February 21. 2007 Page A4 Opinion articles do not necessarily reflect or represent the views o f The Portland Observer O pinion The Power of Louis Farrakhan at the N atio n 's annual co n ­ vention in Detroit. S e v e ra l m o n th s ag o , faced w ith major health con­ cerns. M inister Farrakhan relinquished most o f h i s day- to-day duties as head o f the N at ion ' s Hiiard of I Jirectors. IO J l IH.K G k H , M \ I HIS Oil Sunday. Feb. 25. M in is te r L o u is Farrakhan. head o f the Nation o f Islam, will d e­ liver what is likely to be his last m ajor speech, "O ne Nation u n d ert iod". Out o f respect for the m inister's com m itm ent to social justice and em pow ering A frican-A m ericans, every one o f us w ho is able should travel to Detroit to be a part of Saviors' I )ay 2( >07 and hear witness to w hat is sure to be a historic, life- altering address. ~\ S' T O W n H A L L E v e ry b o d y 's ta lk in g a b o u t it .... Town Hall February 2 4 , 2 0 0 7 10 a.m . - 12 Noon ECC Cascade Campus, Terrell Hall Room 122 (705 M. Killingsworth St. Portland, OR 97217) For more information contact Rence Word at 503-906-1443 or or E-mail renee.ward'« State, or.tis Kep. T in a K o tc k D is tric t 4 4 H ep. C h ip S h ie ld s D is tr ic t 4 3 T O W H A L L Minister prepares for last major address S av io rs’ Day is usually held in C hicago, w here the N atio n 's head­ quarters is located, but it is fitting that the event beh eld in Detroit this year. T he Nation o f Islam was founded in D etroit in 1930 by W allace Fard M uham m ad with the goal o f uplifting the spiritual, so­ cial, and econom ic lives o f black men and women. A fter M uham m ad disappeared m ysteriously in 1934, the H onor­ able Elijah M uham m ad took over the reins o f the organization. Linder his leadership and that o f M alcolm X, the organization reached inter­ national prom inence. A fter Elijah M uham m ad'sdeathin I9 7 5 ,h isso n W arith Deen M uham m ad moved aw ay from the N atio n 's original purpose, opening the organization up to w hites and renam ing it the Am erican M uslim M ission. In 1979, Minister Farrakhan broke aw ay from the M ission, re-estab­ lishing the Nation o f Islam which restricts m em bership to blacks and calls for a separate econom ic and social structure for blacks. O ver the years, the Nation has had its fair share o f controversy, but the group has long been a trans­ form ational force in the blackcom - m unity. T he Nation has w orked to clean up drug addicts, kept young black men out o f the gang life and help new ly released prisoners make a fresh start. D uring the 1980s, when crack cocaine first hit the scene and vio­ lence in black com m unities esca­ lated, the United States D epartment F arrakhan's request, for the M il­ lion Man M arch, a day o f unity, protest and atonem ent. A fter the event, the num ber o f black male voters increased dram atically and black men all o ver the country be­ gan to becom e more active partici­ pants in their fam ilies and the larger society. Over the years, The Nation has had its fair share o f controversy, but the group has long been a transformational force in the black community. o f H ousing and Urban D evelop­ m ent co n tracted several private firm s run by m em bers o f the Nation to p ro v id e secu rity in hou sin g projects. T he N ation stepped up and did w hat the co u n try 's law enforcem ent w ould and could not do. A nd, as part o f w hat is sure to go dow n as one o f the N ation’s defining m om ents, m ore than one million black men gathered in W ash­ ington, D.C. in O ctober 1995, at B lack A m ericans ow e it to them ­ selves to experience, in person, the pow er o f M i n i ster Loui s Farrak han. And we ow e it to the m inister’s com m itm ent and his legacy, to make this the m ost successful, im pactful S aviors' Day in history. Judge Greg Mathis is national vice president o f Rainbow PUSH and a national board member o f the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. Be part of a Solution Help your Community Reduce Teen Pregnancy Are you an African American women with a daughter aged 10-14 years old? 1 lei p us evaluate a program designed to reduce the rates of adolescent pregnancy $75 for your time Fill out two surveys and try a new computer software program. You must have sole or joint custody of your daughter. F dt more information about this research studv call: 1-866-730-3211 ask fo r the Communications Skills Project This research is being conducted by the Oregon C enter for Applied Science, Inc. with funding from the National Institutes o f Health. T here are no sales or m arketing lists involved. Supporting