule: May 1, 2007 - September 14, 2007 Receipt of Bids: Fax all bids to: (503) 546-6181 Or deliver to: 425 NW 10th Ave., Suite 200A Portland, OR 97209 Bid Documents: DJC Plan Center, Portland, OR Salem Contractors Exchange, Salem, OR Willamette Valley Bid Center, Tangent, OR MBE, WBE, DBE certified companies are encouraged to bid. SUB-BIDS REQUESTED FOR Oregon State University Graf Hall ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS SCATTERED SITE RENOVATIONS Sealed bids from general contractors will be received at the Housing Authority of Portland (HAP), by Jerry Walker on the 5th Floor, Metolius Conference Room, 135 SW Ash St. Portland, Oregon 97204, until 2:00 pm, Thursday March 29, 2007 for labor and materials for work at four (4) single family homes in North East Portland. Shortly thereafter, bids will be opened and publicly read. The First Tier Subcontractor List, HAP-421, must be received by 4:00 p.m. the same day at the same address. No bidder may withdraw their bid after the hour set for opening until after the lapse of sixty (60) days from the bid opening. The basic work consists of: carpentry, painting, cabinetry, electrical, plumbing and site work as detailed for each location. Bid Documents are available at the HAP Office noted above. A $20 deposit for one set and $10 for each additional set is refundable when documents are returned within 10 days after bid opening. Attendance of bidders is mandatory at a pre-bid tour of the sites. This meeting will begin at 135 SW Ash Street, in the 5th floor conference room at 9:00 am, Tuesday, March 13,2007. Questions posed during the tour, not addressed in the documents, will be answered by addendum. HAP has an aspirational goal of 20% of DBE/MBE/WBE/ESB participation in the execution of this project. Therefore, non-D/ M/W/ESB prime contractors will be required to submit proof showing that good faith efforts have been made to contract with D/M/W/ESB subcontractors. Alternate methods the bidder proposes to use in complying with this goal are subject to HAP review and approval prior to initiating the contract. No bid will be considered unless it contains a statement by the bidder as a part of the bid that the provisions of ORS 279c800 to 279c870, regarding the payment of prevailing wage rate on a public works projects over $50,000 are to be complied with. The Housing Authority of Portland may reject any bid not in com pliance w ith the prescribed b id d in g procedu res and requirem ents and m ay reject any or all bids and waive all informalities if, in the judgment of HAP, it is in the public interest to do so. Questions regarding this project should be directed to Ron Coulam at 503.802.8460. HOUSING AUTHORITY OF PORTLAND Jerry Walker Purchasing Manager REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL The Housing Authority of the City of Tacoma (the *'A u th o rity ") hereby requests the subm ission of written proposals from prospective lenders (“R e sp o n d e n ts i to provide a construction loan and/or a permanent loan for Salishan Four, part of the Authority’s HOPE VI program. The Project is located in Tacoma, Washington. The Project received 9% Low Income Housing Tax Credits under Section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. As described more fully within this Request for Proposal (the “RFP”), the Authority seeks both construction and permanent financing. The Authority requests that Respondents address both its construction and permanent financing needs. Alternatively, if a Respondent is offering only construction or only permanent financing, please indicate clearly which one. The fin a n cin g term s are expected to be negotiated and documented no later than April 13, 2007, with closing in July 2007 following HUD review and approval. Copies of the RFP may be obtained at the THA Administration Office located at 902 South L Street, Tacoma, WA 98405. To request a copy of the Proposal Package, please contact Roberta Schur at (2 5 3 ) 2 07 -44 67 OR via em ail Proposals are due no later than Thursday, March 15,2007 at 3:00 PM (local time) at the offices of THA, 902 South L Street, Tacoma, WA 98405. NO W TE PROPOSALS WI LL BE ACCEPTED. THA reserves the right to waive any and all informalities or to reject any and all proposals. THA