Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 21, 2007, Page 13, Image 13

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    ^'ÏJnrtkiub (Obavruer Black History Month
February 21. 2007
Page B5
C lassifieds
H u m an R e s o u rc e s M a n a g e r:
2 0 h rs/w k w /b e n ; $ 3 6 ,8 0 5 -
$40,050 (pro-rated for half time).
MA or equiv. in HR, 4 yrs personnel
& pro gram o v e rs ig h t e xp.
Knowledge fed & state labor laws.
R e se arch la b o r re g u la tio n s ,
teamwork, communication, MS
Office computer skills. Organized,
attn. to detail & ability to work w/
diverse backgrounds EOE. Email
resume, cover letter and online
app. (www.portlandimpact.org) to:
“hr-jobs@portlandimpact.org” No
phone calls please.
R etirement C ounselor
PERS cove rs nearly 300,000
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retirem ent, disability benefits,
health insurance, and deferred
compensation plans statewide.
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account information and records.
Salary: $2,420 - $3,506/month
Announcement #LE070071
Close Date: March 2, 2007
announcem ent
a p p lic a tio n m a te ria ls , v is it
www.oregonjobs.org, the PERS
website at www.pers.state.or.us, or
call PERS Human Resources at
5 0 3 -4 3 1 -8 9 0 5
Miracle Baby Almost Home
(AP) — A premature baby that
doctors say spent less time in the
womb than any other surviving
infant was being prepared for re­
lease from a Florida hospital within
a matter of days, officials said T ues-
A m illiaSonjaTaylorw asjust91/
2 inches long and weighed less
than I Bounces when she was bom
O ct.24.Shew asdelivcred2l weeks
and six days after conception. Full-
term birthscome after 37 to40 weeks.
"We weren't too optimistic," Dr.
William Smalling said Monday.
"But she proved us all wrong."
Neonatologists who cared for
Amillia say she is the first baby
known to survive after a gestation
period of fewer than 23 weeks. She
has been in an incubator since birth
and has been receiving oxygen.
She now is between 25 and 26 inches feedings, she's taking all her
feedings from a bottle," Smalling
long and weighs 4 1/2 pounds.
"She's going to be in a normal said.
Amillia, the first child for Eddie
crib, she's going to have normal
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Sonja Taylor is
overjoyed to be
taking baby Amillia
home after four
months in the Neo
Intensive Care Unit
at Baptist
Children's Hospital
in Miami.
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Tony and Libby Kelly
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WWW SellingPortlandR ealEstate
17700 SW Upper Boones Ferry Rd
Portland, OR
and Sonja Taylor of Homestead.
Fla., was conceived by in vitro fer­
tilization and was delivered by Cae­
sarean section.
Your Care
Our First Priority
R eligion
5 0 3 -6 0 3 -
the m ost progressive
public transit system of its size in
the country, has an outstanding
opportunity for a highly motivated
and s k ille d in d iv id u a l w ith
s u p e rv is o ry e xp e rie n c e in
coordination of contract services
or medical assistance program.
T r iM e t,
‘Lift Every Voice’ Celebration
Area residents are invited by
th e
S h a ro n
S e v e n th -d a y
Adventist Church, 5209 N.E. 22nd
Ave., to attend its "Lift Every
Voice" series of w orkshops and
The celeb ratio n o f A frican
American history and music will
feature various directors affiliated
with the church and a special guest
director. Derrick MeDuffey of Cho­
sen Generation, along with mem­
bers of his group. The concert choir
is made up of gospel singers from
churches o f all denom inations
through out the Portland and Se­
attle area.
All workshop materials, includ­
ing bottled water and music, are
provided free of charge. The work-
shops are Sunday, Feb. 25 from 5
p.m. to 8 p.m.: Monday. Feb. 26
through Wednesday Feb. 28 from
6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.; and Friday,
March 2 from 6:30 p.m. to 10 p.m.
The concert is Saturday, March 3 at
For more inform ation, visit
www.sharonsda.net orcall 503-287-
This position will manageTriMet's
Transportation Brokerage and is
lo c a te d in NW P o rtla n d .
R e sp o n sib le fo r a v a rie ty of
program analysis, and program
d e v e lo p m e n t
a c tiv itie s .
Candidate will be responsible for
administering provider contracts
for IGS's, LIFT Mental Health, Aging
and grandsons Lucas and Garret Smith, all
and Disability Services (ADS) and
of Salem, Ore.
other social service contracts. The Ronald Wayne Abel
Left to mourn also is Ronald’s fiancee,
successful candidate will have the
Mendoza o f Vale, Ore. They loved
Funeral services were held Feb. 8,
ability to work well at all levels of 2(M)7 at Cox & Cox Funeral Chapel for
and cherished each other and planned to
the organization, dem onstrate Ronald W ayne Abel.
marry this spring; one sister. Nancy
initiative and creativity in problem
Palmer of Seattle, Wash.; two sisters-in-
Ronald was bom June 23, 1950 in
s o lv in g and m a n a g e m e n t Portland, Ore. He passed away Feb. 4,
law, Jacqueline Palmer o f Seattle, Wash,
d e v e lo p m e n t s tra te g ie s , be
Carol Palm er o f Tacoma, Wash.;
2007 at Emanuel Hospital in Portland.
collab orative and inclusive in
brother, Arthur J. Palmer Jr.
