Februaiy 28, 2007 Page A2 Sharpton, Senator Linked Through Slavery Paper trail leads to genealogy connection (A P) - The Rev. A1 Sharpton said he w ants a DNA test to d eter­ mine w hether he is related to form er s e g r e g a tio n is t S en. S tro m T h u rm o n d th ro u g h h is g r e a t­ grandfather, a slave ow ned by an ancestor o f the late senator. "I c a n 't find out anything more s h o c k in g th a n I 'v e a lre a d y learned," Sharpton told the Daily News, w hich on Sunday reported the link based on genealogists' find­ ings. Thurmond ran for president in 1948 as a segregationist. Sharpton ran for president in 2004 calling for racial equality. I .ast week, Sharpton learned about the connection. Rev. Al Sharpton “ It was probably the most shock­ ing thing in my life,” Sharpton said at a news conference. Professional genealogists, who work for A ncestry.com , found that S h a r p to n ’s g r e a t- g r a n d f a th e r C olem an Sharpton w as a slave ow ned by Julia Thurm ond, whose grandfather was Strom T hurm ond’s great-great-grandfather. Colem an Sharpton was later freed. “ B ased on the p aper trail, it seem s pretty evident that the con­ nection is there,” said Mike Ward, a genealogist with A ncestry.com , w ho called the link "am azing.” Ancestry .corn's chief family ge­ nealogist, Megan Sm olenyak, said Sharpton would need to match his DNA with a present-day descen­ dant to see if they are biologically related. "I think the odds are slim he would match," Smolenyak told the Farrakhan Speech: “My Time is Up’’ Stresses unity in final address (A P) - Nation o f Islam leader Louis Farrakhan w as greeted by cheers, tears and chants from tens o f thousands as he returned to the public eye ju st long enough to say he would be leaving it soon. Farrakhan, who ceded leader­ ship duties last year because o f illness, spoke for nearly tw o hours Sunday. L ooking healthy and fit, he credited the prayers o f m illions from al I wal ks of 1 i fe for allowing hi m Nation o f Islam leader Louis Farrakhan closes his address to the Saviors' Day gathering in Detroit on Sunday. Farrakhan stressed religious unity during his final major speech. to take the stage at D etroit’s Ford Field. Hi$ vitality seem ed at odds with his m essage, that his tim e left in the spotlight was short. “My time is up,” the 73-year-old Farrakhan said, describing his exit from leadership. "I believe ... that my tim e to be with my spiritual father and his sender has come. And your tim e to go through seri­ ous trial has com e.” News. "T here is no particular ev i­ dence to suggest that there is a direct relationship between the two (black and w hite) Sharpton families to suggest they share a com m on ancestry. But, given the legacy o f plantation society, you ca n ’t rule it o u t.” The revelations surfaced after A ncestry.com contacted a Daily News reporter who agreed to have his own family tree done. T he topic o f the speech was "O ne N ation U nder G o d .” But Farrakhan said the world is at war because Christians, M uslim s and people o f other faiths are divided. Farrakhan said Jesus C hrist and the P rophet M uham m ad w ould em brace each other with love if they w ere on the stage behind him. “O ur lips are full o f praise, but our hearts are far rem oved from the prophets we all claim ,” he said. “T hat’s why the w orld is in the shape that it's in.” The leaderof 1995's M i I lion Man March said he is leaving at a tim e of great conflict, citing the w ar in Iraq specifically, and he believes G od is angry with leaders who are putting politics and greed above service to others. He said President Bush should be im peached or at least censured for his “w icked policies," and urged young people to avoid jo in in g a m ilitary that will have them "leave one way and com e back another.” Katrina Documentary Honored Smoke around your children and they could inhale equal to 102 packs of cigarettes by age 5. storm. Director Spike Lee was The Polk Awards nam ed w inner o f the an ­ a re c o n s id e r e d nual G eorge Polk Awards am ong the top prizes for his docum entary on in U.S. journalism life in New O rleans after L ee