is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, fam ilial status, m arital status, sexual orientation, gender identity or handicapped status in the employment or provision of services. THA is a Public Housing Agency and does not operate under the guidelines stipulated for Indian Housing Authorities. Approved for publication by Michael Mirra, Executive Director. Bid Due: Tuesday, March 13,2007 -1 :3 0 p.m. Chenowith Water PUD 2312 West 8th Street The Dalles, Oregon 97058 Greenberry Construction LLC Separate sealed BIDS for the Chenowith Water Intertie and Storm Drain Project will be received by the Chenowith Water PUD (“PUD") at the PUD Office, 2312 West 8th Street, The Dalles, Oregon 97058, until 2:00 p.m. (Pacific Prevailing Time) April 3, 2007, and then at said office publicly opened and read aloud. The work to be performed shall consist of furnishing all materials, labor, and equipment necessary to construct approximately 10,900 lineal feet of waterline (6"-12" diameter); construct approximately 2,700 lineal feet of storm drain line (8"-18” diameter); install a 160 lineal foot long suspended bridge crossing of 12” waterline; install seven manholes, two cleanouts, and fifteen catch basins; construct a 250,000 gallon bolted steel water reservoir; install two booster pump stations; install two pressure reducingvalve stations; install a new control and SCADA system; and all appurtenant work as necessary to complete the water intertie and storm drain improvement project as shown on the plans and specifications for the project. Phone: 541.230.0456 (cell) • 541.752.0381x302 (office) FAX 541.752.0472 • FAX 541.752.0854 • CCB #166612 Contact: Mike Anderson We are an equal opportunity employer & request bids from all interested firms including disadvantaged, minority, women, emerging small businesses & veteran owned businesses. Scope: Minor demolition, Steel stud framing, Concrete, Metal Fabrication, Drywall, Painting, Casework, Roofing, Acoustic ceiling, Painting, HVAC, Electrical Specifications, plans, drawings and requirements for subcontractors or material suppliers can be viewed at Greenberry Construction’s office in Corvallis, at The Willamette Valley Bid Center in Tangent and the Salem Contractors Exchange In Salem and Eugene Builders Exchange in Eugene. Interested parties can contact Greenberry Construction LLCto obtain information on bonding, line of credit, and insurance requirements by OUS. Sub-bids Requested Bid must be submitted on the Proposal form furnished by the PUD and shall bear the signature of the Bidder. The CONTRACT DOCUMENTS may be examined at the following locations: • Chenowith Water PUD, 2312 West 8th Street, The Dalles, OR 97058 • Tenneson Engineering Corporation, 409 Lincoln Street, The Dalles, OR 97058 • DJC Plan Center, 2840 NW 35th Avenue, Portland, OR 97210 • Central Oregon Builders Exchange, 1902 NE 4th Street, Bend, OR 97701 • Impact Business Consultants, 8959 SW Barbur Boulevard, Portland, OR 97219 Copies of the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS may be obtained at the Office of the Engineer, Tenneson Engineering Corporation, located at 409 Lincoln Street, The Dalles, Oregon 97058, tele: (541) 296-9177, fax: (541) 296-6657, upon payment of $125.00 for each set. All payments for contract documents are nonrefundable. The PUD may reject any bid not in compliance with all prescribed public bidding procedures and requirements, and may reject for good cause any or all bids upon a finding of the PUD it is in the public interest to do so. The PUD also reserves the right to waive any informality in connection with said bid or to postpone the award of the Contract for sixty days. Each bid must contain a statement as to whether the Bidder is a resident bidder as defined by ORS 279A.120. Award of the project will be contingent upon funding. All bidders must submit, in a separate sealed envelope, disclosure of first-tier subcontractors by 2:00 p.m., Pacific Prevailing Time, April 3, 2007, as required by ORS 279C.370. Attention is particularly called to the requirements as to conditions of employment to be observed and minimum wage rates to be paid under the contract. This public works project is subject to the Oregon Prevailing Wage Rate laws. No bid will be received or considered by the PUD unless the bid contains