Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 21, 2007, Page 2, Image 2

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    February 21, 2007
Page A2
Advertise with diversity
Ruling Goes Against Widow
ul,‘‘|J iir tI a n h CP) b se ru er
Call 503-288-003?
Loses $79.5
million judgment
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(A P) -- T he S uprem e C ourt T uesday
threw out a $79.5 m illion punitive dam ages
aw ard to a sm o k e r’s w idow , an A frican-
A m erican w om an from Portland.
T he 5-4 ruling w as a victory for Philip
M orris U SA , w hich contested an O regon
Suprem e C ourt decision upholding the ver­
Portland General Electric presents
Learn about real issues of diversity from some of the leading
voices on inclusive environments as you take the next step
From Global Vision to Local Action with PGE's Diversity Summit
2007. This is a great opportunity
for anyone interested in diversity
issues in today's workplace
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Convention Center
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leaders in diversity issues,
8:30 a.m . - 5 p m.
network w ith the region's top
For more details and to register, visit
organizations, and learn from
PortlandG erw ral.com /D iw sitySum init
outstanding keynote speakers.
In the m ajority opinion w ritten by Justice
Stephen B reyer, the court said the verdict
could not stand b ecause the ju ry in the ease
w as not instructed that it could punish
Philip M orris only for the harm done to the
plaintiff, not to o th e r sm okers w hose cases
w ere not before it.
M ayóla W illiam s sued Philip M orris for
fraud on b e h a lf o f h er husband, a tw o-
paek-a-day sm o k er o f M arlboros for 45
years. Jesse W illiam s d ied o f lung cancer
m ore than nine years ago. Philip M orris
m akes M arlboros.
She arg u ed the ju ry aw ard w as ap p ro ­
priate b ecause it p u n ishes Philip M o rris’
m isconduct for a d ecad es-lo n g “ m assive
m arket-directed frau d ’’ that m isled people
into thinking cigarettes w ere not d a n g e r­
ous o r addictive.
W illiam s, according to his w idow , never
gave any credence to the su rgeon g e n e ra l’s
health w arnings about sm o k in g cigarettes
because tobacco c o m p an ies insisted they
w ere safe. O nly a fte r falling sick did W il­
liam s tell his w ife: "T h o se darn cigarette
people finally did it. T hey w ere lying all the
tim e.”
T he court decision m eans the case m ay
need a new trial to g o forw ard.
Tuesday, April 10
Recyclers Bring
Down Home
Keynote Speakers
The Portland Community
College district is having a
home at 1041 N. Killingsworth
St. dismantled piece-by-piece
for recycling. The materials will
go to the Rebuilding Center on
North Mississippi Avenue. The
property was purchased in
2002 for the future expansion
of the PCC Cascade campus. A
few blocks away, a church
property next to a campus
parking lot was demolished
last month.
A m y Tan, author of the beloved international
best-selling novel The Joy Luck Club and many
other books.
Joh n Q u in o n e s , Emmy Award-winning
correspondent for television's 20120 and co-anchor
of Primetime.
Bruce Tulgan, an internationally recognized expert
on young people in the workplace and author of
several books including HOT Management.
In response to the death o f Janies P.
Chasse Jr., a m entally ill man who died in
police custody, the Portland Police Bureau
has adopted a new policy that restricts when
officers can put a sick or injured person in
their patrol car and outlines what inform a­
tion police must share with param edics and
jail nurses, such as how much force was
used during an arrest.
Officers will nolongergive rides to people
who have been engaged in a prolonged
physical struggle, or are seriously injured,
unconscious, suffering a seizure or ex ­
Providence ' Health System
A c a r in g d if f e r e n c e y o u c a n f a a l
Police Must Report Beatings
Portland General Electric
See where It takes you.
• Standard'
NW Natural • Portland Development Commission
Kirkpatrick & Lockhart Preston Gates Ellis, LLP • Legacy Health System
Perkins Coie, LLP • PacifiCorp • Stoel Rives. LLP • Adecco
Oregon D epartm ent of Transportation • Port of Portland
P o rtla n d G e n e ra l.c o m /D iv e rs ity S u m m it
trem ely drunk, unless a param edic on the
scene approves it.
Officers wi 11 be req u i red to te 11 e mergency
medical staff about any force that was used
against the person, som ething that was not
fully com m unicated in the Chasse case.
C hasse’s fam ily early this month filed a
federal civil-rights law suit against the city,
county and A m erican M edical Response
In c., d e m a n d in g w id e -ra n g in g p o lic y
changes designed to reduce excessive force
by officers and provide people in custody
with appropriate m edical care.
New C olum bia Gets
Boys & G irls Club
A new Boys & Girls Club will be the latest
addition to north Portland’s thriving commu­
nity of New Columbia. It will open later this
year at 4430 N. Trenton.
The Regence Boys & G irls Club is
Portland’s first com pletely new club in 11
years, and is supported by a $500,000
“Break the B arrier" grant from health care
provider Regence. It joins the 82-acre revi­
talized neighborhood o f New Colum bia,
where it is expected to serve more than 200
youth daily.
Innovators. Always.
In celebration of African American contributions in history and on the horizon.
October 27, 1891
Philip B. Downing
Inventor of the Improved
Mail Box
April 26, 1892
Sarah Boone
Inventor of the Improved
Ironing Board
June 11,1893
Thomas W. Stewart
Inventor of the
Self-Wringing Mop
November 23, 1897
John L. Love
Inventor of the
Portable Pencil Sharpener
November 15, 1898
Lyda D. Newman
Inventor of the Improved
Hair Brush
November 20, 1923
Garrett A. Morgan
Inventor of the
Automatic Traffic Signal
February 9, 1960
l.O. Carter
Inventor of the
Nursery Chair
July 6, 1971
Henry T. Sampson
Inventor of the
Early Gamma-Electric Cell
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