m ade e ig h t H urricane Katrina. trips to New O rleans Lee, the d irecto r of an d in te r v ie w e d "M alcolm X" and "Do the a b o u t 100 p e o p le Right Thing," w as hon­ while filming the docu­ o re d fo r "W h en th e m entary, w hich aired Levees Broke: A Requiem on HBO. Pollard is in Four Acts," along with Lee's longtim e c o l­ its producer, Sam Pollard. Spike Lee laborator, and the pair They won the award for docum entary television for illus­ w orked to g eth er prev io u sly on tr a tin g e v id e n c e of th e "M o' Better Blues," "Jungle Fe­ governm ent's poor perform ance in ver," "Girl 6," "Clockers" a n d " Bam­ the afterm ath o f the August 2005 boozled." Ask Deanna\ Real People, Real Advice An adrice C t l ll ll ll l t known fu r reality based subjects! Dear Deanna! I am alw ays on the end o f cheap gifts from my friends. I never say anything because o f course, it’s the thought that counts. I spend g(wxi money for birthday presents, gift cards and holidays. We all agree to exchange gifts. I have purchased bottles o f perfum e, electronics, and jew elry but I always get a book, gift certificates or towels. I want to ex ­ press my feelings but Tin afraid it will cause problem s. How do I get this o ff o f my chest? -Necie; Day- ton, Ohio Dear Necie: T his is a tacky situation but you should he direct and com e out and let them know you feel the gifts they buy are cheap in com parison to yours. This is not the first time doing the gift exchange so they should’ve noticed by now the qual­ ity o f your purchases. It maybe to your advantage to stop participat­ ing. However, if you choose to continue you should purchase a greeting card with a nice message, enclose a simple gift certificate and keep it moving. Everyone has the right to breathe dean air, espedally our children. Dear Deanna! )*( dhs TOBACCO AND EDUCATION PROGRAM A f ricaw American Tobacco Prevention <£ Education Network L ife W orks N Paid for by the Oregon Department of Human Services t O R T H W E S T My best friend w recked my car. I d id n 't have insurance at the time. She agreed to gi ve me the money to get my carrepaired. I d id n 't want to drive the car so I paid for the repairs and we made an agreement that she would pay me monthly payments. O ur friendship is suffering because instead o f paying me. she has pur­ chased a new television, clothes and I lost it when she got a new car. She is ignoring my calls and I want to know what I should do next. — Furious Friend; On-Line Reader Dear Furious: You got w hat you deserve for let­ ting som eone drive your vehicle without insurance. If you d id n ’t get an agreem ent in w riting you have nothing but an em pty prom ise. O bviously she has money because sh e 's enjoying leisure purchases and slapped you further with a new car purchase. Your best bet is to approach her and seek a prom ise in writing. If she w o n 't com ply, take her to small claim s court but be w illing to kiss the friendship good­ bye in the process. Dear Deanna! My son and his wife are living in our basement. T his was nice at firs, because we w anted them to save money and prepare to g e , their own home. A few m onths turned into two years and now they have a baby on the way. I want them to leave because th ey ’re ready from a financial stand point. T hey have jo b s, vehicles and good credit. W hen I bring it up, my son and I argue and my wife accuses me of throwing them in the street. How do I win this battle? -T ied Up Hus­ band; Indianapolis, Ind. Dear Husband: As the man o f the house, it’s ti me to give your son an eviction notice. It sounds as if you 'v e been patient and equipped him with tools to be successful. In other w ords, you have allow ed the free loading to last long enough and they need to ge, out now so they'll have a place for their baby. If your wife insists they m ust stay, then create a lease, begin to collect rent and utilities and watch the door because they'll soon leave ju st as you wish. A sk Deanna is written by Deanna M. Write Ask Deanna! Email: askdeanna l@yahoo.com or 264 S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283 Beverlv Hills, CA 90211. Website: J