Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 28, 2007, Page 5, Image 5

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    ^ÏJnrtianb <nbarruer Black History Month
February 28, 2007
Page A5
F ood
The following recipe is diabetic-friendly. There are several great cookbooks available for diabetic-friendly recipes. The
recent publication 'Eating Soulfully and Healthfully with Diabetes' by Constance Brown-Riggs, Nutritionist and Diabe­
tes Educator, provides advice and a delicious collection of ethnic recipes.
Diabetes Epidemic Among African Americans
Epidemic sounds likeawonl meant
overweight or obese, having had
to instill fear and panic. The goal is Gestational Diabetes(diabetes while
not to cause fear and panic, hut to pregnant), high blood pressure, ab­
create public awareness o f the very normal cholesterol (lipid) levels,and
real danger that millions o f African not getting enough physical exer­
Americans face daily.
T h e d ia b e te s e p id e m ic has
Symptoms may not allows be vis­
reached the lives o f 3.2 million Afri­ ible which leaves so many A m eri­
can Americans ages 20 years and cans undiagnosed and untreated.
older (13.3 percent), one-third o f These symptoms include: unusually
whom are undiagnosed. On the av­ increased thirst and frequent urina­
erage, African Americansare 1.8 times tion especially at night, extreme fa­
more likely to have diabetes as non- tigue, being overly tired or ill fre­
quently, constant hunger, blurred
Hispanic whites o f similar age.
W hat is Diabetes? Diabetes is a vision, frequent infections, and slow-
group o f diseases marked by high healing wounds.
levels o f blood glucose resulting
People with diabetes have a high
from defects in insulin production, risk o f cardiovascular disease, which
insulin action, or both. Diabetes can is the leading cause o f death for
lead to serious complications and diabetics. Diabetics are 2 to 4 times
premature death. But people with more likely to have heart disease or
diabetes can take steps to control suffer a stroke. For diabetics who
the disease and lower the risk of smoke the risk for heart disease is
doubled. About 73 percent o f people
Certain factors increase the risk with diabetes have high blood pres­
o f having Diabetes such as: a family sure.
history o f Diabetes, being o f certain
W hat can be done to prevent
ethnic origins such as African A m eri­ heart disease or stroke and other
can or N ative American, being
diabetes com plications?
D iabetes is a self-m anaged dis­
ease. People with diabetes must
take responsibility fo rth eird ay -to -
day care.
C om plications can be reduced
or delayed significantly by keep­
ing blood sugar levels, blood pres­
sure and cholesterol levels in the
target ranges; this can be accom ­
plished through carefully m onitor­
ing these levels, taking m edica­
tions as prescribed, eating healthy
foods, and becom ing physically
For people with diabetes the i ¡ri­
m ediate dedication and com m it-
Ingredients for life..
ment to changing life-style pat­
terns is a positive proactive step in
living with the disease.
These sim ple steps will reduce
health related issues:
• M ake healthy food choices:
limit the am ount of calories and fat
your diet.
• Be physically active 30 m in­
utes a day, take a brisk walk.
• See a doctor for routine physi­
For more information call 1 -800-
438-5383 or visit the National D ia­
betes Education Program 's website
at w w w .ndep.nih.gov.
Save Big on These Family Favo’ S
U-Licious is Delicious
n a t u r a l\
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Rancher's Reserve
Angus Beet Ribeye
B on e -in
SAVE up to $4.74 lb
Rancher’s Reserve
Angus Beef Bottom
Round Roast
Or Chuck Cross Rib Roast
SAVE up to $2 24 lb
Pork Top Loin
Center Cut Chops
SAVE up to $2 54 lb.
Medium Cooked
51 to 60-ct. Tail-on.
SAVE up to $4.24 lb
James Harris will satisfy your tastebuds with his delicious
smoked meats and other culinary specialities at U-Licous
Smokehouse & Grill, 4057 N. Interstate Ave.
O ne o f Portland's best-kept se­ with a side o f tangy potato salad,
crets is the U -Licious Sm okehouse with red beans and rice. The savory
& G rill, 4057 N. Interstate Ave.
blend o f spices com bined with the
Proprietor James Harriscarefully specially selected hardw oods per­
selected his restaurant's little white m eate flavor to enhance each ten­
house to provide his patrons with d e r m orsel o f m eat, w h ich is
an intimate and relaxed atmosphere. com plim ented perfectly by the U-
A m outhw atering arom a o f deli­ Licious sauce.
cious sm oked meats greets patrons
The menu also offers a diverse
at the door. G uests can relax their selection o f seafood, sandw iches
daily stresses aw ay to the sultry and more.
sound o f the blues or the sw eet­
U-Licious Smokehouse & Grill is
sw inging sound o f jazz, w hile en- open M onday through Saturday,
jo y in g a g la sso f w in eo ra co ld beer. 11:30 a.m. to 9 p .m . Advance orders
T he house favorite is a hearty are w elcom e by calling 503- 493-
platter o f hand-rubbed pork ribs 9414.
Brown Rice & Black Bean Casserole
....... ......... .......... ............ .
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Grab Lunch!
Grab Dinner!
Save on Signature Sandwiches & Soups.
This is a diabetic-
friendly casserole
recipe that is a
family favorite at
our dinner table
because it tastes
delicious and is very’
easy to
• 1 /3 - cup brown rice
• I-cup vegetable broth
• I-Tbs. olive oil
• 1 / 3-cup diced onion
• I-medium zucchini, thinly sliced
• 2-boneless. skinless chicken
breast halves, cooked & chopped
• 1 /2 - cup sliced m ushroom s
• 1 /2 - tsp. cum in
• Salt to taste
• Pinch ground cayenne pepper
• l-( 15 ounce) can black beans,
• l-(4ounce)candicedgreenC hile
peppers, drained
• 1 / 3 - cup shredded carrots
• 2-cups shredded Swiss cheese
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• Primo Taglio meats and chegpe, piled
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• Made w ith real soup stock, premium
meat and vegetables, and natural
seasonings, then simmered for hours.
• Perfect w ith your favorite Signature Salad
• Just heat and serve
• 25oz.
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1. Mi x the rice and vegetable broth
in a pot, and bring to a boil. Reduce
heat to low. cover and sim m er 20
m inutes, or until rice is tender.
2. Preheat oven to 35OF. Lightly
grease a large casserole dish.
3. Heat the olive oil in a ski Net over
m edium heat and cook the onion
until tender. Mix in the zucchini,
chicken and mushrooms. Season
with cum in, salt and cayenne pep­
per. Stirconsistently while cooking
until zucchini is lightly browned
Minimum order of $150 required.
and chicken is heated through.
4. In a large bow l mix the cooked
rice, onion, zu c ch in i, ch ick en ,
m ushroom s, bean s, ch ilie s, c a r­
rots and h alf o f the S w iss cheese.
T ra n sfe r to the p rep ared c a sse ­
role dish and sp rin k le w ith re ­
m aining cheese.
5. C o v e r c a sse ro le loosely w ith
foil and bake 30 m in u tes in the
p re h e a te d o v en . U n c o v e r and
co n tin u e b aking 10 m in u tes or
until bubbly and lightly brow ned.
Kraft Shredded
or Chunk Cheese
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Club Price $2 50 ea
SAVE up In $ 1 7 » on 2
12 or cans
Selected varieties
Club Pnce S3 50 ea
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SAVE apt«S3 51 on?
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