a statement by the Bidder as part of his bid that provisions of ORS 279C.800 thru ORS 276C.870 (Oregon Prevailing Wage Law) will be complied with and the Bidder is registered with the Construction Contractors Board or licensed by the State Landscape Contractors Board as required by ORS 671.530. Contractors are to note that there will be a Pre-bid meeting at the PUD Office, 2312 West 8th Street, The Dalles, Oregon, at 10:00 a.m., Pacific PrevailingTime, on March 20,2007. Attendance at this meeting is not mandatory, but is highly recommended. All bidders must also be prequalified by the Engineer a minimum of three (3) days before the bid opening. The Engineer will accept O.D.O.T. or equivalent prequalifications that are less than one (1) year old. No bid may be withdrawn after the time set for the bid opening nor before the award of the Contract, unless award is delayed for a period exceeding sixty days. Bidders on this project are required to take all necessary and reasonable steps to ensure that minority business enterprises or women business enterprises (MBE/WBE) have the maximum opportunity to compete for and perform on contracts as partners, subcontractors, or material suppliers. Bidders must undertake a good faith effort to achieve this goal. Bidders will also be required to certify compliance with Executive Order No. 11246 (regarding Equal Employment Opportunity). This project was funded in part with a financial award from provided by the federal Safe Drinking Water Revolving Loan Fund, as adm inistered by the Oregon Econom ic and Com m unity Development Department. CHENOWITH WATER PUD Sherlene Bowen, Manager E M E R IC K City of Sandy Public Work and Transit Operations Facility Sandy, OR Member of: Bid Date: March 15, 2007-2 PM Bid documents may be obtained from Ford Graphics by calling 503-227-3424 or can be viewed at our main office, 8850 SE Otty Rd, Portland, P.0. Box 66100 Portland. Oregon 97290-6100 (503) 777-5531 FAX (503) 771-2933 - CCB #10723 emaiferic&.emerick. com We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from minoritv. women, disadvantaaed or emeraina small business enterorises. CALL FOR BIDS CITY OF CAMAS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CITY PROJECT NO. S-483 CAMAS CDBG MOBILITY IMPROVEMENTS. PHASE 1 (EAST FIRST STREET. NW BENTON DRIVE. AND OAK PARK IMPROVEMENTS) Sealed bids will be received by the City of Camas, Office of the Finance Department, 616 NE 4th Avenue, Camas, Washington, until 10:00 A.M. Wednesday, March 21, 2007 and will then and there be publicly read for the construction of the improvement. All bid proposals shall be accompanied by a bid proposal deposit in cash, certified check, cashier's check, or surety bond in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the amount of such bid proposal. Should the successful bidder fail to enter into such contract and furnish satisfactory performance bond within the time stated in the specifications, the bid proposal deposit shall be forfeited to the City of Camas. Informational copies of maps, plans, and specifications are on file for inspection in the Public Works Departm ent, Camas, Washington. Plans and Specifications may be purchased for $25.00 each plus sales tax, which is non-refundable. The improvement for which bids will be received follows: Bid opening at 10:00 A.M., Wednesday, March 21,2007. This contract provides for removing and installing handicap curb ramps, concrete curbs, driveway approaches, and sidewalks, and other related items. All work is in accordance with the attached Contract Plans, these Contract Provisions, and the Standard Specifications. This project is financed through the Community Development Block Grant Program with funds obtained from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The Contract is subject to regulations of the Departments of Labor, and Housing and Urban Development. Attention is called to Federal provisions for equal employment opportunity, HUD Section 3 Requirements, and the minimum Davis- Bacon wages as set forth in the Contract Documents. The City of Camas reserves the right to reject any or all proposals if found to be higher than the estimated cost and to waive any formality or technicality in any proposal in the interest of the City. Joan M. Durgin, City Clerk