Black-Owned Businesses by E k \ is M ii . ton Am erica is filled with com m uni­ ties o f ethnically and racially d i­ verse people groups. The people in these co m m unities, u n d erstan d ­ ably, love and support one another spiritually, physically and finan­ cially. That support is apparent to me when I visit m ost o f these co m ­ munities. I expect to see places o f w orship that reflect the ethnic m akeup o f these cultures. I even expect to hear rem nants o f the Ian- NEW SEA SO N S M A R K E T CMrraiùia our 7fk (ririMaijl" J o in u s th is w e e k e n d f o r c a k e a n d ic e c r e a m . E n te r to w in a $ 1 0 0 N e w S e a s o n s M a rk e t s h o p p in g s p r e e . S a tu r d a y & S u n d a y 1 1 :O O a m -5 ;O O p m I E A S Y & F U N TO S H O P • L O C A L L Y O W N E D & O P E R A T E D s h o p o n lin e : w w w .n e w s e a s o n s m a r k e t.c o m • y o u c lic k , w e d e liv e r, (o r p u ll u p fo r p ic k u p ) A R B O R L O D G E : N In te r s ta te A v e & P o r tla n d B lv d P o r tla n d O R 9 7 2 1 7 5 0 3 4 6 7 4 7 7 7 \ C O N C O R D IA : N E 3 3 r d & K illin g s w o r th P o r tla n d O R 9 7 2 1 1 5 0 3 .2 8 8 .3 8 3 8 ..a n d five o th e r P o rtla n d a re a lo c a tio n s V isit u s o n lin e at w w w . n e w s e a s o n s m a r k e t . c o m . guage o f the dom inant ethnic group. M ost im portantly, how ever, I ex ­ pect to see independent businesses that are heavily supported by the com m unities they serve. E conom ic developm ent is vital for the wel I -being o f every co m m u ­ nity. Ifa e o m m u n ity 'sre sid e n tsd o not support its businesses, then w ho can be expected to support them ? W ho will supply the food, clothing and m aterials needed for the cultural experiences that are unique to a particular ethnic group or culture? If a co m m u n ity 's businesses are not supported, then how can the com m unity survive and thrive and make a positive impact on the greater society? It should be expected that the com m unity will supply its own needs and purchase from its own people w henever possible. That is the only w ay a com m unity can re­ main viable. Yet, when I visit black com m uni­ ties, I see very few black ow ned businesses. M any o f the black businesses I do see are obviously not fully supported by their own people. Before the beginning of integration, black businesses did very well in theirow n com m unities. Black businesses served the needs o f people w ho w ere unable, for the most part, to assim ilate, and were not w elcom ed into the greater soci­ ety. Purchasing options for blacks were lim ited, so black businesses provided alm ost everything black citizens needed for their upkeep. Black people supported one an ­ other, not only in businesses, but in the w hole o f com m unity life. W hen one rose, the w hole co m m u ­ nity felt the positive movem ent. Likewise, w hen one fell, the co m ­ m unity supported that person and helped him or her becom e more stable. Now, after m ore than 30 years o f integrated life, the buying pow er o f b lack s has risen trem en d o u sly . A ccording to the new est edition o f a T he B uying P ow er o f Black A m erica, black households spend more collectively than Hispanics or other m inorities in virtually every consum er product and service cat­ egory. Economic wealth flows from oureom m unities, yet there are fewer black ow ned businesses in black com m unities than ever before. How can that he? Internal racism has taught blacks that supporting their own is against the Am erican way. Blacks have been taught to tear dow n one other rather than build each other up. Jealously, envy and strife flourish within the black com m unity. H ow ever, if we look around at other racial and eth ­ nic groups that prosper, we can see that they support their own w hen­ ever possible. Blacks offer more support to the businesses o f other racial and ethnic groups in the black com m unity than to their own. la m not saying that other m inorities or anyone that chooses to put busi­ nesses in the black com m unity should not have the right to do so. I am saying that black people should he creating jobs, putting econom ic developm ent and w ealth back into their own com m unities with the money that they cam , control and spend. As we move inloa ti me o f remem­ bering the history o f blacks in America, let us recom m it ourselves to changing the course o f history for the future by pursuing greater econom ic w ealth and developm ent fo rth c black com m unity. By doing so. we will m ake life better for all. Ervin Milton is the team leader and director o f Franklinton Cen­ ter at Bricks in eastern North Carolina.