Ronald com pleted high school, and
making decisions, demonstrate
brother, Melvin Abel Sr.
then attended community college where he re­
knowledge of project planning
the two remained
ceived an Associate o f Arts degree in Com m uni­
and m a n a g e m e n t p rin c ip le s
They shared their
cation and Radio Broadcasting. Ronald worked
including organizations skills,
and song, and
for several radio stations in Michigan. He played
budget and cost analysis and
piano and the drums, however he loved singing
program evaluation.
Uncles include Phillip Casey of Portland and
and playing the guitar.
Mott o f Houston, Texas. Nephews include
Qualified Candidates will have the
He has shared the stage with many well-known
following background:
groups and was creative and giving, regardless of Teal Melvin Jr. and Otis and Jakar Abel, all of
B a c h e lo r's d e gre e in hum an his life situation. He alw ays tried to find the Portland. Nieces include Brenna. Daijsa, Shatoya.
services, planning, business positive and good in people.
Mariah and Ebony Abel, all of Portland. Two great
administration ora related field.
Ronald leaves to mourn his parents, Arthur and nieces are Aniaya Allen and Cameron Abel. One
Graduate education in human Anita Palmer of Portland; his one and only son. great nephew is Jamison Abel.
services, business or public Patrick Smith, whom he loved through the years in
Ronald was a beautiful and unique individual
administration or related field his heart. They only physically met in 2006. In who will be missed by his entire family and his
may substitute for one year of addition there is his daughter-in-law, Tracie Smith; many friends.
Th re e ye a rs e xp e rie n c e in
coordination of contract services
or medical assistance programs
Sgt. Long Ngoc Nguyen
in c lu d in g tw o ye a rs of
A Mass of Christian burial will be held at 9
s u p e rv is o ry
e xp e rie n c e .
a.m. Saturday, Feb. 24 in Our Lady of LaVang
A d d itio n a l ye a rs o f re la te d
Catholic Church in Portland for Sgt. Long
experience may substitute for
Ngoc Nguyen, who died Feb. 9 in Afghani­
stan of a non-combat related wound at age 27.
(?) b i t u œ r i & s
In Loving Memory
• Automobile accident injuries
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• W orkers C o m p en satio n injuries
Call for an appointment!
(503) 228-<
Pacific NW Holy Ghost
Conference 2007
F e b r u a r y 2 0 - 2 3 ,2 0 0 7 • 7 p m N ig h tly
K in g s T e m p le C h ristia n C e n te r
4 7 4 4 N E 15th A ve., P o rtla n d . O re g o n
P a s to r J.S . B a ile y
Theme: Proclaim ing the Pow er o f Pentecost
A c ts 2 :2 -4
Pastor Derrick Traylor
Rehoboth World Healing Center
Portland. Oregon
Apostle Levell Thomas
Cathedral o f Praise World Outreach
Portland, Oregon
Pastor Julia Neufeld
Kingdom Truth Ministries
Portland, Oregon
Dr. Linda jones
Truevine Holy Temple Church
1st Lady o f FGNL
Dallas, Texas
Mass for Soldier, Madison Grad
TriMet Offers:
Excellent work environment
Com petitive sa lary and fringe
benefit package
Submit resume and cover letter
along with TriM et application.
A p p lic a tio n m a te ria ls and a
d e ta ile d jo b d e s c rip tio n are
a v a ila b le at TriM e t Hum an
Resources office, 1st floor, 4012
SE 17th Ave., Portland, OR 97202.
Applications by fax accepted at
(50 3) 962-7440. A p p lica n ts
residin g outside the Portland
M etropolitan area or who are
physically disabled may request
application materials by calling
(503) 962-7635, TTY (503) 238-
5811 o r v is it our w e b site at
www.trimet.org. Persons needing
an accom m odation under the
Americans with Disabilities Act for
an y part o f th e a p p lic a tio n
process should contact TriMet
Human Resources staff at (503)
962-7635. A minimum of two
workdays notice prior to the need
for accommodation is required.
TriMet is an equal opportunity
e m p lo ye r;
c o m m itte d
developing an organization that is
reflective of and sensitive to the
needs of the diverse community
we serve, including the elderly
and persons with disabilities.
Sgt. Nguyen was bom June 27, 1979, in
Vietnam, and immigrated to Portland in 1982.
He graduated from Madison High School and
served in the Army. In 2001, he joined the
Oregon Army National Guard and was serv­
ing with the 141st Brigade Support Battalion, deployed to Afghanistan
last summer.
Survivors include his parents. Quan Thi and Su Van; sister. Giau; and
brothers. Son. Phuong and Lam.
Arrangements by Ross Hollywood Chapel.
Early Service at
Vancouver Avenue
Vancouver Avenue First Bap­
tist Church has added a new one-
hour informal service with spirit-
filled songs, praise and teaching on
Sundays called the “Alphae Ser­
vice” (meaning the first service) at
7:45 a.m.
The purpose is to reach people
wishing toestablish or make “real"
their relationship with G<xl.
A traditional service with won­
derful and moving experiences will
still be offered at 10:35 a.m.
Vancouver Avenue First Baptist
Church is located at 3138 N.
Vancouver Ave. Rev. J.W. Matt
Hennessee is senior pastor.
For more information call 503-
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Celebrate 18 years of ministry!
Sunday, February 25th @ 4pm
Join Celebration Taberncale & Apostle E.D. M ondaine’
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Services will be held at;
-Celebrat ion Tabernacle-
8139 N. Denver I Portland, OK 97217
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